Shanaya’ Care Study


Important: Requesting writer 110243 to continues as this is an update from my Lecturer on the previous Essay on the On going Care study of Shanaya ‘s Case. According to lecturer what, how why where not in my introduction. Please add. Up to Date framework and policies must be used see NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council UK) and NICE guidelines UK This a a Masters Case study. spelling mistakes will bring down your marks. Please add and rewrite. some of my essay 2,500 for main your choice to And in ABCEDE approach to APPENDIX, words Part A on Shanaya’s ABCDE systematic approach was not added in my first Essay and Part B on Shanaya’s Care Plan., please add this. The introduction did not have what, how and why I have also sent you and example of clinical reasoning including other notes. lecturer wants me to use Biosocial models ect or some other model in notes I have added notes attached. Please input Shanaya’s full Care Plan in Appendix not forgetting all sources in Harvard style referencing, ‘Cite Them Right’ with the full context of where the books were Published. A full account of Shanya’s conditions, medications, and outcomes explaining each in full with sources how these could be resolved should be accounted for in her care plan. 1.1 Learning outcomes to be assessed Within the context of caring for patients/ clients you will be able to: 1. Apply in-depth knowledge which underpins clinical reasoning and decision making in the assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of patient centred care. 2. Utilise a systematic approach in gathering and interpreting data and respond appropriately where there are signs of deteriorating physical and mental health. 3. Critically evaluate available evidence in the selection of a range of nursing interventions contributing to improved patient outcome. 4. Critically reflect upon individual clinical judgement and decision making and the extent to which this is informed by local/national policies and guidelines

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