The research program to investigate a planning scenario

This is a paper that is focusing on the research program to investigate a planning scenario. The paper also provides additional scenarios to choose from in writing the assignment paper.

The research program to investigate a planning scenario

Research proposal
This assessment requires you to design an applied research program to investigate a planning scenario. (see below for your choices), drawing on the knowledge and skills rehearsed during semester.
Choose one of the following three scenarios:

1. Firstly, the Town of Bassendean wishes to develop a cultural strategy to enhance community connections with the Swan River within the Town’s boundaries. The Town are interested is engaging with the public to co-design the strategy. Using the documentation of the engagement process to develop the cultural strategy. Also, the Town calls for research proposals that encompass a range of methods to capture historical knowledge, and knowledge about communities’ use and experiences of the river within the Town’s boundaries. The Town wants to use this information to inform decisions about placement and themes of signage, marketing and events, land use protection, and upgrading of amenities.

The research program to investigate a planning scenario

2. Secondly, the Public Transport Authority wishes to invest in a station upgrade to facilities and infrastructure at one of three rail stations on the Armadale line – Carlisle, Maddington and Kelmscott. The PTA requires a multi-criteria analysis to help evaluate which station will receive the upgrade. The station that receives the funding should provide for a level of connectivity with other modes of transport. (private cars, bus, bike and pedestrian) suitable to
its location, have opportunities for future land development, and support universal access in accordance with the Disability and Discrimination Act, as well as appropriate links with commercial and other land uses.  The PTA intends that the station will constitute a design statement appropriate to its surrounding environment.

3. Thirdly, the City of XXX wishes to invest in social and physical infrastructure to revitalise district activity centre YYY. (see State Planning Policy 4.2 for a selection of district activity centres to choose from). To inform this investment they require an understanding of the current state of the centre. Also, the needs of businesses and surrounding residential area. The centre currently has a limited range of uses and a weekly cycle of activity in which many hours are commercially and socially ‘dead’.  The task is to develop a research program to inform a strategy for encouraging both commercial and non-profit functions that will facilitate economic growth; activate the public realm and places; build social capital amongst the centre’s users; and create stronger links with nearby residential areas

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