Pathophysiologic Process of a Disease (Choose a Disease)


Paper will be 7-9 pages and will discuss the pathophysiologic process of a chosen disease, which
Written assignments must be typed using American Psychological Association APA for the
format, in-text citations, and references.
Underlying pathophysiological process 25%
Presenting signs, symptoms, and diagnostic abnormalities 25%
Current research as it relates to you or to your interest in topic 25%
Role of social determinants of health in disease process 15%
APA format 10%
See the attached PowerPoint presentation

COPD ( Congestive Heart Failure)

Paper will be 6 pages and will discuss the pathophysiologic process of a chosen disease, which
Written assignments must be typed using American Psychological Association APA for the
format, in-text citations, and references.
Underlying pathophysiological process 25%
Presenting signs, symptoms, and diagnostic abnormalities 25%
Current research as it relates to you or to your interest in topic 25%
Role of social determinants of health in disease process 15%
APA format 10%
See the attached PowerPoint presentation

Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) Diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools

When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a
diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the
validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of
these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the
Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, body measurements can provide a general
picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These
data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture—among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information
can be a delicate process.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Hero Images
For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and
diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative
predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will
explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be
proactive about their children’s health and weight.
To Prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider factors that impact the validity and
reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You also will review examples of
pediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to one of the following Assignment options by your
Instructor: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests (option 1), or Child Health Case (Option
2). Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your
assignments from your Instructor.
Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you
were assigned. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather?

Also, as you search the Walden library and credible sources, consider what the literature
discusses regarding the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical
dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool.
If you are assigned Assignment Option 2 (Child), consider what health issues and risks may be
relevant to the child in the health example.
Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full
understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a
sensitive fashion.
Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s
The Assignment
Assignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):
Assignment Option 1: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests:
Include the following:
A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in
What is its purpose?
How is it conducted?
What information does it gather?
Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA
Assignment Option 2: Child Health Case:
Include the following:
An explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you were assigned.
Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess his or her weightrelated health.
Identify and describe any risks and consider what further information you would need to gain a
full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a
sensitive fashion.
Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific
questions you would ask about the child to gather more information.
Provide at least two strategies you could employ to encourage the parents or caregivers to be
proactive about their child’s health and weight.

Ethics and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurses Practitioners (PMHNP)


Read the case, and discuss ethical issues (600 words). Based on the state lows, what are the best decisions to take?

Nurse Leadership (Reflection Paper)


Write a reflection of the nurse leadership in your workplace (600 words). Mention aspects of leadership styles and motivation of your team leader. How cionflicts are resolved. What you have learned from his/her leadership. etc

Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Diagnostic Tests and Assessment Tools

When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a
diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the
validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of
these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the
Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, body measurements can provide a general
picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These
data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture— among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information
can be a delicate process.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Hero Images
For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and
diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative
predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues. You will
explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be
proactive about their children’s health and weight.
To Prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider factors that impact the validity and
reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You also will review examples of
pediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to one of the following Assignment options by your
Instructor: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests (option 1), or Child Health Case (Option
2). Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your
assignments from your Instructor.
Search the University Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you
were assigned. What is its purpose, how is it conducted, and what information does it gather?

Also, as you search the University library and credible sources, consider what the literature
discusses regarding the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical
dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool.
If you are assigned Assignment Option 2 (Child), consider what health issues and risks may be
relevant to the child in the health example.
Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full
understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a
sensitive fashion.
Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s
The Assignment
Assignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):
Assignment Option 1: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests:
Include the following:
A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in
What is its purpose?
How is it conducted?
What information does it gather?
Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA
Assignment Option 2: Child Health Case:
Include the following:
An explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you were assigned.
Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess his or her weightrelated health.
Identify and describe any risks and consider what further information you would need to gain a
full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a
sensitive fashion.
Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific
questions you would ask about the child to gather more information.
Provide at least two strategies you could employ to encourage the parents or caregivers to be
proactive about their child’s health and weight.

Reflection on BSN-prepared Nurse Experience


Reflect on personal growth in quantities, skills, behaviors, and knowledge required to function as a patient advocate and identify opportunities for growth.

Reflect on how BSN experiences have improved abilities to practice high quality care, assess and evaluate patient outcomes, and provide leadership in improving care and identifies opportunities for future application of abilities in the practice.

Reflect on the role of the BSN-prepared nurse in public service and identifies opportunities for personal growth through public service activities.

Grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a nursing professional.

Reflect on personal aspiration to facilitate change and foster innovation to improve the healthcare system and describe specific actions that may contribute to improvement.

Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct

No required minimum length, but be sure you address each program outcome s thoroughly as possible

Reference-  you do not need to use any supporting resources other than your completed assessments



Health assessment of Children in Low-Income Households


Describe the process of health assessment

  • Key Elements that Make up a Health Assessment
  • The Process of Health Assessment
  • Findings of the Health Assessment

Safety, Quality, and Informatics Instructions

Safety, Quality, and Informatics Instructions

8-10 pages

5 references

Identify a major patient-safety issue within your organization (falls in a nursing home) and use

evidence-based best practices and technology to develop a plan to improve the safety issue.

Use sub headings for all of the following:

1.Describe a patient safety issue and explore likely causes of the issue while evaluating currently used organizational processes for handling patient safety issues in terms of the evidence-based concepts, principals, and practices that contribute to quality improvement and patient safety.

  1. Analyze the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing patient-safety issues and describe the impact on the organization from a financial and regulatory perspective.
  2. Evaluates evidence-based interventions, including technology, to address specific patient-safety issue

to determine the most appropriate intervention for the organization and the safety issue.

  1. Analyze the most effective strategies to overcome specific organizational barriers to change.