Discuss the Nazi policies leading to the Holocaust in a short essay

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to Discuss the Nazi policies leading to the Holocaust in a short essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Discuss the Nazi policies leading to the Holocaust in a short essay

Introduction: During World War II, the Nazis implemented the Final Solution, a systematic extermination of Jews and other groups considered to be “inferior” by the Nazis. However, the road to the Final Solution was a gradual one, involving a series of increasingly more radical steps.

Assignment: Using Chapter 24 in your Many Europes textbook, corresponding course lectures, and attached documents discuss the Nazi policies leading to the Holocaust in a short essay (4-5 pages).

Be sure to address ALL of the following issues and questions in your essay: (Note these are questions to guide you in completing the essay. Do not simply answer the questions. Your paper must be in proper essay form – see guidelines below.)

1) Using your text and Adolf Hitler’s Speech from April 12, 1921 address the following questions:

Who is Adolf Hitler and why is he significant?
According to Hitler, what are some of the problems facing Germany in the aftermath of World War I?
What is Hitler’s view of Germany’s new democratic government?
What role does Hitler believe that Jews have played in the problems facing Germany?
Also, what are some of the “fundamental principles” that Hitler outlines for the Nazi movement?
Why might these ideas have proven attractive to the German people during the era?

Be sure to explain your answers and give supporting details from the documents.

2) Using your text briefly discuss the factors that enabled Hitler’s rise to power.

3) Using your text and the excerpts from the Nuremberg Laws address the following questions:

What were the Nuremberg Laws?
What seems to be the overall purpose of these laws?
According to these measures, who is considered to be a Jew?
What restrictions are placed on the Jews of Germany?
Why are these laws important in setting the stage for the Holocaust?

Discuss the Nazi policies leading to the Holocaust in a short essay

Be sure to explain your answers and give supporting details from the documents.

4) Using your text and the documents regarding Kristallnacht address the following questions:

Who are the S.S. and why are they significant?
What are Reinhard Heydrich’s instructions to the S.S. regarding Kristallnacht?
What is the impact of these instructions on the orphanage at Dinslaken?
How does Kristallnacht represent a new direction in Nazi policy towards the Jews?

Be sure to explain your answers and give supporting details from the documents.

5) Using your text and the documents regarding the Einsatzgruppen  address the following questions:

Who are the Einsatzgruppen and why are they significant?
Who is Hermann Friedrich Graebe?
According to Graebe’s account what are the methods of killing employed by the Einsatzgruppen?
Who seems to be the target of the Einsatzgruppen?
According to the Wermacht report, what was the role of the Einsatzgruppen in the Ukraine?
According to the report, what have been the consequences of the Einsatzgruppen?
Why might these consequences have motivated the Nazis to shift their policies in carrying out the Final Solution beginning in 1942?

6) Using your text and the minutes of the Wannsee Conference address the following questions:

According to the document, what measures had been taken by the Nazis up to this point in pursuing the Final Solution?
What changes in strategy are suggesting in achieving the Final Solution at the conference?

7) Using your text and the Testimony of Helen L., a Holocaust survivor,  answer the following questions:

What was Auschwitz and why was it significant?
What were the experiences of Helen L. during her transportation to and stay at Auschwitz?
How effective were places like Auschwitz in assisting the Nazis in achieving the Final Solution?

Formatting Guidelines

Place your name, the course number and section, and assignment title clearly at the top of the document.
Use one-inch margins and a twelve point font.
Use double line spacing in the document.
To Get a top Score, your paper should include:

An introductory paragraph with a clear thesis sentence(s) explaining the main points you plan to discuss.
Following paragraphs that contain your main points.
Many examples.
A concluding sentence(s) that sums up your thoughts.
Citations: See “Note on References”

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