Determine the marginal costs and benefits of a professional team relocating to a new market

Determine the marginal costs and benefits of a professional team relocating to a new market. For your analysis you may consider a franchise in any professional team sport,

Determine the marginal costs and benefits of a professional team relocating to a new market

Determine the marginal costs and benefits of a professional team relocating to a new market. For your analysis you may consider a franchise in any professional team sport, but you must choose a team that has relocated at some time in the league’s history. Any team sport except baseball. The rest of the assignment details is in the file below. Also, two sources are provided and others are suggested.

More details;

Marginal analysis is a technique used in microeconomics by which very small changes in specific variables are studied in terms of the effect on related variables and the system as a whole. Marginal costs and benefits are a vital part of economics because they help to provide the relevant measurement of costs and benefits at a specific level of production and consumption (McCain, 2008). This is the reason why I’ve chosen this topic for my paper. We use economics in our daily lives without knowing it. It would be nice to have an unlimited source of income, where one doesn’t have to worry on how they spend.

Of course to most cases, we don’t have that luxury so we must live on a budget. Analyzing the marginal costs will benefit us in the long run because when we live on a budget, we spend most of our lives trying to find the most out of our spending. Let’s say that one person who lives on a tight budget, but they would like to have a nice vacation in one point of their lives. They would work toward that point and find out how much they would need for the costs of the trip. Every dollar now becomes crucial to their spending because we must know how much we can afford and have to be wise about it.


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