How in the various types of culture (prehistory and Lenski’s sociocultural types) 

Describe in a 5 paragraph how in the various types of culture (prehistory and Lenski’s sociocultural types) there is a relationship between culture and environment.

How in the various types of culture prehistory and Lenski’s sociocultural types

Describe in a 5 paragraph how in the various types of culture (prehistory and Lenski’s sociocultural types) there is a relationship between culture and environment.

Please include details about Lenski’s sociocultural types.

Please add the website used for reference in the cite page.

More details;

The intersection between environment and culture is undeniable, from agriculture to art to the industries and professions that dominate different societies. In places like Japan or the Caribbean, where fishing is a prominent livelihood for many. Issues of pollution in the water will be of much greater concern than in landlocked or desert-covered countries.

In an area that relies on coal mining such as West Virginia, individuals may be much more opposed to green energy initiatives and stubbornly defend their way of life despite an outside narrative that discourages the continuing use of fossil fuels.

Religion has also had a large influence on the way societies and cultures view and interact with their environment. The Christian Bible teaches that humans are “stewards” of the Earth, which can be interpreted in multiple ways.

Some Christians take this as a sign that the natural world is theirs to use as they wish; they are higher than plants and animals and have the right to take any resources they may want.

Other Christians see their role as more similar to that of a protector; they have a sacred duty to take care of nature and make sure that the planet is healthy. However, in many South and Eastern Asian religions, humans are not seen as separate from the rest of the natural world. Also, are instead viewed as just another component of a greater spirit or cycle of life.



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