Development of a reflective practice portfolio for an observation

This is a paper that is focusing on the development of a reflective practice portfolio for an observation. The paper also provides additional links to use in researching for the assignment paper.

Development of a reflective practice portfolio for an observation

Your summative assessment is a written piece of work comprising 2 parts:
1.      Reflective Practice Portfolio including reflections of each observation of practice (2,000 words).  This is 75% of the final mark.
2.      500-word plan for the implementation of change arising from one of their visits.  This is 25% of the final mark.
Reflect on the following:

1. Firstly, describe the service / interactions you observed. For example, what professions were involved? Was it group-based or individual? How was the structure and what was the content?
How did the service / interactions fit in with what you have learned during your elective modules? For example, did it adhere to government/ evidence-based recommendations? Specific care pathways etc. Did it address issues or use management techniques that you have learnt during your course?
Identify the strengths of the session you observed? Did you observe any techniques or tips that would take back to enhance your own practice?
Describe any limitations that you observed. Think about possible mechanisms to overcome these where feasible. Additionally, is there anything that you would feed back to the clinician/ service that you think would improve their service?

Development of a reflective practice portfolio for an observation

2. Secondly, identify some common themes in your reflections or important issues arising from the reports in your diary and/or learning you have undertaken during this module. Below are some ideas but this is not an exhaustive list. You may have other ideas which you want to explore.

Opportunistic interventions to follow government initiatives to improve public health. This may include opportunities taken in clinical practice to ask patients about diet, sleep, exercise, alcohol, smoking etc, identifying potential irregularities in heart rate and rhythm (atrial; fibrillation) by feeling pulse, measuring blood pressure, identifying issues with lung function etc.

e.g. hment_data/file/753688/Prevention_is_better_than_cure_5-11.pdf

The extent to which patients, families and carers involvement in decision making about treatment
Clinical decision making may sometimes be different from evidence based guidelines. How did you see this justified in individual cases?
Also, how were families/relatives/carers involved in the services you observed? What benefits did you observe? Were there any disadvantages?
How was the clinician’s time allocated to patients? Was it appropriate?
What were the challenges face by these services, e.g. staffing shortages, limited resources, language barriers etc. How did the services you observed manage these challenges?

How did disciplines work together? What did you observe about services led by different disciplines, e.g. doctors, nurse, physiotherapists?
Did the services you observed include multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary teams? What were the advantages?
What communication skills did you observe, for example with regard to helping patients to change unhealthy behaviours, come to terms with loss, delivering bad news etc? How did the use of these skills reflect what you learnt on the course?

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