Create an educational handout for a patient with heart failure.

Create an educational handout for a patient with heart failure. Material should be written in a 4th to 6th grade reading level per Microsoft Word. (Hint: to check reading level on Microsoft word go to file-options-proofing-readability).

Create an educational handout for a patient with heart failure


Create an educational handout for a patient with heart failure.

Material should be written in a 4th to 6th grade reading level per Microsoft Word.

(Hint: to check reading level on Microsoft word go to file-options-proofing-readability).

Content should contain the pertinent information for basic understanding by the “patient” on the following topics:

pathophysiology, lifestyle changes; self-monitoring weight, BP, pulse; when to call provider medications for management

(Choose 3: beta-blocker, furosemide, potassium, ACE inhibitor, angiotensin receptor blockers, digoxin, hydralazine).

Assessment and Grading:
This is worth 100 pts and 4% of your grade.  please see the course calendar for due date and the grading rubric for expectations.  There will be no extensions on the dates.

Resource Requirements:

You must have 2 references. Only one reference can be a required program textbook (Potter and Perry, Brunner and Suddarth, etc.) Other references must be credible clinician-oriented references, or patient-oriented references (UpToDate, professional nursing organization, professional medical organization, governmental site, etc.) Be sure to use only the clinical-oriented references on credible sites.
More details;

What can you teach a patient with heart failure?
Teach your patient how to realize her symptoms are worsening and when to call for help. Also, Teach her to recognize increases in edema, shortness of breath, and weight. * Follow-up. Additionally, teach your patient to keep scheduled follow-up appointments.
What should a patient with heart disease be instructed to do?
Discharge Instructions for Heart Failure
  • Firstly, Activity. Ask your healthcare provider about an exercise program. …
  • Secondly, Diet. Follow a heart healthy diet. …
  • Thirdly, Tobacco. If you smoke, it’s key to quit. …
  • Fourthly, Medicine. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. …
  • Further, Weight monitoring. Weigh yourself every day. …
  • Also, Follow-up care. …
  • Additionally, Symptoms. …
  • When to call your healthcare provider.


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