Growth plan for a venture PESTEL SWOT Analysis

Growth plan for a venture PESTEL SWOT Analysis

Growth plan for a venture For your final project, you will use the venture you developed in previous entrepreneurship courses and create a growth plan for it. Your growth plan must include the following elements: 1. Your venture’s mission, vision, and values and your unique value proposition 2. Your current proposed organizational structure and the one you believe you will need to transition to and at what point you think you will need to make that transition 3. Your projected high-level organizational growth goals at: 1, 3, 5, and 10 years 4. The KPIs you will use to measure your progress in attaining these goals 5. A description of expansion opportunities. 6. A detailed description of the markets you will target, identifying customer’s needs 7. A map of the competition you will face as you scale and how you will differentiate. 8. A PESTEL analysis 9. Financial goals broken down quarterly and yearly. 10. A marketing plan of how you will achieve growth complete with an online engagement plan. 11. A financial plan to determine what capital is accessible during growth and identification of resource needs 12. A breakdown of your company’s staffing needs and responsibilities. 13. A plan to foster accountability and motivation in your employees and how you will maintain culture. 14. A customer retention plan You will compile this information into a written business plan, complete with an executive summary. VENTURE TO WRITE ABOUT: cosmetic store (like Sephora or ULTA) but only retails cosmetic products suited for black and brown skin tones. The shop will not make its own makeup brand but will sell makeup from already established makeup brands such as Fenty or Bobby Brown (use other makeup brands as example if need be) but only their products for black and brown skin.

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