Online vs. Brick & Mortar Businesses


Thesis aims to explore the challenges to remain competitive in nowadays world where online and brick and mortar businesses are in a constant clash to remain competitive and attire the majority of customers. In the literature review I want to demonstrate that both business models are well aware of their weaknesses and try to find an optimal transition to some kind of hybrid model. These adjustments I intend to demonstrate during the literature review as I want to recap them in my conclusion to present an advice how the business model of the future ready company should look like. I use three Thesis questions where the first one is the main Thesis question and the other two acts as supportive questions to strengthen the findings. The Thesis Questions are: 1. Does the evolution of online businesses in the retail industry influence the financial performance of brick-andmortar businesses? 2. Does the evolution of e-commerce have a positive effect on the retail industry’s innovative development? 3. Does customer behaviour and the biggest generation being the Millennials have an influence on online and traditional businesses in the retail industry? The methodology is my main issue I want to work with first data being the variables: Dependent Variables • Return on Assets (ROA) • Tobin’s Q (TQ) Independent Variables Control Variables Corporate Governance: • Board Size (BS) • Firm Size (TA) • Firm Age (FA) • Independence of board directors (IndD) 7/24/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 4/6 • Proportion of non-executive directors (PCTNED) • Number of board meetings (BM) • Attendance rate (BMA) • Firm leverage through total debt to total asset ratio (DA) • Market capitalisation through book value ratio (MCBV) Dummy Variables • Country dummy • Business type dummy Specific Variables • Sales growth ratio (SG) • R&D Expenditure (RD) • Customer Age (CA) (expected to be collected through survey) • Customer Gender (CG) (expected to be collected through survey) • Customer Category (CC) (expected to be collected through survey) • Shopping Choice (SC) (expected to be collected through survey) However, as I will explain later on, I am hindered to collect the first data as I explain the issue in detail in the last paragraph. The findings should be supported by secondary data for which I intend to conduct a survey which is already drafted and attached in the appendix but not yet conducted. I intend to create graphs to better demonstrate my findings. As an important bit of information I explain you my main issue, I encountered is that the university of Greenwich uses a database to gather first data of businesses on which I have not received training and as a result I am unable to gather the data for the methodology. The database I am trained in, is the Bloomberg Terminal, but I have no access to it as the University of Greenwich uses Thomson Reuters Eikon where I have no knowledge. If you know how to use it, I can gather the data for you but so far, I was unable to receive the needed help. The supportive Material which I provide to you further explains the Thesis and demonstrates my conducted work and writing style. These Documents are: • This Document named: Paper Details • Approved Master Thesis Proposal • Approved Draft of the Master Thesis so far Overall the Thesis is supposed to have sufficient References and listed according Harvard Referencing Style, but no specific amount is fixed

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