Employment tribunal skills

Your client has asked that you make submissions to the mock Employment Tribunal on her behalf.

The ET1 has already been drafted and you are reviewing the ET1 Paper Apart to consider your relevant arguments for the mock Employment Tribunal hearing on behalf of your client. Make sure in creating your draft written submissions and oral submissions, you have included all possible claims against the Respondent supported by a statutory framework and appropriate case law. You have a copy of the response from the Respondent in their ET3 Paper Apart so consider their contrary arguments when considering your written and oral submissions to the mock Employment Tribunal on behalf of the Claimant. Please make a note of those contrary arguments for examination purposes. References shouldbe given throughout your submission (you’ll need to refer to case law to win your case). Be wary of being too long winded as this is unlikely to keep the attention of the Tribunal. Your submission should be clear, concise and relevant. will also be looking for you to identify any contrary arguments the Respondent could raise according to the information contained within their ET3 and how you would counteract those arguments on behalf of your client, according to appropriate use of statutory provisions and case law.

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