
Read a newspaper article based on a current social problem that our society faces, such as homelessness. Then write an essay analyzing the contents of the article from at least one of the three main sociological perspectives (that is, functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism). Also, apply the sociological concepts and terms that you have learned in class where appropriate. The essay shall not exceed two pages (double-spaced, 12 font). Be sure to include the information pertaining to the newspaper article (for example, title, author, etc.) in either MLA for APA format at the bottom of your essay.

Describe all preplanning activities prior to conducting the passive scan on the target site

The joint task force has asked for your assistance again with a new case. They have asked you to plan and conduct the preliminary passive scan. Conduct data gathering and footprinting on a website of your choice and prepare to provide your findings to the task force. Write a paper in which you answer the following:

1. Describe all preplanning activities prior to conducting the passive scan on the target site. 2. Explain what tools are required to conduct a passive scan on a website or company. 3. Outline the procedures and results of the data gathering, noting any flaws or weaknesses. 4. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Environmental Contaminants’ Effects on Gender

Wk 3: Discuss 1 Discussion Prompt 1: Environmental Contaminants’ Effects on Gender Scientists have started to study the effects of chemicals on the environment and human physiology. The presence of chemicals from medication, household cleaning supplies and those added to food sources are of growing concern. Scientists continue to study the effects of these substances on human development and their effects on gender, sexual characteristics and reproduction. Because of the effect of these chemicals on the endocrine system, they have been termed Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals, or EDCs. Assignment Expectations This discussion assignment will use the information from the self-guided presentation on Sex and Gender that you viewed previously in this unit. Before moving on, make sure you understand sexual differentiation (the biological determination of sex) and the developmental differences between male and female fetus’ and young children. You will also want to take a look at sex hormones and their relationship to both organizing effects and activating effects. (Hint: If you have additional questions about this material, ask your course facilitator!) Next, review the following scientific articles from Environmental Health Perspectives and any other researched information you may find. Journal Articles: EDCs and Gender Issues EDCs in Water and Food Supply Effects of Phytoestrogen EDCs and Disease Susceptibility Endocrine Society Scientific Statement** **This is a lengthier article. You may wish to review the introduction and then choose two categories of EDC disruption to focus on in place of reviewing the entire of the article. After thoroughly reviewing the articles, compose an initial discussion prompt post that explains how Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) disrupt sexual differentiation. Provide an example that illustrates the result of the disruption on sexual differentiation and the long-term effects of this disruption. You should be able to find several examples of EDCs affecting gender issues, the timing of puberty, etc. Your post should include in-text citations and at least 150 words. Be sure to continue this discussion through follow-up posts with your fellow learners, sharing additional insight and observation. Follow-up posts should include at least 100 words. Assignment Instructions Please scroll down to the input box to type your response to the discussion prompt. After keying in your response, click the SAVE button. Once you’ve posted your initial response to the question, you can join your fellow learners in the discussion forum by clicking the “Discussion” tab on the top of the “Course Outline” page. Grading Criteria Click the “Grading Criteria” button below to view the rubric, which will be used to evaluate your contributions for this activity. Grading Criteria Discuss Word count: 0 Files Drop files here The file size should not be more than 3 GB

Satan Malware

Introduction This document summarizes our analysis of , and contains the following: Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Summary of Functionality This analysis was performed using the static and dynamic analysis results furnished by Any.Run and VirusTotal. Static Analysis Synopsis of Executable This section contains a summary of the uploaded executable: malware. TODO: Write a paragraph or two summarizing the information below. The file type and file size Compilation date Analysis Date; First Submitted Date; and Last Submitted Date Include an note on how long this malware has been active, and whether you think it’s still a risk. Description of what kind of malware different anti-virus scanners think this malware is Initial Behavior The table below summarizes the initial activity generated by the sample upon upload to Any.Run. Activity Type Count HTTP Requests TODO DNS Requests TODO Connections TODO Files Changed TODO In addition, Any.Run reported the following threats. Name: Description Dynamic Analysis The results below were generated by executing the malware sample on Any.Run’s hosted platform. Process Environment TODO: Write a paragraph summarizing the information below. The user the process runs as Version information Indicators of suspicious activity Network Activity TODO: Write a paragraph summarizing the information below. If the malware makes HTTP requests, explain what those requests were for If the malware makes DNS requests, explain what those requests were for The following table describes the servers that the sample communicated with. Request Type Target Domain Target IP Address Reputation TODO: Write one or two sentences explaining what you think these communications are for. Filesystem Modifications TODO: Write a paragraph summarizing the information below. If Any.Run reports suspicious file modifications, list and summarize them here TODO: If possible, explain what the file modifications are for.

Developing the Reflexive Practitioner Research Project

Part A: Research Aim(s) and Literature Review : To set the scene for the Project a 750 word critique of the aim(s) and literature informing the design of this project. Within this you are expected to consider: – – Aim and context of the research -Theoretical Direction for research – Bibliography (not counted in word count) (This is column 1 of the MAHARA page) Part B: Reflections on Research Methods and Data Analysis (25 Marks): this is a 750 word critical evaluation and justification for the research method and data analysis approach for this project. Within this you are expected to consider; – Research Methodology (action research; reflexivity; arts based; auto-ethnographic practices; reflexive dialogic action research) – Method including analysis of personal data (using either a Gibbs cycle or a Gardner Cycle or a JOHARI window) – Personal data sources (a justification of at least 2 personal sources for your research to allow for triangulation) – Critical evaluation of research design – Bibliography (not counted in word count) (this is column 2 of the MAHARA page) Personal Data sources are categorized as follows; – Learning diagnostic Personal Data (e.g. Learning styles questionnaires; team role questionnaires) – Self-awareness diagnostic Personal Data (e.g. personality tests and profiles; Emotional Intelligence Surveys; Social Intelligence Surveys; Testimonies; Values inventory) – Poetics and Creative Personal Data (e.g. poetry; lyrics; proverbs; religious quotations; drawings; photographs) Part C: The Reflexive Practitioner Storyboard  this is the presentation of the analysed personal data in the form of a ‘storyboard’. The storyboard can be presented as either (choose 1 only); – 1500 word Critical Incident Analysis – 1500 word Creative Writing Collage – Video Collage – Audio Collage – List of Sources which have been used to create the storyboard (not counted in word count)

Document Analysis : thomas jefferson letter to john holmes

Primary source document analysis- read the following primary source document from “the american yawp” textbook: only read the last entry titled “thomas jefferson letter to john holmes” at http://www.americanyawp.com/reader/democracy-in-america/missouri-controversy-documents-1819-1920/ and answer the following questions based on your reading. who is the author of this primary source document? (5 points) where was the author when he/she wrote or spoke this document? (5 points) when was this document written or spoken? (5 points) who is the author writing or speaking this document to? *note: think during the time period it was written/spoken, not present day. (5 points) why did the author write or speak this document at that particular time? in other words, what was his/her purpose for writing/speaking this document? (5 points) monograph reading short answer- choose one (1) of the following questions and answer in 250-300 words, using the assigned chapters from the monograph book a well regulated militia to support your answer. use parenthetical in-text citations to quote or reference the book. for example, (cornell, 23). 1. saul cornell summarizes an argument made by new york governor de witt clinton, “the fundamental right government needed to protect, he argued, was the right of citizens to enjoy their liberty free from the fear created by concealed weapons.” (141-42). how does the story of mattews ward prove clinton’s argument right? 2. according to author benjamin oliver, “this original understanding [of the second amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms] was slowly being challenged by the new view that saw this right in more individualistic terms.” (cornell, 152). explain how the interpretation of the second amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms was changing by the antebellum period. 3. according to minister henry ward beecher, “‘there was more moral power’ in a sharps rifle than ‘in a hundred bibles’.” (cornell, 155). why did beecher say that? what was his views on the second amendment?

Segregation in the Post-Reconstruction South

In 500-1,000 words, discuss why some African Americans believed that their best chances for achieving economic and personal security lay in separating themselves from the post-Reconstruction South. Why did whites demand that segregation be legalized during the 1880s? Was violence used to keep African Americans from leaving the South? How was political violence used to attack African American political power? How did the Southern legal system respond to white violence? What was Frederick Douglass’s opinion about African Americans migrating from the South? Did Southern violence motivate African Americans to create separate communities? What steps were involved in establishing these communities? How did the emergence of a new African American middle class challenge white supremacy? How did white communities respond to the creation of self-supporting African American communities? Use specific communities, individuals and/or families and their circumstances from the documentary as examples to illustrate your discussion.

The cost structures that these two businesses face.

Walt Disney World and Warner Brothers studios are both considered to be in the entertainment industry. Write 2 pages on the cost structures that these two businesses face. How similar are they? How different? Your essay must include at least two sources and be typed in size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and with one inch margins. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion. For this assignment you will: Discuss the nature of the industries and the products they produced. Consider similarities and differences in the production costs associated with these firms. What items might be included in their fixed costs? What items might be included in their variable costs?

Endangered Species birds

An endangered species of bird was discovered within a wilderness area located on a local farmer’s land. The farmer has been approached by a developer interested in purchasing his land. The sale of this land would allow the farmer to retire and live comfortably for the rest of his life. Local wildlife preservation groups and environmental protection groups want the wilderness area preserved to maintain the habitat for this endangered bird. If the wilderness patch must be preserved, the developer will not buy the land. “This little patch of land is not crucial for the bird species!” the farmer says, “In fact, my land is surrounded by several other wilderness patches that also have that bird.” I need to have the question in bold answered in your own words. No citations are allowed. “You have been hired by the farmer to evaluate the conservation concerns related to this wilderness area. For your initial post, you will be siding with the farmer”. Do some research and provide a valid argument as to why the wilderness area does not need to be preserved.

Cyber-Infrastructure Connections and Smart Gird Security

1. Please focus on the following area , mainly on Smart Grid Security.

Cyber attacks make the vital transportation, energy, communication, water and environmental infrastructure services particularly vulnerable. This threat is underscored by the increasing use of IT and the Internet in infrastructure control systems that also include insecure legacy sub-systems. New innovations such as the smart grid that are making the use of renewable resources possible are increasing the need to integrate corporate IT and the Internet with infrastructure control.

This research tries to identify critical connections between cyber systems and vital infrastructure systems worldwide that are most likely to threaten social and economic security. The research is based on two thrusts: understanding the infrastructure, interconnections, and interfaces with cyber control; and understanding the potential vulnerabilities in that control and the impacts of successful attacks on the infrastructure. 2. Attached file will give you the format instructions 3. include one figure/graph related to the research.