Models and Theories to Promote Health Behavior and Proposed Project Plan

Models and Theories to Promote Health Behavior and Proposed Project Plan

Models and Theories to Promote Health Behavior and Proposed Project Plan
Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Readings: See Readings and video recommendations

Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote health behavior. You can select
an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a community models
(chapter 3) to promote health.
After you have identified a model or theory, develop a health promotion-prevention plan related
to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 outlines how to assess
health and health behaviors. Chapter 5 describes how to develop a health promotion-prevention
Review the chapters that may apply to your proposed plan: Chapter 6 (physical activity and
health promotion); Chapter 7 (nutrition and health promotion); Chapter 8 (stress management
and health promotion); or Chapter 9 (social support and health).
When you write your paper, follow the grading guidelines. Each student is to submit a paper (no
group work). The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, adhere to the most recent
APA guidelines, use primary sources, and provide an integration of ideas.
The length of this assignment should be no more than 5 pages excluding the title page and

Reference list.

All submissions should be submitted to the Assignment section in PDF format.
Each assignment must be submitted to automatically once you have downloaded it
into the assignment section. You will be able to see your score.
A copy of the grading rubric is provided for you below. It is highly recommended that you organize your paper based on the grading rubric criteria detailed below; the use of headings based on the grading rubric criteria is also strongly recommended.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Points
1. Introduction paragraph. There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose
of paper and what will be discussed. 2/2
2. Identify and describe a model or theory that you would like to use to promote health
• You can select an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a
community model or theory (chapter 3) to promote health.
• You are also welcome to use a model or theory from another source.
• Describe the model, why you selected the model, and how the model or theory would be
beneficial to use to with your identified population.
3. Develop a health promotion-prevention intervention plan related to the population and health
entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 and 5 will help you with developing your plan. You
are welcome to read any or all of chapters 6-9, which will provide ideas on specific interventions.
These chapters will help you with examples and some chapters may be related to your areas of
interest. For example: chapter 6 (physical activity and health promotion); chapter 7 (nutrition and
health promotion); chapter 8 (stress management and health promotion); chapter 9 (social plan to allow time for feedback and your originality report. A second report submitted to Turnitin
can take up to 24 hours for a new originality report. Please note: Up to 20% of points will be
deducted from grade for lack of scholarship.
Scholarship Expectations
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the APNs/DNPs and members of the
highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care.
Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing
clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Content must be organized and with logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail
is evident; all aspects of the discussion is communicated effectively; correct grammar, spelling,
and word choice; and liberal number of references. References must be current, appropriately
paraphrased, and acknowledged; correct use of APA; correct title page used for assignment

Nurse Practitioner / Nurse Leader Policy Influence

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link,
, and select a county and a state (this may be the county/state in which you reside, attend
school, or plan to live and work). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the
County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions in a few short sentences as
part of your discussion.
Select one area in need of improvement and list the general statistics pertaining to the specific
How does the creation of the community health center program help to address this public health
problem and what can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy
innovation to resolve the problem?

Nurse Leadership Strengths

Research findings of Rath and Conchie (2008) indicate that leaders do not have to be good at
every aspect of leading. What a relief! However, to be effective change agents, these authors
argue the importance of knowing one’s leadership strengths and leveraging those strengths to
build strong teams. How does one leverage those strengths? Consider how one’s leadership
strengths could potentially weaken a team. In addition to the leadership assessment exercise,
please read the following articles:
Strengths Based Leadership Development Insights from Expert Coaches (found in theforum
Beyond Transformational Leadership to Greater Engagement: Inspiring Innovations inComplex Organizations (found in the forum overview)
Discussion Questions and Grading Rubric
Overall points are awarded based on the quality of the posts and the degree to which the
submissions contribute to class discussion. Students must show evidence of engagement
throughout the discussion and postings should reflect application of the assigned lesson
Leaders are visionary problem solvers. Describe a need or concern in your organization or
healthcare community that needs a visionary leader for effective change. Write a measurable
problem statement in a single sentence that reflects the need or concern your have described. In
a single sentence state the vision is for the future after effective leadership has addressed the
concern. All content should not exceed one brief introduction paragraph.
You will be the visionary leader to solve the problem you described. Based on your strengthbased assessment findings, what leadership strengths do you possess that you will leverage to
facilitate your vision for the future?•How can you use your strengths to build effective teams to
address the problem you described?
Visionary leaders do not make change alone. What strengths from others do you need to build a successful team?
Any strength taken to excess can become a weakness. Reflect on how your strengths could
potentially weaken your team’s success. Refer to the assessment findings for guidance. How will
you assure your strengths do not weaken the team?
Integrate a minimum of three leadership models and theories from textbook and or relevant peerreviewed readings into your strategic plan to maximize your leadership skills.
Substantial cross posts to a minimum of two (2) other students. The cross posts provide new or
supplemental information to the original posting or raise additional areas for discussion. New or
additional peer reviewed references should be cited in each cross post. The new or addtional
peer reviewed cross posts were not used in your initial discussion or the initial discussion of the
Students demonstrate active engagement in the discussion by responding to cross posts from
their peers to their initial posting. References are not required for these responses. The key to
this section is to demonstrate active engagement in the discussion through your interaction with
your peers- watch for posts from your classmates and acknowledge their posting. Note: if the
student does not have peer cross posts for the initial posting, these points will be incorporated
into the cross post section above.
Scholarship: Student consistently follows the instructions located with this rubric titled Strength- based Leadership Assessment Instructions. Instructions include an expectation of an APA
format, concise writing within the limits of the word count, correct use of grammar and correct
labeling of post and cross post. Headings and the reference list are excluded from the word limit.
Include a copy of your Strengths-Based Leadership Insight Report as an attachment to
your initial discussion in the forum. Please do not include other versions of the report.
Rev 1/2020
Attach a copy of the Strengths-Based Leadership Insight Report with your initial post.

Model of Practice for the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)


Apply a model of practice to the advanced nurse roles.

Models of Practice

What is a model? A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed based on qualitative research. Models often are precursors to theory development. Three of the most prominent nursing models categorized as focusing on goals and functions include Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing, Johnson’s behavioral system model, and Pender’s health promotion model.


In this assignment, you will locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing. It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and technology. You will explain why you have chosen the model and apply the model to your advanced practice role in the template provided. In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your chosen model. An example has been provided in the first rows to guide you. Please remove the examples when entering your information In the first column of the template table, list the characteristics of the model you have chosen with a source/s of support. In the second column, list an application to your advanced nursing practice role upon graduation with a source of support/s. Assignment Details For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

Law and Legislation (Health-care Initiative or Legislative Statue)

Research a health-care initiative or legislative statue that is currently underway in your state or federally. You may want to check with nursing organizations that have legislative departments that can provide their analysis on current health-care issues. You may also conduct online research to identify current issues. Discuss how you can take an active role as a health-care advocate (at the local, state, or federal level as appropriate). Identify one tacitic to advocate for your identified initiative or legislation.

Cognitive Psychology (Article Brief Assignment)

Article Briefs:
o Students are required to submit 2 article brief assignments
o An article brief is a single paragraph summary of a scientific study published in an academic
journal within
the last 3 months. The student is responsible for finding a scientific paper, reading and
summarizing it.
The article must pertain to a topic on cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience. The article
must also include a sentence on how directly the article relates to a chapter covered in the  course. The original article must be submitted with the brief in a PDF format. Article briefs will be
submitted via TurnItIn
and checked for authenticity.
o Article briefs are worth 12 points each. The grading criteria are as follows:
o The brief reports an empirical/scientific study, not a broad theory or review of many studies 0.5
o The brief describes the question the authors tried to answer 2 pt
o The brief describes the method authors used to answer the question 2.5 pt
o The brief describes the conclusion authors reached 3 pt
o The brief includes a sentence of how the article relates to material covered in the class 2 pt
o The brief reports a study from a set of topics relevant to this course 0.5 pt
§ Brief 1 can only cover topics in Chapters 1-5: Brain, Perception, Attention, Working Memory
and Short Term Memory
§ Brief 2 can only cover topics in Chapters 6-13: Long Term Memory, Memory Errors,
Knowledge, Imagery, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Language
o The brief includes a full PDF of the article 0.5 pt
§ The PDF of an article associated with a Brief must be submitted separately to an
assignment page that looks like this:
o The article is from an approved journal and was published in the last 3 months 0.5 pt
§ All articles selected for Brief assignment must come from this set of journals: Brain, Cortex,
Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, NeuroImage, Neuron
§ •
§ Frontiers in Psychology can be accessed directly. Note that only Frontiers in Psychology is
approved, but not in any other topic (e.g. Frontiers in Neuroscience).
o The brief is written in no fewer than 270 and no more than 300 words, in full sentences and is
free of
grammatical and spelling errors. The brief should not include author names, affiliations, study
etc. 0.5 pt
o The brief has an originality score less than 20%. Otherwise, the brief will automatically receive
grade of 0 for the assignment and will be reported to the department as a potential plagiarism
Copying sentences from the article and putting them in quotation marks is not appropriate for the
length of this assignment. Paraphrasing the authors is also not appropriate and could be

Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing

Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the needs of the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Consider the following case study:

You are caring for a first-time mother in a health clinic. While assessing the woman, you notice she is becoming visibly upset. When you ask, she notes that her mother, with whom she was very close, died last year and that she really would have loved to have shared this pregnancy with her. You empathize with the patient, as your own mother just died 6 months ago. She also notes that she and her partner have been bickering a lot lately on top of her feeling generally sore, tired, and overwhelmed.

Define holistic care in your own words. Describe four ways you can implement a holistic nursing approach to care and facilitate healing. In addition, you may consider the intersection of holistic care and caritas principles from Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science.

Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) Advocacy

Advocacy is a critical skill for APNs to have for promoting solutions to health concerns within a community. Identify a health issue in your community or state. Discussion a systems-level advocacy strategy to address the concern. In the strategy, students should identify specific groups or individuals that they would target as well as how they would target these individuals. For example, a student may choose to contact a legislator with a letter-writing campaign and would describe strategies for implementing that campaign.

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Assignment Prompt

Explore the influence of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on your future role as an APN. The student will explore the concepts and caritas processes from the Theory of Human Caring and present how these concepts may impact their future APN role.


The student will create a PowerPoint and include speaker notes that may be added to the speaker note section on each slide.
Presentation should be limited to no more than 10 slides. See suggested slides below.
If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Watson’s theory see this overview.

A suggested outline for the presentation may include the following slides:

Slide 1 – Previous experience with Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Slide 2 – Core Concepts of the Theory Applicable to the APN role

Slide 3 – Core Concepts of the Theory Applicable to the APN role (as needed)

Slide 4 – Five Carative Factors or Caritas Processes You Plan to Use in the APN Role

Slide 5 – Five Carative Factors or Caritas Processes You Plan to Use in the APN Role (as needed)

Slide 6 – What Does the Theory of Human Caring Mean to You

Slide 7 – APN Implications of Theory of Human Caring

Slide 8 – Summary/Main Points

Promoting Culturally Sensitive Health Care

Strategies that Promote Culturally Sensitive Health Care

Strategies that Promote Culturally Sensitive Health Care
• Recommend interprofessional strategies to promote culturally sensitive health care
Assignment Overview
In this writing assignment, you will write a paper that addresses recommended changes for the
future of nursing, specifically addressing the inclusion of cultural sensitivity, cultural competency,
and interprofessional collaboration into the proposed changes.
1. A two-page (500-word) paper that summarizes recommended changes for the future of
a. Research the future of nursing.
What is meant by the future of nursing? Think about a topic of your choice that includes cultural
implications. Describe the topic and include any references and citations you may have used.
b. Identify the major recommendations.
Identify two or three of the major strategies/recommendations for the future of nursing.
c. Explain key terms.
Describe how cultural sensitivity, cultural competency, and interprofessional collaboration could
be addressed in the proposed changes.

**Must have at least 2 peer reviewed journal articles within the past 5 years as references to
support paper