Academic Reading and Writing

Montreaux Chocolate USA Case Study

Hello, The only new thing is the calculation and Excel spreadsheet( provided in the file section) and a summary of various scenarios. You need to do some calculations for different scenarios. (All details will be in the file section) Also, for the previous case study, I just want to add more page of writing because I did not request a single-spaced last time. I think one extra page with single-spaced will be ok. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Cultural relativism on traditional Gender roles

Cultural relativism on traditional Gender roles


Paper details:

Examine the history of traditional gender roles. How did the practice come into being? How does it tie into human rights? Who/how was norm created? How long does it go back? Who benefits or doesn’t benefit

Using an Internet search engine, identify three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine.

It is essential to determine how unintended software is installed on user systems with only marginal adherence to policies. By understanding the process, a security professional can better ensure that only software built to acceptable standards is installed and maintained on systems under their purview. Using an Internet search engine, identify three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine. In a 500- to 750-word essay, describe the type and risks of the executable programs and adware to the user. Explain why this is legal. Then, share your personal experience related to what happens when software has negative, unintended side effects from unanticipated installation. Who is to blame, the software developer or user? It might be perfectly okay legally when there is no malice aforethought, but how would you explain this when humans are considered as God’s image bearer? How would you relate it to human value and dignity? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Book reviews of three separate books To have an have not Breakfast at Tiffany’s Zooey and Franny

Description The three assigned readings for this assignment, To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway, Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, and Franny and Zooey by J. D. Salinger, are each situated about a decade apart, spanning around forty years of the early to middle 20th century. While there are important female characters in each literary work, they don’t always play the main characters, but they are nevertheless quite important to what goes on within each literary work. Without a doubt, each of these authors has money and the status which goes along with it in each literary work, as a character’s financial status does play a role in what ends up happening to each female character. In Hemingway’s work, for instance, it’s not just.

Marie Morgan whose life is affected by having or not having money. There are other female characters, Helene Bradley and Helen Gordon as well as other female figures like Albert’s wife and women on the yachts whose lives are partially portrayed. In Capote’s novella, of course, there’s the central character, Holly Golightly, but she isn’t the only female character in his novella. Salinger’s literary work features Franny Glass but also her mother, Bessy Glass. How the female characters are portrayed in these three literary works will be what the focus of your analysis will be, but your analysis should not just be restricted to how gender is portrayed, as sexual preference might also play part of the drama. Based on these three literary works, for this assignment, write an essay which whether or to what extent the three authors situate the female characters in their literary works in sexist ways that leave them dependent on males for their imagined lives. Since these authors were living and writing during times when male heterosexist dominance was the norm, your reading and analysis should indicate whether you find how they situate their female characters ahead of their times and progressive. Clearly, even today, whether or not women have independent lives remains a point of contention. Even worse is how gay folk are still judged and treated today. So literary works can have an impact on shaping the values readers will hold. As you analyze these literary works for aspects of gender relations and sexual preference, keep in mind how Americans’ perspectives have changed. Paper Formatting Guidelines: Your paper should have one-inch margins all around (top, bottom, right, left), double-spaced (no extra spacing between paragraphs); use the Times New Roman font plus 12-point print size throughout, including the header/footer. Your header should be half an inch (.5). Paginate each page, except the first, at the top right, and double-check that the font and print size of your page numbers are the same as the rest of your paper. Handwrite your name, my name, English 3336.02, and the date on the back of the last page. Your original title should be centered as the first line at the top of the first page (don’t bold print, italicize, place it under quotation marks, or underline it—no cover page required). Required Length and Citation/Documentation Requirements: (If you fail to follow the length and citation/documentation requirements, your paper will not be accepted.) Your paper should be at least 2000 words long, excluding the title and bibliography. Your paper should also be at least five full pages but can certainly be longer, excluding the bibliography. Finally, if you use secondary sources, include a Works Cited page(s) using MLA.

Compare and Contrast Taj Mahal to blue mosque

compare and contrast Taj Mahal to blue mosque

This paper is a compare and contrast paper. You are comparing the Taj Mahal to the Blue Mosque. This paper format is: INTRODUCTION BODY 1: RELIGION + SYMBOLISM (MATERIALS AND FINISHES) FOR Taj Mahal BODY 2: RELIGION + SYMBOLISM (MATERIALS AND FINISHES) FOR BLUE MOSQUE BODY 3: COMPARE AND CONTRAST (BOTH BUILDINGS IN ONE PARAGRAPH) DESIGN PRINCIPLE #1 BODY 4: COMPARE AND CONTRAST (BOTH BUILDINGS IN ONE PARAGRAPH) DESIGN PRINCIPLE #2 BODY 5: COMPARE AND CONTRAST (BOTH BUILDINGS IN ONE PARAGRAPH) DESIGN PRINCIPLE #3 BODY 6: COMPARE AND CONTRAST (BOTH BUILDINGS IN ONE PARAGRAPH) DESIGN PRINCIPLE #4 BODY 7: COMPARE AND CONTRAST (BOTH BUILDINGS IN ONE PARAGRAPH) DESIGN PRINCIPLE #5 CONCLUSION – For religion and symbolism body 1 should be ONLY about Taj Mahal and its religion rituals and what it symbolizes. The materials and finishes that make it religious or whatever is related about religion and symbolism. Body 2 is ONLY about blue mosque. – For the compare and contrast body paragraphs, THERE SHOULD BE ANALYSIS IT IS NOT JUST STATING OH THIS BUILDING WAS WHITE WHILE THIS ONE IS BLUE. – YOU NEED TO INCLUDE 10 DIFFERENT CITATIONS AND QUOTES OR PARAPHRASE IN THIS ESSAY. CITE EVERYTHING!!! – The design principles are: 1. Rhythm 2. Balance 3. Pattern 4. Emphasis 5. Contrast 6. Movement 7. Unity

Childhood or Preschool subjects in Saudi Arabia

Childhood or Preschool subjects in Saudi Arabia

Hi there I’m a customer and i would like to start my MA dissertation with you step by step so the first step is to chose a topic and i’m really intersting in childhood or children or preschools in Saudi Arabis context so i can help me choosing the topic and start from the beginning. Also we have 2030 vision which is lanuched by Saudi Govenment so i would like to link me topic with this vision in children context to get excellent outcome.

Qualities of a leader

Rhetorical Mode: Cause & Effect Analysis Essay Topic: Write an essay that investigates the development of leaders or leadership qualities in an individual. This analysis should explore the causal chain and investigate the effects of that development. Requires: a proper title, a formal essay outline, annotated bibliography, a minimum of 5 scholarly sources from an academic database, and a Works Cited Page.

To emphasize the importance of design and development

To emphasize the importance of design and development, this class will make use of a Research project. To assist students in better understanding career opportunities in the field of HRD, students will be required to complete a 10-15 page paper over one of the following HRD career fields: instructional designer, program developer, OD consultant, learning specialist, training facilitator, instructional media, etc. Subtitle or Section: Students will submit the document using 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, with at least 3 sources sited, using APA format. Completion of this project will count as 20% of your grade. Students may email samples of their work to the instructor for critique and review without penalty as many times as they wish throughout the semester until one week before the end of the semester. After that, all work will be accepted as is.

Grading Rubric I. Organization 0-10 _______ Well thought out. Organized in a logical sequence, including a title page, abstract, use of headings, and a summary/conclusion section, all consistent with prescribed format.

II. Content 0-40 _______ A comprehensive and complete overview of the chosen career field that included information about the job description, job outlook, education and experience requirements, expected salaries, types of companies that hire those in the chosen field, etc.

III. Sources of Information 0-20 _______ Sources were cited using APA style throughout the text and listed in a List of Bibliographies. No sources older than 5 years were used.

IV. Summary 0-20 _______ Summary was consistent with data presented. Gave information relevant to the worthiness of the career for exploration.

V. Overall General Affect 0-10 _______

Social with children and families


Every details of the assignment and also attached the learning outcomes,dese learning outcomes must be meant in the Essay and equally mentioned in the Essay.Also essay must be written as a third party(not i).References must be havard style and also intext referencing.Text book must not be more than 7years.Over 25 referencing is required for this Essay. lecturer has requested that for higer grades,the following books must be used for this essay child protection practice by harry ferguson 2011 social work with children and families-maureen o LOUGHLIN

Develop a new hands-on lab materials that explore machine learning

Similar to the prior three modules, now your goal is to develop a new hands-on lab materials that explore machine learning applications in cyber security.

Develop a new hands-on lab materials that explore machine learning

Similar to the prior three modules, now your goal is to develop a new hands-on lab materials that explore machine learning applications in cyber security. Choose one of the topics by discussing with the instructor, identify dataset availability. Further, identify at least 3 machine algorithms you plan to apply on datasets.  Additionally, identify performance metrics.

The report should include a prefab section highlighting the cyber security problem (E.g., CAPTCHA bypassing), and planned machine learning approaches (e.g., decision tree, KNN), then hands-on lab section that will show step-by-step using jupyter notebook platform to train and test datasets, and outcome of the training.

Firstly, M4. SVM for Unauthorized access with CAPTCHA bypass.

Secondly, M5. Decision Tree for Malicious SQL injection prevention.

Thirdly, M6. Deep learning for malware classification and protection.

Fourthly, M7. Deep learning for anomaly-based intrusion detection.

Further, M8. K-Means clustering for network traffic monitoring.

Additionally, M9. Decision Tree for malicious web application detections.

Lastly, M10. KNN Classification for user behaviour anomaly detection.

More details;

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative.

What is cybersecurity all about?

A successful cybersecurity approach has multiple layers of protection spread across the computers, networks, programs, or data that one intends to keep safe. In an organization, the people, processes, and technology must all complement one another to create an effective defense from cyber attacks. A unified threat management system can automate integrations across select Cisco Security products and accelerate key security operations functions: detection, investigation, and remediation.