Education on Kennedy Ulcers and Pressure Injuries: How to differentiate the two in End of Life Care

Edit on Kennedy Ulcers and Pressure Injuries specific to Hospice and Palliative Care. I want to define them, discuss how they are different and why, this is an education tool for families to know about their loved one in the dying process. This is an evidence based paper using research articles. The paper should go as follows: Introduction -Introduces topic and provides overview of the issue. Discusses why this issue is pertinent to Hospice and Palliative care. Literature review: topic Includes two recent articles (less than 5-7 years)from professional nursing or health sciences journals. For each article: provide brief summary and discuss how the article is pertinent and relevant to the topic. Literature review: what can you teach about these topics? Includes two recent (less than 5-7 years) articles from professional nursing or health sciences journals. For each article: provides brief summary and discusses how the article is pertinent and relevant to education on these topics Conclusion

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