Types of Immunity

Immunity is an important concept for public health nursing to determine which individuals and
groups are protected against disease and which are not. Discuss the various types of immunity.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Semester Goals

You are to write 4 pages double spaced scholarly paper focusing on evaluating your goals for this semester. Please follow APA format, your paper should have a cover page, double spaced and utilize your course reading and Library resources for your evidence and References. This journal is to state your goals for the semester based on reflection of the clinical experiences. What are you learning and clinical goals? How do you plan to achieve them? Make them realistic and measurable. Ethical and moral dilemmas may also be a part of your reflection and observations. This is a feeling assignment. Reflect on how you are feeling for this semester. Conclusion. Reference page You will have total of 4 pages including Page 1-Cover page, Page 2-3, Body of the paper, Page 4,- Reference Page)

Healthcare Leadership Issue

Select a healthcare leadership issue listed in the weekly module. Please explain why you selected this topic, the limitations of your research, advantages/disadvantages of the topic you researched. Complete an annotated bibliography that addresses the topic of choice. The annotated bibliography must include 10 references (webinar, journal article, and text book must be included in your references). Each annotated reference must be 7-10 sentences. ** the list of topics** -Patient recidivism -Mentoring and preceptorship for healthcare leaders -Cultural competency and sensitivity -Marketing in healthcare (branding and imaging) -Financial reimbursement structure in healthcare -IHI triple aim initiatives -Computerized documentation (EMR) -Capitol investment and decision making for healthcare institutions -Health and wellness promotion in the workplace -Customer service in healthcare (AIDET) -Workplace Burnout -Emotional Intelligence

Nurse Professional Association Membership

Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing
organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In
a 750-1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for
members. Include the following:
Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose,
mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member.
Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this
organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes
to practice that affect the specialty area.
Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center. An abstract is not required

Young Gay men HIV Education Prevention

APA format, peer review at least 4 USA articles no older than 4 years, The topic is Young Gay
men HIV education prevention to increase knowledge to prevent infection with the disease.
Need Abstract, Background-Description of the problem, Impact on health, Relevance to nursing,
Aim-Purpose of the review, please emphasize in the whole paper education, education to
increase knowledge to prevent the disease. Please include the PICOT question which is ” In gay
men, does a tree part series on HIV prevention compared to no educational series increase
knowledge of HIV transmission?”
Please include these two articles
( Patient-Provider Communication Barriers and facilitators to HIV and STI Preventive Service for
Adolescent MSM) by Celia B. Fisher. Adam L. Fried etc.
( Perceived HIV Prevalence Accuracy and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay, Bisexual, and
Other Men who have Sex with Men in the United States) by Stephen Sullivan, Rob Stephenson.

Nursing Statistics and Evidence-Based Practice (Case study)

Case Study: Opioid-induced Constipation
You work in a pediatric surgical practice. You notice that children are frequently seen postdischarge for complaints of abdominal distress and constipation. You suspect opioid-induced
constipation. Your practice has no related practice policies.
Questions: What can you discover about opioid-induced constipation in your own practice and in
general? Should your practice have a related policy? If not, why not? If so, what should the policy be?

Data from your practice 2009-present. Please calculate statistics from the data.
Related articles: Only examples.
What other sources are available to you?
You must use the data from each research article to calculate statistics (i.e, range, mean, mode,
median, SD etc). You must write at least 2 pages including the following elements:
Please do research and utilize other sources.
Grading rubric

1. Use of credible sources. Make sure that your (minimum of 2) sources are scholarly, current,
and credible.
2. Analysis of applicability of research studies to target population. Any studies cited in support of
your work must be discussed in light of their appropriateness for your patients.
3. Use of statistics to describe the scope of the problem of opioid-induced constipation.
4. Description of the problem, background information, and recommended solution.
5. Use of APA format.
6. You must include the 7 research articles that are listed above in the paper and then use an
additional 2 research articles to answer the questions and complete the paper.

Health research in the news research review

Health research in the news research review

All questions need to be answered#1-4. A news article that is published in the last 3 months reports a health related research study and is relevant to your clinical practice(MICU nurse), your community or your family/friends.

Program Evaluation and Measurement Tools

Assignment Description
The goal of this paper is to identify an evaluation plan for your project. You need to identify which
health outcomes you will measure. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention
plan? Identify any measurement tools or evaluation strategies that may be useful in determining
efficacy, efficiency and quality. Your project will most likely involve an effectiveness evaluation.
You may want to create an evaluation plan that would facilitate tracking and trending. It is
important to have clear goals on how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed
intervention. It is equally important to measure parameters with tools that have established
reliability and validity.
All submissions should be submitted to the Assignment section in PDF format. Your submission
will automatically go the Turnitin.com. You will see your score in the assignment section. A copy
of the grading rubric is provided for you below. It is highly recommended that you organize your
paper based on the grading rubric criteria detailed below; the use of headings based on the
grading rubric criteria is also strongly recommended.
When you write your paper, follow the grading guidelines. Each student is to submit a paper (no
group work). The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, adhere to the most recent APA guidelines, use primary sources, provide an integration of ideas, and 4-6 pages in length,
not including the USA approved title page, appendix, and reference list.
Grading Rubric
1. Introduction paragraph
There must be a thesis statement that tells reader purpose of paper and what will be discussed.
2. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention plan?

Identify and report the health outcomes you will measure.
Identify any measurement tools or evaluation strategies that may be useful in
determining efficacy, efficiency and quality.
3. Identify short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes from your intervention plan.
List and identify how do you plan to measure short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes?
Describe how you will identify and collect data for formative and summative evaluations.
4. Describe any potential tools that you may use to collect your data. Identify their reliability and
validity scores. You can attach a copy of your selected tools as an appendix in the paper.
Identify tools (i.e. questionnaires) that will help you obtain the needed information that you
What tools will you use to measure if your health promotion-prevention intervention had an

6. Conclusions: summarize the essential points of paper (no more than one paragraph).
7. Appendix
Include a copy of the tool or tools you plan to use.
List any physiologic measures you plan to collect.
APA: title page, organizational headings for each section, citations, & reference list
(Primary sources are to be used for references.)
Grammar/sentence structure/flow of thought and organization of paper


Nurses Involvement in Politics

Nurses Involvement in Politics

Reflect on the role that the electoral process and government plays in one’s daily work and
family life. As nurses, health policy can influence both arenas of our lives. What policy issues
might drive nurses to lobby Congress and/or get involved in campaign politics? What strategies
might nurses use to have their voices heard?
Image result for electoral process
The American Nurse:http://www.theamericannurse.org/2014/10/22/time-for-nurses-to-get-out-the-vote/

Nurses Involvement in Policy Issues

Nurses Involvement in Policy Issues

Reflect on the role that the electoral process and government plays in one’s daily work and
family life. As nurses, health policy can influence both arenas of our lives. What policy issues
might drive nurses to lobby Congress and/or get involved in campaign politics? What strategies
might nurses use to have their voices heard?
Image result for electoral process
The American Nurse: http://www.theamericannurse.org/2014/10/22/time-for-nurses-to-get-out-the-vote/