NONPF NP Core Competencies. PMHNP Competencies


Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Choose TWO NONPF NP core competencies and at least one indicator for each.

Explain eachcompetency and indicator and discuss why it is essential to NP practice.

Match a School of Nursing (SON) outcome to the competency and explain how the SON outcome supports the core
Choose 2 PMHNP competencies and explain why each is essential to PHMNP practice.
Paper should be no more than 4 pages long.
Use correct APA formatting and references. Include an APA formatted cover sheet.
Use correct grammar and sentence structure as well as logical thought progression and syntax

Prenatal Substance Abuse


A 21-year old woman presents for her initial prenatal visit, even though she is well into her third trimester and her EDC is predicted to be within a month or so. Her boyfriend, the father of the child, is not present and has not been supportive to date of the pregnancy. She is also not on good terms with her own parents. Upon initial assessment, she denies alcohol or drug use but after a while, she opens up and talks about an ongoing opioid addiction. She reports taking Percocet bought on the street but due to cost, she has recently begun using heroin. It becomes clear that she will not be “clean” prior to her delivery and that her child will be born also affected by maternal opiate use. Since she has almost no external support, you know that after she delivers, she will be the primary caregiver of the infant and also hopefully working a detox program.


What is the accepted name of the condition with which the child will be born?

What are the peri-natal risks to the infant?

What are the post-natal risks to the infant?

What are the post-natal risks to the mother?

Is there any evidence on the long-term risk to the child?

Nurse Position Cover Letter and Resume


All the details for the position are attached. A rough draft of my CV is also attached. Please make it perfect! Thank you!

Evidence-Based Practice Model and Change Model Nursing


Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least three (3) sources using APA citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to cite the sources using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Identify an evidence based practice model and change model that has been defined in Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015). Describe in detail how you would utilize the practice model and change model to implement an evidence-based practice change in your clinical practice environment, related to your research topic.

Title Slide (1 slide)
Objective Slide (1 slide)
Identify an evidence-based practice model and change model that has been defined in Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015). (2-3 slides).
Describe in detail how you would utilize the practice model and change model to implement an evidence-based practice change in your clinical practice environment, related to your research topic. (10 slides)
References (1 slide)

Nutrition and Society – The Social Determinants of Health


Write a report that defines and describes the role of the social determinants of health in
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk. Highlight the health inequalities in CVD seen in today’s
society in Australia.
The social determinants to address include:
– Income / socioeconomic status
– Education
– Health service access
– Social support networks
– Physical environment
– Gender
– Culture / ethnicity

Honey Dressing vs Betadine Dressing (Compare and Contrast Essay)


Comparison of the Effectiveness of Honey Dressing and Betadine Dressing in Wound Healing (8-10 pages). Use scholarly sources and credible websites.


Emergency Preparedness for Corona Virus in a Medical Facility (Assignment)


You are a nurse in charge of a health care facility in a neighborhood with reported cases of corona virus. You have about 50 nurses reporting to you. Write a report to the hospital management on your emergency preparedness for corona virus. Include what you have done so far, whay you are planning to do, what you need to prepare successfully, and so forth. Your report should be 5-6 pages long and should have a table of contents. You can include a budget. Also prepare a 10 slide presentation to nurses about the corona virius outbreak and what steps you are supposed to take as a team. Feel free to be creative. There is no standard format so long as you communicate clearly.

Obesity (Persuasive Speech)


In ,200 words, write a persuasive speech to encourage audience to minimize activities or habits that promote obeesity.

Holistic Nursing Practice

Holistic Nursing Practice in terms of the interrelationships of philosophy, theory, research, and practice.

Interrelationships of philosophy, theory, research, and practice. The paper
should be 7-10 pages in length (including title page & reference page). Paper
should be written in APA format. Attention should be paid to proper grammar
and correct spelling.
Title Page
Introduction of concept
Discussion of
o Philosophy
o Theory
o Research
o Practice
Analysis of concept in terms of interrelationship of philosophy, theory,
research, and practice.
Reference Page
1. There must be minimum of 5 References / citations.
2. The references /citations should not be older than 5 years (2015 – 2020).
3. References / citations must be written in APA Style.

Health Policy Issue in Your State


Identify and list your state (xxxxx) and federal representatives and senators. Are any of these representatives involved in, or in a position to influence, a health policy issue that matters to you? (Obesity)

Provide suggestions for an action plan in how you would use this information to engage in effective advocacy.
Have you ever considered running for a political office (No, I dont like politics)?

We need more health care professionals in the legislature! Describe one strategy that leads to a successful campaign and one barrier to running that stands in your way.
What is the difference between advocacy and activism?

How will you, as a nurse scientist or APRN engage in advocacy through a community connection or your professional organization?