Skin pigmentation is determined

Skin pigmentation is determined

1) Describe how skin pigmentation is determined, and also how it is affected by exposure to the sun. 2) Our bodies possess two types of sweat glands. Compare the two types taking into account the location on the body, composition of the secretion, and what activates the glands to secrete sweat.

Describe how skin pigmentation is determined

Do not plagiarize this paper. Write in own world, it should be everything in the answer.

Firstly, describe how skin pigmentation is determined, and also how it is affected by exposure to the sun.

Secondly, our bodies possess two types of sweat glands. Compare the two types taking into account the location on the body, composition of the secretion, and also what activates the glands to secrete sweat.

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Pigmentation means coloring. Skin pigmentation disorders affect the color of your skin. Your skin gets its color from a pigment call ed melanin. Special cells in the skin make melanin. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects melanin production. Additionally, some pigmentation disorders affect just patches of skin. Others affect your entire body.

If your body makes too much melanin, your skin gets darker. Pregnancy, Addison’s disease, and sun exposure all can make your skin darker. Further, If your body makes too little melanin, your skin gets lighter. Vitiligo is a condition that causes patches of light skin. Albinism is a genetic condition affecting a person’s skin. A person with albinism may have no color, lighter than normal skin color, or patchy missing skin color. Infections, blisters and burns can also cause lighter skin.

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