Medical surge refers to the ability of a medical community to respond to the increased need of medical care following a disaster or emergency. This also includes the ability of health care organizations to respond to this need with minimal impact of care to others already within the health care system. Hospitals could easily be overwhelmed without proper preparation in a mass casualty event. Assignment You are newly hired in the Emergency Disaster Unit of a local hospital. You are following your supervisor who was alerted of mass casualities incoming due to a major explosion at an elementary school. A medical surge is imminent. Your supervisor is activating a system-wide alert and Level 1 Triage. She is asking you to take notes on (a) setting up the Level 1 Triage, (b) the staff involved, (c) identity of the Community Disaster Management Liaison, (d) law enforcement agencies involved (i.e., federal, state, local), (e) protocol on who speaks with the local press, and (f) who speaks to the parents of the children involved. Explain the triage system and the different levels. A terrorist cell took credit for the explosion, although it is not confirmed. What extra precautions, if any, should the hospital take? Which agencies would be involved? Is the community emergency and disaster management team involved? If so, how? REFERENCES: American College of Healthcare Executives (2013). Healthcare executives’ role in emergency preparedness. Retrieved from DHHS (2007). Medical surge capacity and capability: A management system for integrating medical and health resources during large-scale emergencies. Retrieved from Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (2006). Surge hospitals: Providing safe care in emergencies. Retrieved from National Disaster Medical System (2016). NDMS Patient movement exercise. Retrieved from On you mark, get set, triage! (n. d.). Emergency Physicians Monthly. Retrieved from

Critique of Healthy Communities Healthy Lifestyles in Aotearoa NewZealand

Critique of Healthy Communities, Healthy Lifestyles in Aotearoa NewZealand Assessment 2: Critique of Healthy Communities, Healthy Lifestyles in Aotearoa New Zealand (essay) (30% of final mark) 1500-2000 words (excluding references) From your reading, in-class discussion, and consideration of evidence available nationally and/or in your local community, respond critically to the question: Is the achievement of healthy communities and healthy lifestyles through health promotion, a utopian ideal or an achievable goal in Aotearoa New Zealand? To provide context for your essay, it is recommended that you relate your discussion to a particular example of health and wellbeing currently the focus for health promotion, although this is optional.

For this assessment a critical response requires you to take a position in relation to the question posed. You need to use a range of ideas from a selection of relevant literature (at least 5 references) to support your position and sustain your argument throughout the essay. In your argument make particular reference to the: Te Pae Mahutonga Ottawa Charter (or other frameworks or models for health promotion may be included as relevant), The social determinants of health, Health inequities; and The opportunities and challenges for health promotion in New Zealand. Format: Size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced.

Assess healthcare finance issues and fraud

This assignment will assess competency 2. Assess healthcare finance issues and fraud. Directions: Part 1: Prioritize the 13 interventions in Case 40 in the Prioritization and Allocation of Funding Chart and list them in order. Below each intervention justifies why you rated each intervention in the order you selected. Part 2: Answer discussion question 3 in Case 34. • Design a method for product evaluation that would eliminate bias and assure the collection of accurate data.

Ovarian cancer

ovarian cancer  Introduction to the disease  Identify all risk factors/contributing factors for the disease (Refer to content in chaps 4-6) and explain why important to development of disease. o Choose 2 major risk factors and explain the pathophysiology of how they increase the risk of the disease. Based on the evidence (research), argue which risk factor you feel contributes to the disease or increases the risk the most and why. Substantiate your opinion with research/evidence).  “I feel/think _______ increases the risk of __________ the most.” Then go on to explain why this is your choice.  Role of genetics and epigenetics in the disease (Refer to chaps 4-6)  References: Minimum 1 textbook, 4 journal articles and 1 reputable website

Health Inspection Research Assignment

Health Inspection Research Assignment


Paper details:

Please make sure that it is a high school level. Do not use any big words or old words. For this assignment, the student will analyze a venue on the SNHD website that received a downgrade to a C (more than 20 points) or closure.

The analysis will review the demerits earned and then offer suggestions for how the venue would correct the violations in the future. Students will research a failed restaurant from the SNHD reports and provide a recap as well as recommendations for how the licensee could have avoided the reported failures. Building upon the dirty dining assignment, students will search under the SNHD website for a venue that received a “C” grade.

The student will then in 1-2 pages maximum, report the venue and failure along with what should be corrected to be in full compliance with the health codes. The web link to the SNHD is Assignments are to be completed double spaced, times new roman font size 12. Each assignment should contain a header with the student’s name and assignment title. Citations are not required. Documents submitted in apple software (i.e. pages), will not be accepted

Article Critique: Toxicology and Epidemiology Tools of the Trade

Description Introduction Evaluate the article and provide a scholarly critique of the content. Your response must include the following: Describe the public health significance of the study. Discuss whether the impact is local or global and what important public health gap might be filled by this article. Critique the methodology. Support your analysis of how effective this methodology was and what might have been done differently to be more effective. Interpret the results in your own words and explain whether you agree or disagree with the author’s interpretation. Appraise whether the findings are actionable and if so, describe at least one action.

Life Transitions During Acute Illness


Follow the Exemplary level in the rubric Purpose of Assignment: To explore understanding of a family’s transition in role changes through use of the interview technique.

Advancement of skills in utilizing the interview process to gather data.

Describe a family in acute life transition from the client and care giver roles, considering cultural influences and social justice inequities. Evaluation of insights gained as a nurse understanding perspectives of individual and family during a family’s ability to move through a life changing transition.

The Student will:

1) Choose a family other than your own who is experiencing an acute transition both a and b.

a) The family who experienced the unexpected death of an immediate household family member in the past year.

b) The family will be from a culture different than your own. (e.g. ethnicity, religious, socio-economic, gender, urban or rural etc.).

2) Reflect upon the following topics while interviewing the family members: a) Baseline health and functioning considering how the acute event changed the dynamics of the family assimilation of physical changes. b) Emotional, developmental, socioeconomic, cultural, spiritual, and environmental factors on the adaptive response of the family.

3) Compose a formal paper using concise communication in APA format including a title page, introduction, headers, headings, conclusion and reference page. The body of the paper should be 3-4 pages (this does not include the title or reference pages). This paper body will not be read or graded past 4 1/2 pages.

4) Follow the Rubric to report findings. Collect Data: (please use the numbered topics as headings to guide your paper-do not add)

1) Family Structure and Demographics a) Who lives in the home and their ages? Identify the patient. (Remember HIPAA). Who is present for the interview? b) Educational level, occupation, socioeconomic status, and geographic area of interviewee. Consider social inequities of vulnerable populations that may be present.

2) Cultural Influence – Reference at least one journal article describing this culture and “life transition” during illness. a) Describe background information about the culture and health care beliefs of the family. Do they follow the traditional culture? b) Compare and contrast family beliefs; how they are different or similar to your own culture. (This paper is merely to communicate information and compare cultural beliefs and practices about health care and not to argue a point.)

3) Acute illness and Accepting the Transition a) Discuss holistically the health history genetics and genomics of the illness, and perception of health related to culture and environment and how these impacted the Treatment Options or Death Story.

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health & Safety

This is a two part assignment: Search the Internet and find an example of a person killed on the job because workplace safety was not observed. Discuss what happen and what should have been done to prevent this death. Using the textbook, reference what does Friss (2016) state about this violation. Searching the Internet and find an example of a person who died as a result of over exposure to a toxic agent. Discuss what happen and what should have been done to prevent this death. Explain what PPEs should have been used to prevent over exposure. Define the exposure limits for the toxic substance the person died from. Using the textbook, reference what does Friss (2016) suggest for prevention from this type of exposure? Create an APA style Title page. Make sure that you cite your sources using APA style. Create an APA style Reference page. This paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length

Health Care Topic information system

Following APA style, prepare a three-page paper (exclusive of title, abstract and reference pages) describing at least one information system in your current organization. In your description answer the following questions for each system: a. Does the system accomplish its intended purpose? b. Does the system add value to the organization? c. Does the system meet Health IT objectives?

Healthcare Ethical Principles

Healthcare ethics, also referred to as medical ethics or bioethics, is a set of moral principles, beliefs, and values that guide us in making choices about medical care. In the United States, there are four main principles that define the ethical duties healthcare professionals owe to patients: (1) Autonomy, (2) Beneficence, (3) Nonmaleficence, and (4) Justice. Define and discuss these four principles. In your discussion, provide a healthcare related example of each principle (you can provide an example of either preserving or neglecting).