Test Replacement Paper
Test Replacement Assignment
Students are welcome, but not required , to complete an extra assignment to replace one regular exam grade (not the final exam). Students will complete the required assignments and submit printed copies of their work to the professor. The due date for submission of this assignment is Tuesday, November 5, 2019 . Emailed papers are not acceptable. Papers must be turned in during class time on November 5, 2019 (or anytime earlier). Papers turned in later that same day will be penalized 5 points. Papers submitted after November 5, 2019 will be penalized 10 points per day. There are 100 points possible in this assignment, the same number as in each exam. Your score on this assignment will replace your lowest test score from among the three regular examinations. NOTE: This assignment will NOT replace a zero (a missed exam). You must take all examinations to be eligible to use this assignment. Assignment: Due Date, Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Chapters 1-16 are included. Instructions: Complete the assignments listed below. Print out the required pages, staple them together, and submit them by the due date. Make sure your name is on all pages. If you want to put everything in a single word document, that is fine. Make sure the assignments are assembled in the following order:
1. Chapter Introduction: I want you to select any chapter from the textbook. Look at the introduction to the chapter – supposedly written by a famous person. Here is the assignment: Come up with another famous person that you would use to introduce the same chapter. That person must NOT be alive today . The person must not have served as President of the United States. Write up that introduction in the person’s words. Use good examples. Probably about 2 pages double spaced for the chapter. Creativity will be rewarded. Grade will also be based on how well you introduce the chapter. 2. Poll Questions. Select any five of the following poll questions. For each selected question, indicate whether you Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree with the statement. Then write a good solid paragraph explaining and justifying your answer. Here are your choices: A. The right to bear arms should apply on the Baylor campus. B. Marijuana should be legalized in the entire country. . C. Abortion should be prohibited completely. No exceptions. D. A person’s religious beliefs should allow him/her to refuse to follow laws that apply to the general population. E. The electoral college system of electing the President has worked well throughout history and should be continued. . F. Climate change is largely a man-made problem and should be a top priority for governments around the world. . G. Affirmative action programs based on race and gender are necessary and helpful for society. 3. Current Event. Write 1-2 pages about an event that has occurred in the United States since the beginning of 2019. The event must have some relationship to the United States Constitution. (examples might include free speech, religion, federalism, etc.). Explain how the event is constitutionally relevant and whether you believe the event raises questions about how the Constitution currently is interpreted.
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