The challenges of studying ecology in the Arctic book analysis

This is a paper that is requires the student to discuss the challenges of studying ecology in the Arctic book analysis. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

The challenges of studying ecology in the Arctic book analysis

Book Report Rubric Criteria (100 Points)

Description: Each student will read one of the suggested science books during the semester and write a book review following the style of journal Ecology, a monthly publication by the Ecological Society of America. A standard book review contains 1000 words, though you are encourage to write more (up to 2000) if you find it necessary.

Structure:  The review should critically assess the aims, arguments, and also content of the book. Be concise.

1.      Title and bibliographic information

a.      Complete book title, author, publisher and place of publication, publication date, ISBN number, and also number of pages.

The challenges of studying ecology in the Arctic book analysis

2.      Introductory paragraph (Hook)

a.      Start the report by setting the scene. For example, the book may focus the challenges of studying ecology in the Arctic, so you might set the scene by briefly describing the formidable conditions of the area (vivid landscape descriptions), or some other striking aspect of the context of the book (e.g., accounts of inquisitive animal behaviors or seemingly bizarre plant adaptations, or treaties on environmental issues on climate, invasive species, collapse of fisheries, etc.). Consider researching the author’s background.

The inclusion of some of this information in the introductory paragraph often works well in providing context.  Was the author always walking around, looking and poking into things, typified by Gilbert White or Henry Thoreau, who developed models of human life integrated into a beloved landscape in their writings?  Or was author more like Rachel Carson, Aldo Leopold or Loren Eisely, institutionally trained, who worked with expanded knowledge (not from intuition) of the biosphere’s interdependence (stuff of ecology).  How did the author translate information into feelings and visions? Perhaps some of this info should also go to the main text.

3.      Establish aim of book and summarize it (Body)

a.      Firstly, include the aim(s) of the book and whether or not the aim(s) are achieved.

b.      Secondly, describe how the authors partition the book to meet the aim. Avoid falling into the trap of stating what every single Chapter looked at.

c.      Thirdly, succinctly highlight aspects of chapters that interested you. Were there any arguments in the book that you found particularly persuasive or ingenious? Were there any actions described in the book that you found unusual, innovative, or intrepid? What is special about those arguments or those actions?

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