Health Care – Genetics

For this paper, integrate genetics evidence with regards to diabetic disease. 1. Describe if chromosomal analysis is/was indicated. 2. Detail the causes of the disorder. 3. Describe the disorder in terms of its origin as either a single gene inheritance, or as a complex inheritance and considerations for practice and patient education. 4. Analyze the gene mutation of the disease, as well as whether it is acquired or inherited, and how the mutation occurs. 5. PLEASE USE ARTICLES NOT MORE THAN FIVE YEARS

Depression in the elderly

Depression in later life is usually diagnosed on the basis of two clusters of symptoms: feelings and physical changes. In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of depression in the elderly and address the following: How would one know if an elderly relative had clinical depression or was sad because of specific life changes and losses? What are the consequences of depression in the elderly? Which behaviors would indicate a person going through depression needs therapy? What kind of therapy would a professional recommend and why?

Health Care Finance

Write a 2–3 page report using the financial statements from last week’s assignment and perform the following financial analyses on the organization: Calculate and interpret key financial ratios: Liquidity (current ratio, collection period, days cash-on-hand, average payment period) Profitability (operating margin (%), total margin (%), return on net assets (%) Asset efficiency (total asset efficiency, age of plant (years), fixed asset turnover, current asset turnover, inventory turnover) Capital structure (net asset financing [%], long-term debt to capitalization, debt service coverage, cash flow to debt [%]) Provide comparisons to industry averages or to a competitor and provide comments Provide recommendations to improve financial performance Attach exhibits and charts to the appendices section of your report to support your analysis Your report should be 2–3 pages in length and follow APA formatting. You have a choice in how you format this assignment see examples A and B below

Accountable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) play a key role in coordinating health care services for Medicare beneficiaries. These organizations have largely become consumer driven, making marketing and health care consumerism central to their success. By offering and marketing evidence-based, patient-centered services and initiatives, ACOs can better connect with consumers. For this Assignment, you examine the services and initiatives for an ACO in your state. To prepare: Select an ACO from the website ACOs in Your State in this week’s Learning Resources. Identify evidence-based services/initiatives that the ACO is using. Note: To determine if services/initiatives are evidence-based, go to Consider the following: Is the ACO using services/initiatives that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognize and for which they offer reimbursements? How does the ACO market these services/initiatives to increase health care consumerism? The Assignment In a matrix, analyze evidence-based services/initiatives that the ACO you selected is using for each of the following: Quality of care IT Marketing Financial outcomes Population health programs Vertical versus horizontal integration Operational excellence Include whether the ACO is using approaches that CMS recognizes for reimbursements and how these initiatives/services increase health care consumerism. Synthesize the information you have gathered from your analysis so that each bullet point clearly represents the most significant considerations within each category. While this is a 1-page document that might appear to be simple, each point must be the result of deep and critical thinking RESOURCES —

The Benefits of Organ Transplantation

Your belief is that everyone should be an organ donor Write a 3-4 page paper to persuade a group of people who are undecided or against organ donations. Paper Topic: The Benefits of Organ Transplantation Your belief is that everyone should be an organ donor Write a 3-4 page paper to persuade a group of people who are undecided or against organ donations. Paper Format: Introduction (4-6 sentences) Hook: Grab the reader’s attention with a quote, scenario, question, vivid description, etc. Must be related to your topic. (2-3 sentences) Thesis statement: Simply and clearly state your position on the issue(1 sentence ) Three arguments. Choose three arguments you can use to convince your reader of your position. Briefly state these arguments here. (2-3 sentences) Paragraph 2 (5-8 sentences) Go back to paragraph one and find your first argument. Then write a paragraph about it. Use specific examples to support your argument Write a transition sentence. Paragraph 3 (5-8 sentences) Go back to paragraph one and find your second argument. Write a paragraph about it . Use specific examples to support your argument. You should authoritative websites to give facts, statistics, supporting quotations, studies, research, etc. Write a transition sentence. Paragraph 4 (5-8 sentences) Go back to paragraph one and find your third argument. Write a paragraph about it. Use specific examples to support your argument Write a transition sentence. Conclusion (3-5 sentences) Summarize—restate your thesis statement and three arguments in different words Make a closing statement. Tie your closing statement back to your opening hook. The paper should be 1100 words long




Paper details:

Knowledge questions Five specific questions are posed for which you are to respond. You will need to undertake your own research, as well as reflect on the unit content. This is to enable you to correctly define, respond and fully explain different concepts, models or applications. Remember, you can revisit your learning unit/activities at any time. The Assessor is looking for the correct use of terms, knowledge applied, and your ability to accurately interpret and respond to specific questions within the context of this unit. 180 words min per question (1100 altogether minimum)PLEASE USE AUSTRALIAN DATABASE AND LANGUAGE

Health services finance: Strategic Planning

Our discussion this week will allow you to see the connection between the strategic planning process and the role of the health care financial manager. Before you participate in this week’s discussion, you will need to read “Explanation of Research Required for this Week’s Discussion Board” posted in this week’s course module. When you have completed your research, please prepare your original post using the following structured format: Name of Selected Organization: Location of Selected Organization: Brief Description of Selected Organization: Mission: Vision: Values: Brief Description of Selected Strategic Initiative:(Remember, a strategic initiative is a particular project that achieves a strategic goal.) Your insight about and explanation of how the organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values are supported by the initiative that you selected. Your insight about and explanation of the role of the financial manager in the initiative that you have selected. Be sure to identify things that you feel the financial manager might have considered or would need to consider in the future. Remember, you must research a health care organization. EXPLANATION OF RESEARCH!!! This week you are responsible for conducting in-depth research related to strategic planning in health care organizations. The research that you complete will be used to meet the requirements of your discussion board participation. Here are the guidelines for your research: Select a health care organization that is not discussed in Chapter 24 or in the Required Resources material. Identify the organization’s six major components of strategic planning You should be able to easily identify the organization’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals using readily available web-based resources. If you are unable to identify all of these four components, you will need to select a new organization. You may not be able to easily identify the organization’s Objectives and Action Plans as easily. This is because this information is often not publicly available or strictly confidential. You may need to infer these two components, based on the next step in your research process. Identify a current or recent strategic initiative for your selected organization. Remember, a strategic initiative is a particular project that achieves a strategic goal. Research this initiative until you are clear about the description of the initiative, the time-frame of the initiative, the purpose of the initiative, the rationale for the initiative, and the anticipated/achieved outcomes. As you conduct your research, think about the who-what-where-when-why of the initiative so that you are sure that you have gathered all of the necessary information. When you have completed your research, it will be time to present your findings in the discussion board. The requirements of our original discussion board post can be found in the discussion board prompt.

The Relationship between the U.S. Healthcare System and Income Inequality

The research paper is about 5 chapters. ch 1,ch 2, ch 3 and ch 4 are done. you will be writing chapter 5. before you write you must read carefully ch 1, ch 2, ch 3 and ch 4. you must understand the thesis and the purpose of the paper. use only free legit websites, dont use books or any website which other people cant have access or thats paid. please do in-text citation apa format. chapter 5 must sound like its part of ch 1, ch 2, ch 3 and ch 4, must have the flow. please see all the attached file. very important. i dont need abstract paper. please include all the website links you used. dont use any information outside of USA. only USA information. please ask me if you have any question.

Health Economics : the tradeoff between pharmaceutical innovation (as patent system and lack of price controls in the U.S. preserve financial incentives to invest in drug development) and consumer cost (higher/unaffordable drug prices).

Based on the readings below, write an individual essay arguing your point of view on the tradeoff between pharmaceutical innovation (as patent system and lack of price controls in the U.S. preserve financial incentives to invest in drug development) and consumer cost (higher/unaffordable drug prices). What do you think would be a feasible strategy (or combination strategies) that would balance pharmaceutical innovation incentives and lower consumer costs? – From the drug manufacturers’ perspective and societal perspective: Required readings will include journal articles on the effect of innovation incentives on drug development and journal articles evaluating the high economic (opportunity) cost of drug development: • Goldman, D. P., Lakdawalla, D. N., Malkin, J. D., Romley, J., & Philipson, T. (2011). The benefits from giving makers of conventional ‘small molecule’ drugs longer exclusivity over clinical trial data. Health Affairs, 30(1), 84-90. • DiMasi, J. A., Hansen, R. W., & Grabowski, H. G. (2003). The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs. Journal of Health Economics, 22(2), 151-185. • Danzon, P. M., Wang, Y. R., & Wang, L. (2005). The impact of price regulation on the launch delay of new drugs—evidence from twenty‐five major markets in the 1990s. Health Economics, 14(3), 269-292. – From the patient perspective and societal perspective: Required readings will include opinion articles from the NY Times on patients skipping or rationing essential medications due to their high costs, frequent changes in drugs covered due to negotiations between drug manufacturers and PBMs, etc: • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) Rubric: You will have to write an opening statement paragraph illustrating your point of view and argument with 3 reasons illustrated using evidence from the readings in one paragraph each.

Reflective Clinical Journal Entries

Guidelines and instructions Students will submit a weekly journal starting the third week of clinical. At the end of each clinical experience, students will submit a written reflective clinical journal on Canvas for evaluation. Students will describe their clinical experience day by providing exemplars of the care they rendered to their clients and how their care was achieved. The clinical reflective journals must include the following: A. personal clinical learning goals/objectives, B. client profile(s), HIPPA requirements must be followed to protect client privacy, C. Descriptions of the care rendered to the client (s) and how it was achieved using the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Core Competencies. D. a discussion of how goals were met or not met, strengths/needs, E. a reflection, F. Recommendation of changes in how you would function as a newly graduated BSN G. must be 2-4 pages in length, pages that exceed the limit will NOT be read and further points may be removed if critical content was included on the excess pages H. Precise APA format that includes correct punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and references. The “easy” online APA software has errors and should NOT be used. I. type, Times Roman, 12-point font, and double-spaced, J. a reference page with at least 3 recent (not older than 5 years) peer-reviewed nursing articles, books, drug book/guide, laboratory and diagnostics manual, policy & procedure manual etc.