Multisensory integration MSI and Crossmodal Congruency CMC’s


There are three seperate files and two academic articles that will be reviewed in the report and an extra source for citations/background reading: – LAB REPORT DETAILS (Help understand what the paper is about) – MULTISENSORY AND CROSSMODAL (powerpoint) – Multisensory report (THE PAPER ITSELF) – Method worksheet (to help understand the whole context) – Zeljko, M., Kritikos, A., & Grove, P. M. (2019). Lightness/pitch and elevation/pitch crossmodal correspondences are low-level sensory effects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-15. – Evans, K. K., & Treisman, A. (2009). Natural cross-modal mappings between visual and auditory features. Journal of vision, 10(1), 6-6 – Spence, C. (2011). Crossmodal correspondences: A tutorial review. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 73(4), 971-995 NOTE: WHAT NEEDS TO BE EDITED ARE THESE PART: – Preview of study = Provide enough information so that the reader can grasp the meaning of the terms used in the upcoming hypotheses (e.g., congruent CMC condition, Outline of the main task/paradigm, How the IVs (and their levels) are manipulated in the context of the task, & How the DV is measured in the context of the task. – Hypotheses (Hypotheses must be clear and concise) = • State each hypothesis explicitly and separately • State each hypothesis in terms of: o The relevant IV/IVs and levels o The relevant DV o Predict a SIGNIFICANT/NONSIGNIFICANT difference/effect o The direction of the predicted effect/difference – Rationale = What led them to ask the question? • Let your reader know WHY you are doing your study, HOW the literature and concepts you review inform your motivation to do the study • Reader should clearly understand the reasoning/argument that led you to make the predictions in your hypotheses, based on your review of the relevant theory/concepts and data/evidence in the literature

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