Complete an essay on desired outcomes for family discipleship

This is a paper that is focusing on the complete an essay on desired outcomes for family discipleship. The paper also provides additional steps to use in writing the assignment paper clearly.

Complete an essay on desired outcomes for family discipleship

You will complete an essay on desired outcomes for family discipleship. Your essay will be comprised of three sections in addition to an introduction and summary/conclusion.  The first section should introduce the reader to at least 3–5 specific desired outcomes from a Family Discipleship Strategy that impacts “Knowing” (Cognition).  The second section should introduce the reader to at least 3–5 specific desired outcomes from a Family Discipleship Strategy that impacts “Doing” (Psychomotor/Skills).  The third section should introduce the reader to at least 3–5 specific desired outcomes from a Family Discipleship Strategy that impacts “Being” (Affective/Beliefs). Each outcome should be followed with a brief paragraph that explains why this outcome is significant for a disciple.  You may wish to utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy which provides a helpful list of verbs that may help you in writing your outcomes. You may simply google “Bloom’s Taxonomy” for additional information.

The following are important questions to consider when planning your outcomes:
How can parent holistically educate and train their children in developing the identified outcomes?
What is the Biblical support for the outcomes you have selected?
What aspects of family discipleship are out of the control of the parent?
How do parents prepare children for life challenges and temptations?
How is family discipleship contextualized based on the age of the child?

Outcomes must begin with, “My child will be able to [insert action verb from Bloom’s taxonomy]…” When creating these outcomes, consider the affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of training and teaching. All are important.

At least 3 course textbooks/material or peer-review sources.
This essay must be 4–5 pages (12-point font, Times New Roman, double space, and 1-inch margins) and must not be written in first person.  The paper should have a title page, table of contents and bibliography.

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