Sexual Coercion: Analyze the different types of sexual coercion including causes effects and treatments

The Written Portion of the Assignment: • Sources: You are expected to use three different sources in completing this assignment. 1. One sociological journal article from a reputable academic source published within the last 10 years should and a minimum of 3 pages should be selected as the basis of your critical analysis. This article should be submitted with your paper and referenced in APA format in your written work and reference page. 2. The text book (or another sociological source) should be applied and referenced to support the sociological concepts or theories you apply to your research question. 3. A current article from the popular media (newspaper, magazine, or internet) published within the last year that discusses current sociological trends should be applied and referenced in support of your research question. **The sociological journal article and current article from popular media must be accessible through a working link or URL** Guidelines: The expected page length for your paper is 4-5 pages. In those pages you must do the following: 1. Summary of Article (1-2 pages or 275-500 words) • Using your academic, peer reviewed journal article, which addresses your research question, begin your summary with a brief introduction. Then, address the following questions in your own words: What was the purpose of the article? How does the author situate their research in the context of others who have written about this topic? What is the author arguing? What are the main points of the author’s argument? This may involve going beyond the stated facts and seeing the whole picture or thesis. 2. Critical Analysis of Article (1-2 pages or 275-500 words) Address the following sections: • Evidence. Analyzing an article involves looking at the nature of the evidence. The evidence used may be scientific/scholarly (refer to your textbook or lecture notes for guidance here) or non-scientific/anecdotal (refer to your textbook or lecture notes). Make sure that you clearly state and describe the evidence being used to make the author’s argument. • Point of View/Perspective. All social scientists have a point of view or perspective. It may be stated explicitly or it may be implied by their argument. One way to identify their point of view or perspective is to consider the following: What is their level of analysis (e.g. macro/micro)? What theoretical approach has the author taken (e.g. socialconflict, structural-functionalist, symbolic-interactionist)? Keep in mind that a point of view/perspective is not the same as a hypothesis or a thesis. Nor is it the same as a bias, which implies looking at an event solely from one point of view. All perspectives have their shortcomings; they allow us to ‘see’ certain aspects of social life whilst being ‘blind’ to others. • Strengths and Weaknesses. Consider the research methodology used and its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Was any empirical evidence presented; was it collected by the author or other social scientists; did it adequately support the author’s conclusions? Consider the author’s assumptions, was it reasonable? Consider the author’s bias, point of view, or theoretical perspective; was it fair and reasonably objective; did it adequately explain the research question? Be sure to clearly describe both the strengths and weaknesses of your article. Did the article succeed in achieving its overall purpose or add to the body of knowledge for this particular issue? • Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why or why not? Here is your chance to give your point of view on this research question. Be sure to clearly describe your point of view and your reasons for that position. 3. Sociological Concepts/Theory and Social Issues/Trends (1-2 pages or 275-500 words) • You are expected to demonstrate your understanding of the broader issues represented by your research question and article. Broader issues include sociology of sexuality concepts and theories discussed in the text and throughout the course; social trends and current events within Canada or the global community that apply to your topic. You will begin this by: a. Applying a sociological theory – Select one of the major sociology of sexuality theories that apply to your research question. Clearly define, explain, and apply this theory to your article and the research question. b. Discuss social trends and current events within Canada or the global community that apply to your research question. Here you will integrate the current article from popular media (be sure to provide enough content here by summarizing the article and explaining how it ties into your journal article and broader social issue). Numbers 1, 2 and 3 should appear as subheadings in your paper. You may or may not include and introduction and conclusion.

Adrenal insufficiency


1.Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and collaborative (nursing and medical) management. 2.The map is nonlinear and treelike. Concepts and links are easy to follow and understand. The map demonstrates all appropriate connections between concepts and linking words accurately describe relationships. Map is clearly legible 3.The concept map is based on multiple (>10) references including material from professional journals and noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) websites. Multiple current research articles are included in references. There are no errors in APA citations or references. 4.The concept map illustrates creativity in layout, use of shapes, use of color, and interconnectedness. Color is used to improve clarity

Switzerland Health Care

. The focus of this paper will be the health care system for the country you choose to focus on for your final assignment. Health care system: this is where you explore and explain to the audience how the country’s health care system is set up APA format (cover page, correct in-text citations, reference page, standard font). Please use this sources : Switzerland pharmaceuticals & healthcare report – Q2 2017. (2017). (). London: Fitch Solutions Group Limited. Retrieved from ProQuest Central Retrieved from Dey, M., & Jorm, A. F. (2017). Social determinants of mental health service utilization in switzerland. International Journal of Public Health, 62(1), 85-93. doi: Luta, X., Panczak, R., Maessen, M., Egger, M., Goodman, D. C., Zwahlen, M., …Clough – Gorr, K. (2016). Dying among older adults in Switzerland: who dies in hospital, who dies in a nursing home? BMC Palliative Care, 15(1). Retrieved from Bukharmetova, L. (2019). The economy of switzerland as a key attractive factor for german immigrants: Aspect of net income and alternative approaches. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 13(1), 35-47,155. Retrieved from Remund, A. (2018). Young adult excess mortality in switzerland: The role of socioeconomic vulnerability. Population, 73(3), 445-480. Retrieved from

Health Behaviour Change

Health Behaviour Change

Do you have a health behavior you would like to improve? Maybe you would like to stop smoking, improve your diet, increase your fitness level, or try to remember to floss your teeth on a daily basis? Or perhaps you know someone else who wants to change a health behavior? For this assignment, we would like you to prepare a plan to change a health behavior of your choice.

Use the behavior change strategies and models of health behavior laid out in your textbook to write a brief (1-3 pages) plan for changing the behavior. In your plan, please apply both cognitive and behavioral strategies described in chapters 6-8 of your textbook (e.g., positive reinforcement; stimulus control).

How might you go about changing, or helping someone else change, the particular health behavior you chose? Note: Ensure that you address models that will aid your target population with changing the behaviour and not models that merely predict behaviour change. For example, the theory of planned behaviour predicts the likelihood of an individual changing a behaviour but it does not aid in the actual behaviour change intervention. Using models that predict an individual’s likelihood of changing a behaviour can still be used to supplement your behaviour change plan. P

Those calcium supplements

Those calcium supplements aren’t doing your body any good. For each RCW, read the article and based upon your growing knowledge of Human A&P, critique the topic. The structure of the papers should be of a mini-review in accordance with the journal “Frontiers in Medicine. ”

A sample paper is provided for your guidance. Each paper should be ~1,300 – 1,500 words.

Here are the specific details that must be included: 1Cover page with a title and your information present 2Abstract (250 words) 3Section 1 – Offer a succinct and clear summary of the topic with update-to-date information (Introduction) 4Section 2 – Different schools of thought on the topic and/or controversies.

This section should have a title. 5Section 3 – Current gaps in research.

This section should have a title. 6Section 4 – Potential future developments in the field. This section should have a title. 7Conclusions 8Works cited page ——— Grading Rubric for RCWs: Points Areas of Focus Expectation 30 points Mastery of the subject matter (7.5 points for each of the 4 sections) How well did you discuss the topic? How well did you discuss the topic as it relates to each section? Was it cohesive? 5 points Grammar/spelling Points will be taken off for run on sentences and spelling errors. Proofread! 10 points Paper format – Frontiers in Medicine Formating (mini review article) Did you correctly follow the format: Contact a professor if you have any questions. Is the document at least 1,500 words? 5 points Citations

Early Onset Schizophrenia Choice

The Assignment (2 pages): Compare at least two evidence-based treatment plans for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia with evidence-based treatment plans for children and adolescents diagnosed with schizophrenia. Explain the legal and ethical issues involved with forcing children diagnosed with schizophrenia to take medication for the disorder and how a PMHNP may address those issues.

Metabolically healthy obesity Whats in a name


Source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 110, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 533–539. Instructions: Read the article and prepare a written summary of at least 5 double spaced typewritten pages. Your summary should include a short summary of the article and your opinion on the content or outcomes of your article. Summaries should be written in MLA format to include the work cited (which would only be one, your article). Do not cut and paste material from your article to your summary. Cutting and pasting will result in point deductions and may result in a 0 for this project

Article by Walton Finding a balance: a grounded theory study of spirituality in hemodialysis patients

Description Article by Walton Finding a balance: a grounded theory study of spirituality in hemodialysis patients, Instruction 1 and half to 2 Page (Reference Page) Mrs. M’s AV fistula is not healing properly and she will have to undergo another AV graft repair in a few days. Mrs. M. remembers the number of sites the surgeon explored prior to the creation of the first AV graft. Mrs. M. states, “Why me? Why has God chosen to keep me on this earth? Consider one of more of the following to discuss how you would address Mrs M.’s comment. • The concepts of spirituality and religion how does it influence patient care • How will you address Mrs. M’s comment? • How will you build a therapeutic nurse-client relationship that will support her through this? CNA End of Life Issues CNO Therapeutic Nurse-client relationship RNAO Best practice guidelines-Establishing Therapeutic Relationship




Paper details:

This is a research paper which I hope can include the essay I provided (THE EFFECT OF HEALTH ON ECONOMIC GROWTH.pdf, please read the whole document and use it) , and other resources.

Mental Health in the Community

Write a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and search for Mental Health and Mental Disorders. After reading the Overview section, pick and note 2 objectives/goals from the list that you feel affect your community and explain why these were chosen. As a nurse, what can you do to help the community move towards this goal? Explain how physical health and mental health are correlated. What impact does each have on the other? Give at least one detailed example of how either a specific physical ailment leads to a breakdown in mental health or how a specific mental health disorder can lead to physical issues. Explain Trauma Informed Care in detail. How you can use Trauma Informed Care to assist a child who has been impacted by trauma? Assignment Expectations: Length: 1000-1500 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) outside scholarly sources are required. Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level. Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf) File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)