Trends And Issues In Nursing And Health Care

PART A: Submit the names of your US Senator, Congressional representatives, State senators, State assembly persons, City Council or County legislator.


  1. Define a problem that exists in your community that is related to individual health or health care.    ( 20 % )
  2. Select someone who officially represents your community in local, state or federal government, who would be the appropriate person to take action on this problem.

State why you selected this person.    (15 %)

  1. Write a letter to this official detailing the problem, possible solutions, and action that you recommend.  Indicate ways in which the nursing community can be actively supportive (if relevant to the issue chosen)  (50 %)
  2. Use correct spelling, grammar, and appropriate presentation of content. (15 %).



Nurse-Patient Communication and Health Outcomes

Nurse-Patient Communication.

1,500-word paper to cover the following:


  • Types of Communication in Nurse-patient Communication
  • Verbal communication.
  • Paper-based communication.
  • Non-verbal communication.
  • E-communication.
  • Factors that Influence Nurse-Patient Communication
  • Impacts of Nurse-Patient Communication on Healthcare Outcomes
  • Improving Nurse-Patient Communication
  • Demographic Factors and Nurse-Patient Communication Strategies

Role of Nurse in End-of-life Decisions

What is End-of-life Decisions? What is the Role of Nurse in End-of-life Decisions?

  • Legislation for end-of-life decisions
  • Ethical considerations

Nursing and Workplace Violence

Nursing and Workplace Violence


Write a 750-1,000-word (3-4 pages) article on workplace violence and prevention measures for the employee newsletter. Use 5 references in the last 5 years.

Use subheadings to make the article flow better.

  1. Identify the political, legal, and/or legislative factors that may contribute to violence in health care settings, and provide real world examples that demonstrate in-depth understanding.
  2. Explain the main components of OSHA’s workplace violence prevention guidelines and suggests benchmarks to determine if guidelines are being followed.
  3. Explains the American Nursing Association’s position on violence in the workplace and compares it to organizational policies on workplace violence.
  4. Explains safety policies and protocols for preventing and responding to violence against health care workers and reflects on their effectiveness.

Breast, lung, prostate, or colon cancer, melanoma, or any type of leukemia and the immune system


 Case study

The purpose of the case study is to have you expand upon the pathophysiological disease process by searching for evidence-based practice treatment and advanced practice nursing role implications related to the disease.

Case Study Topic:

Select a type of cancer (breast, lung, prostate, or colon cancer, melanoma, or any type of leukemia) and discuss the relationship of the disease process to the immune system.

Identify current evidence-based treatment modalities for the selected cancer and discuss how the treatment impacts the disease process.

Conduct an evidence-based literature search to identify the most recent standards of care/treatment modalities from peer-reviewed articles and professional association guidelines ( These articles and guidelines can be referenced, but not directly copied into the clinical case presentation. Cite a minimum of three resources.

Include the following in your clinical case presentation:

  1. A discussion the pathophysiologyof the disease, including signs and symptoms
  2. An explanation of diagnostic testing and rationales for each
  3. A review of different evidence-based treatment modalities for the disorder obtained from or a professional organization such as thyroid (Thyroid society), OB-GYN (ACOG), urology (AUA), etc.

Next, address the following questions:

  1. How does the information in this case inform the practice of a master’s prepared nurse?
  2. How would the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?
  3. What was the most important information presented in this case?
  4. What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?
  5. Discuss a patient safety issue that can be addressed for a patient with the condition presented in this case.

The use of medical terminology and appropriate graduate level writing is expected.

Your paper should be 3–4 pages, excluding the cover page and reference page.

Your resources must include research articles as well as a reference to non-research evidence-based guidelines.

Use APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.Cite a minimum of three resources.

Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.


Effect of Cancers on the Immune System


Case study

The purpose of the case study is to have you expand upon the pathophysiological disease process by searching for evidence-based practice treatment and advanced practice nursing role implications related to the disease.

Case Study Topic:

Select a type of cancer (breast, lung, prostate, or colon cancer, melanoma, or any type of leukemia) and discuss the relationship of the disease process to the immune system.

Identify current evidence-based treatment modalities for the selected cancer and discuss how the treatment impacts the disease process.

Conduct an evidence-based literature search to identify the most recent standards of care/treatment modalities from peer-reviewed articles and professional association guidelines ( These articles and guidelines can be referenced, but not directly copied into the clinical case presentation. Cite a minimum of three resources.

Include the following in your clinical case presentation:

  1. A discussion the pathophysiologyof the disease, including signs and symptoms
  2. An explanation of diagnostic testing and rationales for each
  3. A review of different evidence-based treatment modalities for the disorder obtained from or a professional organization such as thyroid (Thyroid society), OB-GYN (ACOG), urology (AUA), etc.

Next, address the following questions:

  1. How does the information in this case inform the practice of a master’s prepared nurse?
  2. How would the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?
  3. What was the most important information presented in this case?
  4. What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?
  5. Discuss a patient safety issue that can be addressed for a patient with the condition presented in this case.

The use of medical terminology and appropriate graduate level writing is expected.

Your paper should be 7–8 pages, excluding the cover page and reference page.

Your resources must include research articles as well as a reference to non-research evidence-based guidelines.

Use APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.Cite a minimum of three resources.

Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded.


Epidemiology: Communicable Disease – Saudi Arabia

Epidemiology: Communicable Disease

Disease Lab: Assignment 

Follow the link for the disease lab:

Carry out the following Assignment


Human and animal diseases are often caused by viruses or bacteria. Over the past two hundred or so years, vaccines have eradicated some of these diseases. Communicable diseases spread in different ways: through blood, air, feces/urine, food, or water. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) keep constant watch over the most potentially dangerous diseases and the most likely threats to various world populations.

New diseases (such as SARS) and the possibility of a pandemic flus have also raised international concerns about health. As populations grow, especially in densely packed urban areas, there is increased risk of disease transmission.

This lab will let you explore various diseases: Kold, a caricature of the common cold; Impfluenza, which resembles influenza; Neasles, with the high transmission rate of measles; and Red Death, a fast-spreading epidemic with a high mortality rate.

Most diseases begin with what is called “the virgin field”—a scenario in which humans have no natural or man-made immunity to the disease. In the first scenario on the following page, you will run a simulation of three contagions set to “virgin field”.

Vaccinating a population has a similar effect to changing the population density (lower density reduced spread, also vaccinations reduce spread). An immune person is no longer a vehicle for transmitting the disease, thus lowering the effective density of the population. Since we can’t control population density in most cases, vaccination is one of the best means to prevent the spread of disease, not just to the vaccinated individuals, but to the population as a whole. In Scenario 2 on the following page you will choose a percentage of vaccinated people in the population and re-run your simulations using the SAME parameters you used for Scenario 1.

Scenario 1: Virgin Field (5 marks)

Run the simulation using three different Contagions (one MUST be Kold), you may choose your own population density and population mixing, but be sure to record the parameters you selected! Take a screen capture of the end result of each of your simulations to attach to your assignment.


  Population Density/ Mixing Contagion


Population Number Starting Number of Contagious People Sick Days Reported Death Toll
Run 1            
Run 2            
Run 3            


Scenario 2: Vaccination (5 marks)

Run the simulation using the SAME parameters as above however, this time choose a vaccination percentage for the population, record your chosen percentage. Take a screen capture of the end result of each of your simulations to attach to your assignment.


  Population Density/ Mixing Contagion


Population Number Starting Number of Contagious People Sick Days Reported Death Toll
Run 1            
Run 2            
Run 3            



Briefly answer the following questions, referencing outside sources in APA format ( as appropriate – include these, your tables, and screen captures, as a single file (word or PDF) submitted to the assignments folder in D2L.

  1. What vaccination percentage did you use for Scenario 2 (1 mark)?
  2. What happens to the number of sick days and death toll when you compare Scenario 1 to Scenario 2? Why does it change? (2 marks)
  3. Was the death toll ever zero (1 mark)? What does this tell you about the virulence of the different diseases? (4 marks)
  4. What happens if you run the pandemic scenario with Red Death disease, at 0% vaccination and a high population density/high mixing (1 marks)? What does this tell you about the virulence of this disease? (3 marks)
  5. What virus (either discussed in class so far, or that you have heard about in the news) do you think is the greatest threat to the population of Toronto now that you have learned a little more about vaccination and transmission? Explain using references (8 marks)

References: (please list references using APA format below)


27 Uses of Petroleum in Medicine / Pharmaceuticals


List and discussion of 27 Uses of Petroleum in Medicine / Pharmaceuticals  (4,500 words).

Critical Decision Making for Providers

View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media (

In a 750‐1,200 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions:

What were the consequences of a failure to report?
What impact did his decision have on patient safety, on the risk for litigation, on the organization’s quality metrics, and on the workload of other hospital departments?
As Mike’s manager, what will you do to address the issue with him and ensure other staff members do not repeat the same mistakes?
A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Leininger’s Culture Care Model

Your assignment this week will be an APA paper to include title page, level headings, and a reference page.

Case study #1 

Mrs. Franklin-Jones was admitted from the Emergency Room to Cardiac Intensive Care one week ago with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. She has recovered as expected and is moving to the cardiac step down unit today. She is talking with Nurse Julie Hernandez, as she gets settled in her new room, “I was really surprised when I got that bad pain in my chest! I knew I had high pressure but I just didn’t think it was that bad. I try to take my medicine like they told me to in the clinic but sometimes I forget. I guess that I need to study those papers they gave me about what foods I should eat and not eat. I better take care of myself! Momma had bad pressure and it killed her! Who knows—I may even have to learn to cook different than I was taught in Jamaica! I may have to let Tomas do the cooking. He’s got more time at home now than I do since he lost his job. There isn’t too much time between my shifts at the school cafeteria and my new housecleaning job. You know my sister is coming up from Jamaica to see me. I think she is bringing me some bush tea. That’ll set me right!”

  • Using Leininger’s Culture Care Model, what factors in the story shared by Mrs. Franklin-Jones should be considered by Nurse Hernandez when planning for the patient’s discharge?

Make sure you address each piece of the case study. What types of food consists of the Jamaican diet? How does Bush Tea effect diets and high blood pressure? Does she understand how working so hard can impact her health? These are just a few examples you must address.

  • Why is the theory of Culture Care Diversity important in the delivery of nursing care for all patients?

This section should be 1-2 paragraphs and should have citations from the text.

  • Using Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, develop a plan of care for Mrs. Franklin-Jones.

This should be 2 paragraphs and should hit at least

  • Discuss the strengths and limits to Leininger’s Theory.

Case Study #2

Claude Jean-Baptiste is recovering from post-hip replacement surgery and has been transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute adjacent to the hospital. When he enters the unit, he sees welcoming signs written in several languages including his own, Creole. Since there are no nurses on that shift that speak Creole, they use a language line to ask for translation services. During this initial nursing assessment, the translator informs Mr. Jean-Baptiste that the nurses invite him to have a relative at his side so that they can be sure to understand and meet his needs. He is asked about Haitian customs and beliefs that they might honor. Mr. Jean-Baptiste is encouraged to bring food and spiritual care items, and to share the warmth of his culture with the nursing staff.

  • Discuss assumptions of the Transpersonal Caring relationship. What is the nurse’s role?

I would like to see one paragraph that introduces the theory and gives a quick explanation. You should have a level one header Case Study 2 or Watson. You should have a level two heading Transpersonal caring and the nurse’s role and should be at least 1-2 paragraphs.

  • How is love, as defined by Watson, evident in this caring moment?

This section should have a level two header Caring moment or Love as defined by Watson. Please provide specific examples of how the nurse showed caring moments from the case study. What do you think it means to the patient?

  • How can the nurse creatively use self to create a healing environment?

This section should be one paragraph with a level two heading.

  • Discuss the strengths and limits to Watson’s Theory.

Again, this section should be one to two paragraphs. Make sure you have a conclusion paragraph with a level one header Conclusion. This paragraph should sum up all content.

This paper should include 2 outside references and your book. The essay should be between 1500 and 1750 words in length.