Zombie apocalypse as a cause of transformation

Zombie apocalypse as a cause of transformation

This is an assignment that focuses on the zombie apocalypse as a cause of transformation. The paper also discusses how terminating zombies is extremely hard.

The zombie apocalypse as a cause of transformation

Zombie Apocalypse
Is that grandma? Nope. Not anymore. Grandma has become the latest victim in the zombie apocalypse. Also, according to the CDC, over 47% of America has now been affected by the outbreak (www.cdc.gov). So, to avoid becoming part of the statistic, you must understand the problem, know how to deal with it, and know how to survive it.
1.     Firstly, the cause of transformation is neurological disease.
a.      However, massive amounts of radiation caused a mutation of the brain.
b.      Additionally, the disease is transferred through injury or broken skin.  i.     Scratch   ii.     Bite iii.     Lacerations

2.      Secondly, terminating zombies is extremely difficult, but can be accomplished in four ways (www.portlandmercury.com).
a.      So, decapitation is the most efficient way to kill a zombie.   i.     Separates the brain from the diseased body.
b.      Also, cranial trauma, aka bludgeoning, also causes this separation.  i.     Bullet  ii.     Baseball bat   iii.     Just hit them hard enough!
c.      Subsequently, burning the zombie is also effective because it destroys the entire body.
d.     Lastly, exploding is also a solid method but does require a heavy arsenal.

The zombie apocalypse as a cause of transformation

3.     Thirdly, there are four major necessities to surviving the zombie apocalypse.
a.      Firstly, you will need essential nourishment.  i.     Water    ii.     Food
b.     Next, you need fortified shelter for safety.   i.     Doomsday bunker  ii.     Abandoned prison
c.      Medical supplies are also a crucial need (www.mayoclinic.org).     i.     First aid kit   ii.     Antibiotics    iii.     Suture kit
d.     Lastly, most importantly, you need weapons. i.     Gun arsenal  ii.     Baseball bats iii.     Matches and lighter also fluid/gasoline iv.     Machete/chainsaw/katana
However, if you don’t want to end up like grandma, make sure you follow these rules. Lastly, understanding the cause of the outbreak, knowing how to kill zombies, and also knowing how to survive are the keys to prevailing in an apocalyptic world.

Works Cited:
Firstly, how to Kill a Zombie (2004). Retrieved on January 8, 2019, from https://www.portlandmercury.com/news/how-to-kill-a-zombie/Content?oid=32136
Secondly, outbreak Statistics (2017). Retrieved on April 1, 2018, from www.cdc.gov/zombieapocalypse.
Thirdly, first-aid kits: Stock Supplies that Can Save Lives (2018). Retrieved on January 8, 2019, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-kits/basics/art-20056673

Human rights abuse or violation of human rights by the state

Human rights abuse or violation of human rights by the state

This is an assignment that focuses on the Human rights abuse or violation identification topic discussion. The paper also provides instruction on the writing criteria.

The Human rights abuse or violation identification topic discussion

Assignment Goals:  The first section of your paper is largely expository in nature.  (This means that it is primarily informative.)  Your goal in Part I is to introduce your reader to the Human Rights abuse/violation that you have selected as your topic and that you have been researching for some time now.

The style of this section is reportorial.  (This means that you are essentially performing the role of a newspaper writer who reports on a story, conveying primarily facts—the who, what, when, where, and why that are the standard components of the journalist’s trade.)  By the end of Part I of the paper, your reader should feel well-familiar with all aspects of your selected topic.

Assignment Requirements:


Please note that the section of the essay that you are writing for this assignment does not require an introduction.  We will be crafting the Introduction and Conclusion for our Major Research Essay after we have completed Parts I, II, and III.  Since you are not required to write an introduction for this section of the paper, you may proceed directly to your first body paragraph.

This section of your essay is intended to introduce your reader to your topic.  While your goal is to provide facts, this section of the paper also affords you the opportunity to invoke the power of pathos in order to impart to your reader the serious, vital, and urgent nature of the offense(s) associated with your selected Human Rights concern.

As noted above, remember to address the following:

WHO?            Who are the primary players involved in your selected topic?  These may be individuals, groups, governments, institutions, etc.

WHAT?         What, precisely, has happened and is continuing to happen in regard to your selected topic?  Also, what is the nature of the abuse, offense, or violation?

WHEN?         When did these events begin?  Also, when did specific and relevant events occur?

WHERE?       Where are these events occurring?  Be specific in regard to country, region, city, town, neighborhood, etc.

WHY?            Why are these events occurring (i.e. what was their impetus or cause)?  Also, why is this situation a violation of the Human Rights of those involved?

[HOW:           You may have noticed that I left How off of the standard journalist’s list, which typically consists of the Five W’s & How.  This was not an oversight.  How was intentionally omitted from Part I of the paper because it will be addressed at length in Part II of the essay.  You should, therefore, specifically refrain from delving into aspects of your topic associated with how individuals, governments, organizations, law enforcement, etc. have attempted to address and/or resolve the abuses about which you are writing.]

Reflection Assignment to show you have achieved all course learning outcomes

Reflection Assignment to show you have achieved all course learning outcomes

The Week 5 assignment is the culmination of your hard work in ENG122. You will submit your final research-based academic argument. Weekly instructor guidance, prior assignment feedback

Week 5 assignment is the culmination of your hard work in ENG122

The Week 5 assignment is the culmination of your hard work in ENG122. You will submit your final research-based academic argument. Weekly instructor guidance, prior assignment feedback, and Chapter 5 in your course text, College Writing Handbook, will help you complete final revisions and edits.

In this assignment, you will show that you have achieved all course learning outcomes:

Firstly, interpret information through close and critical reading.

Secondly, demonstrate effective use of the writing process.

Thirdly, employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.

Fourthly, integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.

Finally, support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a five- to seven-page (1,250 to 1,800 word) well-structured essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This final draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show effective improvement from the prior rough draft assignment. Your essay is to be the product of a complete and thorough writing process.

The argument presented in your essay must be sound, valid, and based upon evidence from at least eight credible sources—at least five of which must be scholarly. (Review the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for more information about appropriate sources). Information and evidence must be integrated properly, cited accurately, and used with integrity. The essay must be appropriate for an academic audience.

If you have any questions about the requirements of this assignment, please contact your instructor right away. This assignment will be assessed on a 100-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade. Your assignment may lose its formatting when it is convert in the Waypoint grading system. Finally, to preserve formatting, please submit your assignment as a PDF file.

Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing Marijuana

This paper focuses on Legalizing Marijuana. Introduction: Marijuana should be legalized throughout the whole country because the legalization would bring economic benefits.

Legalizing Marijuana

I.  Introduction
1.  Marijuana should be legalized throughout the whole country because the legalization would bring economic benefits.
2.  Such as creation of new jobs, tax revenue, and even freeing past marijuana offenders in jail. Not only does the legalization help economically, it will help many people medically for people who are in states where Marijuana is illegal medically, and recreationally.

II. Body
A.  Tax Revenue
1.  The Benefits of tax revenue
2.  How to get tax revenue
3.  How tax revenue increased in legal states
B.  Saving from criminal justice system
1.  More money for budgets
2.  Less crowded jails
3.  Helps find justice for many people
C.  Medical reasons
1.  Helps people with diseases
2.  How to use it
3.  More awareness

Ok good topic.  Make the topic thesis just a bit more focused when writing the final.  Something like:
Topic: Benefits of legalized Marijuana throughout the whole country
The rest of the write up can be used to support the topic thesis. – Professor noted
You don’t have any peer-reviewed reference. A good scientific research paper includes mostly (and in sequential order)
1. Journals,
2. Conference proceedings,
3. Books,
4. dissertations/thesis, and
5. Website
Please resubmit this assignment and add more peer reviewed references.

More details;

The Economic Benefits of Legalizing Weed

Although the Presidential election drew most of the attention in November of 2020, there were several other important decisions made at the polls as well: notably, several states held votes to determine the future of the legal cannabis industry in one form or another. Taking a leaf out of Colorado or Washington’s book, four states—New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana, and Arizona—decided to make marijuana consumption for recreational purposes legal. Mississippi also voted to allow medical marijuana.

All told, more and more states are moving to legalize marijuana (whether for medicinal or recreational use, or both), and the impact has already been tremendous. The legal changes have spawned a burgeoning industry of legal cannabis companies, including those which aim to research and develop cannabis-based medical products, those which are working to distribute and grow marijuana, and many others. All told, more than half of U.S. states have medical marijuana laws on the books, and fifteen states have legalized certain quantities of marijuana for recreational use as well.

SEO optimization recommendations

SEO optimization recommendations

Select a site and provide SEO optimization recommendations (feel free to use Hubspot’s Website grader – website.grader.com).

Select a site and provide SEO optimization recommendations

SEO basics: 22 essentials you need for optimizing your site

Select a site and provide SEO optimization recommendations (feel free to use Hubspot’s Website grader – website.grader.com).

Write a one to two page (minimum) SEO recommendation for that website. Be sure to include copies (like the images from the report) of the website grader report if you use it. And don’t forget to include references.

More details;

Why Marketing Grader Replaced Website Grader

These days, marketing is about more than just your website. It’s about social media, mobile, blogging, email marketing, lead nurturing, and analytics. As a marketer, you need to be aware of how your marketing impacts your entire sales and marketing funnel from the top of the funnel to the middle of the funnel. Marketing Grader does just this by analyzing all aspects of your marketing efforts and letting you know where you’re succeeding and what you need to spend more time improving.

Marketing Grader will help you understand:

Firstly, competitive Benchmarking: Is my marketing more or less effective than my competition?

Secondly, lead Generation: Are my marketing efforts generating enough leads and sales?

Thirdly, mobile Marketing: Is my web presence optimized for mobile devices?

Fourthly, social Media: How effectively are we using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter in our marketing?

Further, blogging: Is my blog driving results that justify the time investment, or are we wasting time doing the wrong things?

Finally, overall Analysis: What are the strong points and shortcomings in our marketing?

Marketing Grader also outlines why you should take particular steps to improve and what your top priorities should be. With customized action items to help the top of your funnel, the middle of your funnel, and your analytics, Marketing Grader makes it easy for you to figure out your next steps.

“ The Social Dilemma” NETFLIX documentary review and analysis

“ The Social Dilemma” NETFLIX documentary review and analysis

Directions: Watch the NETFLIX documentary “ The Social Dilemma”. Then write a one-page double spaced paper on the following two topics. What is your initial knee jerk reaction to the film?

Watch the NETFLIX documentary “ The Social Dilemma”

Directions: Watch the NETFLIX documentary “ The Social Dilemma”. Then write a one-page double spaced paper on the following two topics.

1.      What is your initial knee jerk reaction to the film? How do you feel about social media now that you know what is kind of going on behind the scenes?
2.      Will your social media happen change? If yes then how, if no then why not?

Note: This assignment is not free extra credit, to earn the extra credit you will need to deliver a quality product with actually content and thoughts. Quick and rushed work will NOT result in extra credit points.

More details;

Facebook has responded to Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, saying it “buries the substance in sensationalism”.

The show is currently in Netflix Australia’s top ten list and has been popular around the globe. Some media pundits suggest it’s “the most important documentary of our times”.

The Social Dilemma focuses on how big social media companies manipulate users by using algorithms that encourage addiction to their platforms. It also shows, fairly accurately, how platforms harvest personal data to target users with ads – and have so far gone largely unregulated.

But what are we meant to do about it? While the Netflix feature educates viewers about the problems social networks present to both our privacy and agency, it falls short of providing a tangible solution.

Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

Please read the book the “Go Giver A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. And write a 2 page reflection on what you thought of the book and how you can apply the principals in the book to your life.

Go Giver A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

Please read the book the “Go Giver A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. And write a 2 page reflection on what you thought of the book and how you can apply the principals in the book to your life.

More details;

The Go-Giver

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea is a business book written by Bob Burg and John D. Mann. It is a story about the power of giving. The first edition was published on December 27, 2007 by Portfolio Hardcover.


The Go-Giver revolves around the story of a young professional (Joe) who is striving for success. Joe is ambitious, however lately it seems like his hard work and efforts are not paying off in terms of results. Following a disappointing quarter for sales results, he inadvertently seeks the mentorship of The Chairman.

Joe then embarks on a learning journey by meeting Go-Givers—friends of The Chairman. Through these interactions he learns of the “Five Laws of Stratospheric Success”:

  1. Value: Your true worth is determine by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
  2. Compensation: Your income is determine by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
  3. Influence: Your influence is determine by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
  4. Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
  5. Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

Brenden Kennely sensitive exploration of a range of emotions

Brenden Kennely sensitive exploration of a range of emotions

Discuss Brenden Kennely, sensitive exploration of a range of emotions and his imaginative use of a variety of characters, and how they help to reveal the humanity intrinsic to his work.

Discuss Brenden Kennely, sensitive exploration of a range of emotions

Discuss Brenden Kennely, sensitive exploration of a range of emotions and his imaginative use of a variety of characters, and how they help to reveal the humanity intrinsic to his work. Using the poems “bread,” “begin,” “st brigid’s prayer,” “a great day,” “fragments,” and “a poem from a three-year-old” 5 to 6 pages. Poems attached in the word document.

More details;

Heaven or Hell?

Years ago, while driving to Atlanta, Georgia, I saw an airport sign that read: “Whether you’re bound for heaven or hell you must change at Atlanta.” Jesus’ Church enters the last week of her liturgical year and calls us to reflect on whether we’re bound for Heaven or hell. Since Heaven is the enjoyment of total happiness and hell means total misery, our choice would seem to be easy. The problem is that while everybody wants to go to Heaven, no one wants to die. Therein lies the problem. Dying isn’t only about physical death, it’s also about dying to selfishness.

Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody unconsciously wants to put others’ needs before their own.

Since Jesus provides the only way to Heaven, namely the Way of the Cross, that must also be our way to get there. This means we must sacrifice our life by sharing with others in their need. People try to avoid this by looking for easier ways to Heaven. However, all ways, other than Jesus’, lead to a false heaven, which is hell. Many deny the existence of hell questioning how a loving God could create it. He didn’t; Satan did. Satan pleased his ego rather than humbly submitting to God, thereby creating a loveless world.  He tempts us to choose selfishness thinking we’re choosing Heaven when in fact we’re choosing hell. He tempts us to focus on what looks good rather than on what’s truly good.


Jesus’ Church begins the week by proclaiming Him as King of the Universe. As King everyone, believer and non-believer, is accountable to Him.  Since men and women had succumbed to Satan’s temptation to glorify selfishness, promising that it would bring them happiness, God decided to personally come and show that only He could save mankind. “I am going to look after my flock myself …I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered when it was cloudy and dark.

Abbey road album cover from the beatles

Abbey road album cover from the beatles

The picture that you will be analyzing is; The abbey road album cover from the beatles.  Quotes that needs to be in the essay to compare and contrast. “To take a bite out of our imaginations, an icon must be simple”(Updike 391)

The abbey road album cover from the beatles

The picture that you will be analyzing is
The abbey road album cover from the beatles
Quotes that needs to be in the essay to compare and contrast

“To take a bite out of our imaginations, an icon must be simple”(Updike 391)

“It told of more than just death and destruction. It said something to me about the strength of the American people and of these firemen having to battle the unimaginable. Further, it had drama, spirit, and courage in the face of disaster” (Franklin, “Photo of a Lifetime”).

“As with any work of art (or photojournalism) in the age of mechanical reproduction, the question of what the photograph means depends on its dissemination and reception” (Helmers & Hill 11)


Introducing the beatles and how they have connected two lands with their music.

The photo is from the album came in 1969 (The Abbey Road).  One of the first pictures that pops up when you look up the beatles.

The culture was created by the people from the late 60’s  aka music lovers. British American culture from the early 70s. The picture is still valued the same as they did before in the past.

The picture serves many different meanings over time.

MAIN ARGUMENT:  The picture is iconic because it serves a message that changes across culture and time.

1. Talk about the picture in general and how the picture is a portrayal of connecting two lands and cultures with music.

2. How can this picture be a portrayal of success?

3. What success meant then

4. What does it (the image) mean now?

5. What can it mean to people from a different region? What is their understanding would it still be iconic?

Impact of geographical factors – The Greece and Chinese empires

Impact of geographical factors – The Greece and Chinese empires

This is an essay discussing the impact of geographical factors focusing on the Greece and Chinese empires.

Impact of geography factors – The Greece and Chinese empires

Firstly, you will have to familiarize yourself with the history related to the topic. Around 500 BCE, four empires emerged along the Mediterranean Sea, Central Asia, and East Asia. The Greek, Roman, Persian, and Chinese Empires all expanded at an astonishing pace, encompassing vast territories and millions of people. Each empire was affected by forces ranging from the impact of geographical factors to the decisions made by a few powerful leaders. The people living within the empires constructed new cultural forms and innovations as they interacted with and responded to these forces.

Secondly, you will discuss the impact of geography on the Greek and Chinese empires. Additionally, You will also describe the unique cultures of these empires and then consider how they changed over time by choosing one empire and identifying.Then, discussing the empire’s rulers and the expansion of that empire.
Thirdly, discuss the impact of one geographical factor on each of the Greek and Chinese empires. Note: You must include two different geographical factors (one per empir‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e). IMPORTANT: Look for natural geographic features.

Fourthly, describe two unique cultural characteristics for each of the Greek and Chinese empires. (IMPORTANT: If you pick a religion, how was it uniquely Greek? Not just about the religion in general but how it was received in that empire. How did it develop overtime? How did the rulers respond to it?)Lastly, describe changes in the Greek or Chinese empires by doing the following: IMPORTANT: You will break the next section into 3 parts.

  1. Identify two major leaders of the chosen empire. Then, discuss one significant contribution for each of the major leaders you identified in part C1.
  2. Explain the methods used by the chosen empire to expand its territory and power.
  3. Analyze how your chosen empire’s political structures changed over time.