Nurse Burnout and Level of Satisfaction in the ICU (Research Paper)

Nurse Burnout and Level of Satisfaction in the ICU

Write a research paper proposal (30 pages)

Nursing Philosophies (moral issue between killing and letting die)

Question: WHat do you think is the main moral issue between killing and letting die? Give several criteria to support your assertion.
Required book: Principles of Biomedical Ethics Seventh Edition Chapter 5. Nonmaleficence by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress
Work citation from the required book is a MUST with page numbers (MLA style)

You may use additional outside sources as needed

Nursing Capstone Project with PICOT Question

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.
Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:
Clinical problem statement.
Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.
PICOT question.
Literature search strategy employed.
Evaluation of the literature.
Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.
Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.
Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.
Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.
Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.
Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Question Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Research Synthesis Paper

In your 4-5 double-spaced page synthesis paper:
Choose 3 articles from the 5 full-text articles you researched in the last week assignment.
For each of the 3 chosen articles, explain what the researcher(s) were exploring.
Discuss why the researchers believed this was important.
Describe the main takeaways or conclusions from the study.
Explain whether or not you agree with the conclusions.
Discuss any patterns or larger connecting themes in the 3 articles you selected.
Explain any similarities, contradictions and/or conflicts you see between the 3 articles.

Nursing Professional Organization Evaluation


Use your selected health policy issue as the basis for completing this assignment.
Research a professional organization with influence over the health policy issue.
Locate at least one academic article focusing on the professional organization’s efforts to effect
change on the health policy issue. The article must be current (within 6 years) and must be a Contact the organization and ask at least two specific questions regarding the health policy issue
that neither their website nor the article answered.
Prepare a marketable visual presentation (i.e., flyer, pamphlet, poster, etc.) on the organization.
Include the following in your presentation:
The role and mission of the organization (15 pts)
The benefits of the organization to its members and the APRN community as a whole. (10 pts)
How will networking with this organization and with others in the industry help drive change in the
area of your selected health policy issue? (10 pts)
Based on the article you selected and your research on the organization, how can the
organization be used as a guiding coalition to address your health policy issue. (15 pts)
Write a 350- to 525-word summary analyzing three of the core competencies of advanced
practice nursing and how they relate to professional organizations and professional
Consider the following questions in your summary: (20 pts)
Why are the selected competencies important?
How will mastery of the competencies improve your practice?

How can you continue to develop the competencies after graduation?
Cite and reference using APA guidelines. Utilize correct grammar and punctuation and use of
article as outlined above. (10 pts)

Differentiated Essential Competencies (DECs) for a BSN nurse from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).

Differentiated Essential Competencies (DECs) for a BSN nurse from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).

Professional Goals. Set one Professional Goal for EACH DAY of clinical, based on the
Differentiated Essential Competencies (DECs) for a BSN nurse from the Texas Board of Nursing
(BON). If you worked 3 days, then you will have 3 goals. If you work 6 days, then you will have 6
goals. The competencies are divided into LVN, ADN and BSN. You must select your
competencies from the BSN level. You can find the full version on the Texas Board of Nursing
website ( under the Education sub-menu, and selecting the Faculty,
Programs and Student Information. The URL directly to the DECs is:

Goals need to be written before the start of the clinical week and reviewed with clinical faculty
during site visits. Keep your goals handy in the clinical setting for ready reference.
a. Formative journal goals are developed from “Provider of Patient-Centered Care” competencies
and “Patient Safety Advocate” competencies.
1. Write your goals completely and state the page number, section number, and all letter/number
identifiers of the competency being used. Describe implementations to meet the goal, progress
toward the goal and any revisions as necessary.
2. Implementation of Activities to achieve each goal. Were the goals well implemented, creative,
well-planned, met or unmet? (A paragraph).
3. Patient Summary and Priorities. BRIEFLY describe your patient scenario. Identify and number
in order, 3 priority nursing diagnoses that you used for your patient. The priorities should be
realistic, measureable, well thought out and appropriate for the scenario. Include the rationale for your priorities, actions taken (interventions), were the goals met or unmet?
4. Ethical Dilemma or Conflict. Describe a situation with either one of your patients, or on your
unit that resulted in conflict or an ethical dilemma. Identify the key players and assumptions of
the key players. Were there any implications from decisions being made? Describe the
resolution, if any. Identify the applicable provision from the Nursing Code of Ethics and explain
how this provision applies. Be sure to cite in APA your resources within the content as well as on
a Reference list.
5. Cultural and/or Spiritual Impact. Clearly and concisely describe one situation that involves
culture and/or spirituality. State if and how it impacted patient care. Identify the key players
(doctor, nurse, patient, social worker, etc.). State what actions were taken and how the patient
and/or staff responded.
6. Evidence Based Practice. Provide a synopsis of an Evidence based practice article and how
this relates to your experience for the week. Clearly describe if and how the article (EBP) was
incorporated into practice. Describe how the staff reacted to the EBP article. A link is provided for
you to access the UTEP Library. Cite your reference in APA format, a link is provided under the
resource icon.
7. National Patient Safety Goals. Based on The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety
Goals, describe a situation that occurred related to patient safety. Identify and describe a situation that compromised patient safety based on the NPSG. Clearly describe activities that
resolved/improved the safety of the patient in the unit. Describe the staff’s reaction and
participation in the NPSG. A snapshot of the NPSG is provided. If you scroll down the page, you
will see the website which elaborates.
8. Performance Improvement. Identify one PI issue being addressed on the unit. Describe the
issue and what actions are required to improve the situation. Describe the responses and
compliance of the nurses.
9. Other topics. Be sure to answer information requested for all topics. Cite the source of your
information APA style within the paper part of your journal as well as in a Reference list. If you do
not cite the source of information you are plagiarizing.
10. Reflect on the week. Clearly describe the major learning achievement of the week. Identify
situations or observations that facilitated learning. Clearly identify what knowledge that is needed
for next week and write how you will prepare in advance to gain that knowledge.
11. Grammar & punctuation, APA references and referencing. Make sure to run the spell check
and then read the paper to check on those medical terms that spell check does not “recognize.”
grammar, punctuation and spelling principles. Make sure article references are in the correct format,
see the link to Purdue Owl Writing Lab under the Resource icon.
12. APA writing format see APA reference in syllabus. Also can access:

Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim

Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this
approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved
population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs.
More recently, this approach has evolved to a Quadruple Aim by including a focus on improving
the work life of healthcare providers. Each of these measures are impacted by decisions made at
the organizational level, and organizations have increasingly turned to EBP to inform and justify these decisions.
To Prepare:
Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016);
and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.
Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.
Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements,
such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.
To Complete:
Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the
Quadruple Aim.
Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim,
including each of the four measures of:
Patient experience
Population health
Work life of healthcare providers

Professional Nursing Practice Project

Please confirm if you have access to CINHAL, MedLine to research the articles and that you can
provide an outline of the presentation prior to the due date of 2/20.
This is a 7 – 10 page powerpoint, articles must be summarized in a separate doc and speaker
notes must be added.
Please provide estimate.
Here are additional details

Research and select 3 current articles written from 2006-2016, about a current professional
practice topic (NOT a clinical topic), these can include the following subjects (but not limited to):
• Case Management
• Advance Nursing Practice
• Education Preparation of Nurses
• Health Care Delivery Systems
• Legality in Nursing
• Communication in Nursing
• Professionalism in Nursing (ie. Uniforms, organizational involvement)
• Leadership and impact on working environment
• Patient Care Delivery systems
• Financial impact and cost containment issues
• Quality Initiatives
• Staffing Ratios
• Ethical Issues affecting nursing
• Other topic may be considered after consultation and approval by instructor
Introduce the topic then, for each article, summarize the key points in no more than 2 paragraphs
for each article. Then describe the significance of these articles (why is this important). Finally,
summarize the implications these articles in current nursing practice (what affect does this topic
have on nursing).

Researching should be conducted in such data bases as CINHAL, MedLine etc.
Student will develop narrated PowerPoints and post on Blackboard. Each student will comment
on 2 student presentations.
Reference Page APA (including grammar, punctuation, etc)
Summarization of articles (avoid long quotes)
Narrated PowerPoints:
*Include information needed to give a thorough understanding of topic, Narrative and notes to
explain each slide, PP presentation completed before deadline, meets or exceeds required
length (7-10 slides)Significance of articles /Implication to practice
Posted comment on
Discussion board respond to 2 fellow student presentations.

Congestive Heart Failure Assignment

Congestive Heart Failure Assignment

Case Study

Chief complaint: “I’m here for a medication refill because I ran out of my medicines”.

HPI:  Mrs. Allen is a 68-year-old African American who presents to the clinic for prescription refills. The patient indicates that she has noticed shortness of breath which started about 3 months ago. The SOB gets worse with exertion, especially when she is walking fast, and it is resolved when she is resting. She reports that she is also bothered by shortness of breath that wakes her up intermittently during her sleep. Her symptoms of shortness of breath resolve after sitting upright on 3 pillows. She also has lower leg edema pitting 1+ which started 2 weeks ago. She indicates that she often feels light headed at times with intermittent syncope episodes while going up a flight of stairs, but it resolves after sitting down to rest. She has not tried any over the counter medications at home.

She started taking her medications, but failed to refill the prescriptions because she cannot afford the medications as she only works part-time and lives alone. In addition, she reports that she does not think taking all these medications would help her condition anyway.

PMH: Primary Hypertension, Previous history of MI 1 year ago


1 year ago-Left Anterior Descending (LAD) cardiac stent placement

Allergies: Penicillin

Vaccination History:  Up-to-date

Social history:

High school graduate married and no children. Drinks one 4-ounce glass of red wine daily. She is a former smoker and stopped 5 years ago.

Family history:

Both parents are alive. Father has history of MI and valvular heart disease; mother alive and cardiac history is unknown. He has one brother who is alive and has history of MI 5 years ago at age 52.


Constitutional: Lightheaded and faint with exertion. Respiratory: Shortness of breath with exertion. + Orthopnea. Cardiovascular: + 2 pitting leg edema for 3 weeks.

Psychiatric: Non-contributory.

Physical examination:

Vital Signs: Height: 5 feet 1 inches Weight: 175 pounds BMI: 32, Obese, BP 160/92, T 98.0, P 111,  R 22 and non-labored

HEENT: Normocephalic/Atraumatic, Bilateral cataracts; PERRLA, EOMI; Teeth intact. Negative for gum disease. NECK: Neck supple, no palpable masses, no lymphadenopathy, no thyroid enlargement. LUNGS: + Mild Crackles on inspiratory phase not clearing with cough. Equal breath sounds. Symmetrical respiration. No respiratory distress. HEART: Normal S1 with S2 during expiration. An S4 is noted at the apex; + systolic murmur noted at the right upper sternal border without radiation to the carotids. Pulses are 2+ in upper extremities and 2+ in pedal pulses bilaterally. 2+ pitting edema to her knees noted bilaterally. ABDOMEN: No abdominal distention. Nontender. Bowel sounds + x 4 quadrants. No organomegaly. Normal contour; No palpable masses. GENITOURINARY: No CVA tenderness bilaterally. GU exam deferred. MUSCULOSKELETAL: + Heberden’s nodes at the DIP joints, hands. + Crepitus, bilateral knees. Slow gait but steady. No Kyphosis. PSYCH: Normal affect. Cooperative. SKIN: No rashes. Positive for dry skin.

Labs: Hgb 13.2, Hct 38%, K+ 4.0, Na+137, Cholesterol 228, Triglycerides 187, HDL 37, LDL 190, TSH 3.7, glucose 98.


Primary Diagnosis: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Secondary Diagnoses: Primary Hypertension, Obesity, Osteoarthritis (OA)

Differential Diagnosis: Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)


Medications: Tylenol 650 mg PO Q4 hours as needed for arthritis pain

Labs: UA; Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); LFTs and TSH; 12-lead EKG, Chest X-ray; Initial 2D echo with Doppler; Ankle-brachial index.

Additional lab results: Echo results 1 week ago: Left ventricular EJ Fraction decreased to 35 %

BNP – not available.

As a future FNP, you need to determine the medications for CHF/ASCVD. (Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease).


  1. According to the ACC/AHA guidelines, what medications should this patient be prescribed?
  2. Does he need medication(s) given his history of MI?
  3.    Must be supported by at least 2 peer reviewed references and all paragraphs must be cited.


Practicum Smart Goals


Use the layout attached in one file, and the short notes in another file.

5-6 pages overall. No intext citations or bibliography.