Drug Addiction in Tennessee

Instructions Pick a topic on the list below for your research paper. DO NOT write on a topic not listed below because you will not get credit. Use Subheadings as outlined when you write your paper. Illegal Immigration in Tennessee Suicide in Tennessee Drug addiction in Tennessee Research Paper Use Subheadings as outlined when you write your paper. Points Possible Points Received Format -5-7 pages or more (not including the reference page) -Double-spaced, 12 font, 1” margins NOTICE: Students must meet ALL formatting requirements in order to receive credit. 10 Introduction -Clearly introduce the paper topic so that the reader gains a basic understanding of what will be discussed in the proceeding sections of the paper. 10 Define the Topic -OBJECTIVELY define the social condition without beginning your argument as to why it is a social problem. This includes a definition of the condition, geographic scope, numbers and who is impacted (i.e. number of homeless people…% female, % males…), etc. 20 Discussion -3 or more DISTINCT arguments as to why the social condition is a social problem supported by SCHOLARLY research. NOTICE: Students must support each argument with scholarly research, which includes citing the research in the paper as well as on the reference page, in order to receive credit for each argument. This section should NOT include your personal opinion (i.e. I think, I believe, etc.). The use of ‘I’ will result in a loss of 5 points for each argument that is supported by personal opinion. Extensive quotations and summaries are not acceptable. 90 Implications/Findings -Past: Identify what has been done to address the social problem? -Present: Identify what is being done to address the social problem? -Future: Identify what needs to be done to address the social problem? 30 Conclusion -Bring your paper to a close. (You can add your personal opinion here). 10 References -A minimum of 3 SCHOLARY JOURNAL ARTICLES cited using *APA as well as cited throughout the paper NOTICE: Students must cite each source using *APA on the reference page as well as throughout the paper in order to receive credit for each source. No credit without works cited page. 20 Grammar and Spelling – Students must use appropriate grammar and spelling. 10 Research Paper Total 200

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