Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economics of Regulation

This is an open book assessment and covers the following topics: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economics of Regulation, Public Finance and Taxation, Asymmetric Information, Choice under Uncertainty, Social Welfare and Income Distribution.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Economics of Regulation

This is an open book assessment and covers the following topics: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economics of Regulation, Public Finance and Taxation, Asymmetric Information, Choice under Uncertainty, Social Welfare and Income Distribution.

You are free to consult text books, published journal articles, and budget documents. However, please provide proper referencing.

Please submit as a PDF document

Your essay should be concise and well structured. Maximum of 2 pages essay.

1. Critically evaluate Fiji’s COVID-19 response budget and discuss its implications for revenue, also expenditure and public debt.

2. Discuss why “balanced economic regulation” and not excessive economic regulation, is necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic?


3. Additionally, Discuss three strategies individual and institutional investors can use to maximize their return on
Investment under current financial market conditions.

4.  Evaluate the (in) effectiveness of fiscal policy in the Pacific Islands during the current COVID-19

More details;

What is economic theory of regulation?

theory of economic regulation are to explain who will receive the. benefits or burdens of regulation, what form regulation will take, and. the effects of regulation upon the allocation of resources. Regulation may be actively sought by an industry, or it may be thrust upon it.
What is meant by cost benefit analysis?
A cost-benefit analysis is a process businesses use to analyze decisions. The business or analyst sums the benefits of a situation or action and then subtracts the costs associated with taking that action.
How does consumer make his choice under uncertainty?
Choice under Uncertainty # 8.

The decision a consumer makes when outcomes are uncertain is based on limited information. If more information were available, the consumer could reduce risk. Since information is a valuable commodity, people will be prepared to pay for it.

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