Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century

Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century. You are a student of Galileo and he has just shown you his telescope and asked you to observe four moons circling the planet Jupiter.

Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century

Imagine yourself at a turning point in the history of science in the 17th century. You are a student of Galileo and he has just shown you his telescope and asked you to observe four moons circling the planet Jupiter. He suggests that the earth must orbit the sun like these moons orbit Jupiter, but your fellow students argue that the earth could not be moving because if it were, everything on it would fly off into space. What do you decide? Does the earth move or not? What reasons would you give if you lived in the 17th century? Would your choice be rational? Why or why not? Write a 1-2 paragraph explaining

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Was there a scientific revolution in the 17th century?

Scientific revolution.

During the 17th century, Europe experienced a series of changes in thought, knowledge and beliefs that affected society, influenced politics and produced a cultural transformation. It was a revolution of the mind, a desire to know how nature worked, to understand the natural laws.

What was invented in the 17th century?

What were some of the inventions of the 17th century? 1608 The refracting telescope is invented by Hans Lippershey. 1609 Galileo Galilei was the first person to observe the skies with a telescope. 1620 First submarine invented by Cornelis Drebbel.
Why was the scientific revolution important in world history?
Significance. The period saw a fundamental transformation in scientific ideas across mathematics, physics, astronomy, and biology. In institutions supporting scientific investigation and in the more widely held picture of the universe. The Scientific Revolution led to the establishment of several modern sciences.

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