Case Write Up : the nature of genetically-modified food
For this case, let’s explore the nature of genetically-modified food and where you reason your stance is on the ethical questions about GMO businesses. First, read the case AquAdvantage (Provided in attachments) Second, it might be helpful to peruse (don’t spend excessive amounts of time, there’s too much there) the information compiled by the US Food and Drug Administration on the product. Now consider, GMOs offer both tremendous hopes to help with nutrition and disease (like Golden Rice)- and we have been selecting for crop characteristics since humans organized agriculture.
At the same time, modifying organisms can have unexpected and devastating consequences. For example, in South Florida, GMO mosquitos have been tested to control Zika virus What is your position on genetically-modified foods? Construct your argument based on your personal ethical architecture? What is important to you in agreeing to support GMOs and would you use those products to feed yourself and your family? Submission Instructions: This essay is more expansive because it includes a more personal relationship with food and you might find that you write more on this area than elsewhere. Try to keep your submission under 750 words. Combine your essay and notes into a single document prior to submitting.
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