What is lymphedema how is it diagnosed and how do you classify 

What is lymphedema, how is it diagnosed and how do you classify the clinical stages of lymphedema? Secondly, What are the key management strategies related to the clinical issues associated with lymphedema?

What is lymphedema, how is it diagnosed and how do you classify

Question .1
1. Firstly, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Lymphedema: 2016 Consensus Document of the International Society of Lymphology. Lymphology. 2016 Dec; 49(4):170-84.

1.  Secondly, Penzer R. Lymphoedema. Nurs Stand. 2003; 17(35):14-20.

Question:1(i) Firstly, What is lymphedema, how is it diagnose d and how do you classify the clinical stages of lymphedema?

Question: 1(ii) Secondly, What are the key management strategies related to the clinical issues associated with lymphedema?

 Question .2

2.   Firstly, Stocks ME, Freeman MC, Addiss DG. The Effect of Hygiene- Based Lymphedema Management in Lymphatic Filariasis-Endemic Areas: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Oct 23;9(10):e0004171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004171. eCollection 2015 Oct.

2. Secondly, Coulibaly YI, Dembele B, Diallo AA, et al. A randomized trial of doxycycline for   mansonella perstans infection. N Engl J Med. 2009; 361(15):1448-58.

Question: 2(i) Firstly, What is the role of hygiene and doxycycline in the management of filarial related lymphedema?

Question: 2(ii) Secondly, How can hygiene and doxycycline be extrapolated to the management of other forms of lymphedema?

 Question 3

3. Firstly, Hadamitzky C, Pabst R, Gordon K, Vogt PM. Surgical procedures in lymphedema         management.J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2014 Oct;2(4):461-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2014.02.001. Epub 2014 Mar 22.

3. Secondly, Sharkey AR, King SW, Ramsden AJ, Furniss D. Do surgical interventions for limb lymphoedema reduce cellulitis attack frequency? Microsurgery. 2017 May;37(4):348-353. doi: 10.1002/micr.30115. Epub 2016 Sep 23.

Question: 3 (i) Firstly, What is the role of surgical interventions for lymphedema?

Question: 3 (ii) Secondly, What are the complications and long-term consequences of these surgical procedures?

Question 4

13.4 Firstly, Rabe E et al. Indications for medical compression stockings in venous and lymphatic disorders: An evidence-based consensus statement. Phlebology. 2018 Apr;33(3):163-184. doi: 10.1177/0268355516689631. Epub 2017 Feb 22.

13.4 Secondly, Scheer R. Clinical innovation: compression garments for managing lymphoedema. Also, Wounds International 2017;8(2): 34–8

Question: 13.4 (i) Firstly, Describe the principles of lymphedema bandaging.

Question: 13.4 (ii) Secondly, How would you assist the patient with financial constraints to pay for bandages or stockings?

Question 5
Firstly, Utilize all the readings (refrences) provided above to answer this question.

Question: 5

Firstly, Discuss a brief scenario of a patient who suffers from lymphedema in your practice or a practice you are familiar with, including:
Firstly, Special patient centered concerns.
Secondly,  Physical exam or description of the lymphedema.
Thirdly, Diagnostic testing or procedures that have been carried out planned or would be part of the ideal management.
Fourthly, Treatment to date planned and treatment that would be part of ideal care if resources were available.


Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient. In your answer identify the clinical manifestations of an MI demonstrated by Kath Harris and why these are occurring. Identify the risk factors evident within this case study. How would you manage Mrs Harris’ care?

Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient

Your assignment is to produce a written piece of work addressing the following areas;

Firstly, Briefly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction in this patient. Secondly, In your answer identify the clinical manifestations of an MI demonstrated by Kath Harris and why these are occurring. Lastly, Identify the risk factors evident within this case study. How would you manage Mrs Harris’ care?

Furthermore, Outline the immediate nursing and medical management Mrs Harris requires in the treatment of an acute MI. In your answer include the pharmacological management required by a patient with an acute coronary syndrome.

– Identify three medications that would be used in the treatment of an MI and outline the indication for use, mechanism of action, administration method, side effects, and nursing care required for these medications (No tables).

Aim of assessment
Additionally, The purpose for this case study is to enable students to produce a nurse-led case management plan, using evidence-based information relevant to nurses and up-to-date Australian statistics, for improving the health and quality of life for an older adult who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Also, Content should include discussion on pathophysiological treatment options, based on national guidelines and implications for nursing practice.

More details;

What does pathophysiology mean in medical terms?
Pathophysiology ( a.k.a. … Pathology describes the abnormal or undesired condition, whereas pathophysiology seeks to explain the functional changes that are occurring within an individual due to a disease or pathologic state.
What is an example of pathophysiology?
Medical Definition of

Pathophysiology: Deranged function in an individual or an organ due to a disease. For example, a pathophysiologic alteration is a change in function as distinguished from a structural defect.

Resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic

Write a 3–4 page evidence-based resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic. It is important for the nurse leader to have not only a basic understanding of the budget process, but to understand how to work with variances in staffing, patient loads, and supply costs in order to meet the needs of the patients, without compromising the funding process of the clinic.

Resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic

Write a 3–4 page evidence-based resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic.
It is important for the nurse leader to have not only a basic understanding of the budget process, but to understand how to work with variances in staffing, patient loads, and supply costs in order to meet the needs of the patients, without compromising the funding process of the clinic.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 3:

Apply management strategies and best practices for health care finance, human resources, and materials allocation decisions to improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.

Secondly, apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.

Thirdly, describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.

Competency 4:

Firstly, apply professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct in professional practice.

Secondly, apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.

Competency 5:

Firstly, communicate in manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.

Secondly, write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.

Kelly, P., & Tazbir, J. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.


More details;

What does a heart failure clinic do?
Marymount’s Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Clinic provides specialized nursing care and education for patients diagnosed with congestive heart failure, helping them better understand their condition and how to manage their health.

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders-In this exercise

This paper focuses on Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders. In this exercise, you will complete a 10-20 question Knowledge Check to gauge your understanding of this module’s content.

Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders-In this exercise

In this exercise, you will complete a 10-20 question Knowledge Check to gauge your understanding of this module’s content. This Knowledge Check will give you an opportunity to review a given scenario or situation to help you determine cause and effect of a given disorder from a pathophysiology perspective.

Please note that this is a formative practice for you to help you better prepare for your Final Exam.

Possible topics covered in this Knowledge Check include:
Firstly, Stroke
Secondly, Multiple sclerosis

Thirdly, Transient Ischemic Attack
Fourthly, Myasthenia gravis
Further, Headache
Additionally, Seizure disorders
Also, Head injury
Besides, Spinal cord injury
Moreover, Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Also, Osteoporosis
Lyme disease
Finally, Parkinson’s
Lastly, Alzheimer’s

Three basic bone-formations:

To prepare:

To access your Knowledge Check for this Module, click on the Module Knowledge Checks link below. You will be redirected to the Blackboard classroom Knowledge Checks page.

Click on this Module’s Knowledge Check from the Blackboard classroom Knowledge Checks page.

The Module Knowledge Check will open in a new browser window. Ensure that your browser is allowing pop-ups.

Complete the questions for each scenario.


You may exit and resume the Knowledge Check at any time.

To exit the Knowledge Check without completing the activity, close the browser window.

To resume the Knowledge Check, click on the Knowledge Checks link from the Blackboard navigation bar or click on the Module Knowledge Checks link below.

Once you finalize your Knowledge Check and you are satisfied with your responses, print your results from the last slide in your Knowledge Check.

You will see specific directions for creating a PDF file to submit for scoring in the Submission Information area below.


Lastly, you may submit your Knowledge Check results file at any time during this week. However, it must be submitted by Day 7 of Week 7.

The important discovery in immunology using scientific journals

This is a paper that focuses on the important discovery in immunology using scientific journals. The paper also provides links to use in writing the paper.

The important discovery in immunology using scientific journals

Write a commentary style article focusing on an important discovery in immunology. Commentary articles are an essential component of many scientific journals. Examples are: News and also Views in Nature journals,
Perspective in Science and Previews in Immunity. Below are also some additional examples of commentary articles:
Lipopolysaccharide sensing on the inside (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v501/n7466/full/nature12556.html)  T. rex attacks the lysosome

Your assignment is to also highlight the recent research paper titled: “Inhaled IL-10 Suppresses Lung Tumorigenesis via Abrogation of Inflammatory Macrophage– Th17 Cell Axis” published in the

General guidelines

Your manuscript must be organized with the following sections:
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Background
4. Study summary
5. Discussion
6. References
7. Summary figure and also legend

Firstly, the manuscript should be 900 words or less (excluding abstract, figure legend and references) in length with no more than 10 references and one figure. Secondly, you must draw your own rather than photocopy or scan diagrams from articles or textbooks. Thirdly, the Abstract must be 50 words or less. Reference style: Harvard (Author’s names and also year of publication). A 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman, is required for all the text. Double-space the entire manuscript and the margins should be set at 2 cm. Word counts for the abstract and also main text (excluding references) must be indicated on first page.  .! Additionally, you should provide an up-to-date review of the topic.

In researching your chosen topic, it will also be important to review published literature on your topic. We suggest that you utilise PubMed to ensure that your written assignment is up-to-date. Subsequently, there are many different reading sources which may be useful including Nature, Science, Nature Immunology, immunity, Nature review of Immunology, Annual Review of Immunology, etc, just to name a few. The essay must be double spaced, neat, and easy to read.

The health needs assessment for a particular population

This is a paper that is focusing on the health needs assessment for a particular population. The paper also provides further instructions on how to write the report on the health needs.

The health needs assessment for a particular population

A 5000 word written report, weighting 100% of the Module mark. This means there is only one summative assessment on this Module.
The Assessment is based on a health needs assessment (HNA) for a particular population in a chosen local area. The coursework requires you to identify, examine and analyse the health needs of a particular population in relation to relevant health determinants. Also, current healthcare service provision within a particular area (local authority) and then critique a resultant health needs assessment.

Interpret and discuss the health needs and current service provision. Using these as the evidence-base for drawing local area priorities and recommendations for intervention service design, planning, development, delivery, monitoring and evaluation in relation to the health needs of the respective population. Whilst you develop your work from existing HNA and public health reports. Think of your work as the latest and most updated evidence-based HNA report prepared for (or required by) commissioners in the local area to commission healthcare services for the chosen population.


In the Report, you should clearly underline the health needs of the chosen population. Also, through your suggested priorities and recommendations for service provision, show how these should be met. Your priorities and recommendations should take into account that your Report is to consider as the latest HNA for the chosen population in the chosen local area. Therefore, this should also take into consideration the challenges facing the local authority. Also, how these can be negotiated in order to implement your HNA more effectively in the local area in relation to the chosen population. As such, the Report priorities and recommendations provide the base for a comprehensive discussion on “how to make it happen”.

The Report should clearly discuss the epidemiologic context of health problem/s. Also, the health needs of the chosen population including the current service provision and utilisation by the population. This should underline and discuss clearly the health inequalities that exist and their determinants in relation to the chosen population. Think of what should be the local priorities for commissioners. Additionally, other local area stakeholders with interest in the HNA in relation to the chosen population.  Thus, the Report’s recommendations should show how the local area priorities can be achieved.

The identification of healthcare laws or statues on ethics

This is an assignment that focuses on the identification of healthcare laws or statues. The paper also applies the ethical understanding to specific situations.

The identification of healthcare laws or statues

Identify healthcare laws or statutes
P‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍urpose: The purpose of this assignment is to objectively identify healthcare laws or statutes and also apply your ethical understanding to specific situations that are depicted in the film. Grading: Your grade will depend on your ability to: Identify appropriate healthcare laws or statutes (legal rights); Objectively evaluate the ethical issues presented in the film; Indicate HIPAA violations noted in this film; Clearly and also concisely communicate your reflections about the film by answering each question in a professional style with spelling, grammar, punctuation, and accuracy of details.

Use of APA format for the paper is also required. Instructions: Please choose 1 film from the list below to view. The links will show a trailer for each film. Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming services may have these available in full-length. Bloodwork (Links to an external site.) My Sister’s Keeper (Links to an external site.) First do no Harm (Links to an external site.) John Q (Links to an external site.) The Rainmaker (Links to an external site.)

The identification of healthcare laws or statues

After watching the film, write a 3 page paper examining the legal (healthcare laws), ethical, and HIPAA violations/issues noted in the film. You will also include your reflections. After viewing the entire film, respond to the following questions below. Focus on the facts. Objectively apply your ethical and legal knowledge when completing this assignment. Utilize your available resources (Text, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) as well as your knowledge from class to help you gain additional understanding about the complex ethical issues surrounding this film.

Lastly, be certain to include these resources or any others used, in your references for the paper. Describe your immediate feelings about the film. Are you comfortable with the ending? Why? Identify the ethical issues for at least one of the main characters of the film. Identify the legal rights for at least one main character of the film. Give specific examples of HIPAA violations in this film that relate to current readings and resources.


Overview of the food security and nutritional health of Afghanistan

This is an assignment that focuses on the overview of the food security and nutritional health of the country. The paper also focuses on the next ten to two years development of the topic.

Overview of the food security and nutritional health of Afghanistan

Country Project – Afghanistan Part 2

1. Write up (worth 90% of final assignment mark)
a. 35% Part 1
– Part 1 is completed, it provides an overview of the food security and nutritional health of the country, set the scene for Part 2.
(I have uploaded the work for part 1, if it’s useful)
b. 55% Part 2 – instructions:
For this section, you are asked to provide an outline of how you think aid agencies could work with this country over the next 10-20 years to aid their development. Please bear in mind you must focus on identifying and critically evaluating the most practical, long term, sustainable interventions which will lead to greater food (and water) security and also better nutritional health.

For Part 2, expect to see reference to both internet sources and scientific journals:

• e.g. you choose strategy A. Your choice of strategy A was upon evidence you collected from your reading, e.g., it has already been used successfully by other NGOs in neighbouring countries (as evidenced by…), it was shown to have contributed to the attainment of MDG….and will contribute to the attainment of SDG….(as evidenced by….)

• Note: It is much more persuasive to say that intervention x reduced prevalence of y by z% than to simply say that intervention x reduced prevalence of y.

Overview of the food security and nutritional health of Afghanistan

The focus should be on nutritional/food related interventions. Remember, NGOs do not have the money to (nor should they) build roads, railway tracks, ports, hospitals… Do not spend time focusing on purely economic strategies to push economic development. Do not discuss trade barriers or primary, secondary, tertiary education.

You want strategies that are long term, but you cannot afford to concentrate on strategies that will take years and years to bear fruit.  Similar intervention that applied in other country, the evidence, the outcome, specific intervention not national name
You need strategies that may have a relatively quick impact on nutritional health, risk of dying and also food security. These must be sustainable as one day you will need to leave the country.
Your focus is on Specific interventions that work.
*For example: Yield increase, Water hygiene, Food diversity – to prevent Specific Macronutrient deficiency (e.g. Vitamin A, Iron deficiency)

*You need to propose 3 practical, long term, sustainable interventions which will lead to greater food (and/or water) security and also better nutritional health.
You can include pictures, tables and graphs to illustrate points, Keep it clear, concise and also logical.

Cultures that are currently influencing healthcare and effecting

Describe five cultures that are currently influencing healthcare and effecting delivery decisions. Discuss each culture in detail and describe potential challenges to healthcare delivery.

Cultures that are currently influencing healthcare and effecting

Firstly, describe five cultures that are currently influencing healthcare and effecting delivery decisions.

Secondly, discuss each culture in detail and describe potential challenges to healthcare delivery. Include a discussion of how you would address nursing staff ensuring that these cultures were handled with respect and appropriate care delivery behaviour.

More details;

How does culture affect health care delivery?

The influence of culture on health is vast. It affects perceptions of health, illness and death, beliefs about causes of disease, approaches to health promotion, how illness and pain are experienced and expressed, where patients seek help, and the types of treatment patients prefer.
What are the sociol cultural factors affecting health?
Here are some examples of major social factors that can influence your health.

Firstly, Education. Your education level can have an effect on how healthy you are. …

Secondly, Income. The amount of money you make has an effect on your health. …

Thirdly, Housing. Where you live has a significant impact on your health. …

Fourthly, Access to health care.

What are some examples of cultural barriers in healthcare?
“These challenges are diverse and include insecurity to engage with patients, misunderstanding of patients, more directive communication, negative impacts on shared decision making, more time-consuming communication, perceived power distance between patients and physicians, etc.,” the researchers reported.
How does culture influence physical findings?
Cultural differences create problems in communication, rapport, physical examination and treatment compliance and follow through. … The perception of physical pain and psychologic distress varies from culture to culture and affects the attitudes and effectiveness of care-givers as much as of patients.
How does culture play a role in healthcare?
Role of Culture in Healthcare Decision-Making. Culture is a tool that its members use to assure their survival and well-being, as well as provide meaning to life. … Conflict related to cultural beliefs within healthcare commonly arises during times of significant life change.

You are the Chief Operating Officer of a large healthcare system

You are the Chief Operating Officer of a large healthcare system, composed of acute, long-term care, and community-based organizations in addition to long-term care managed care plans.  Given your current studies in health policy and management, the Chief Executive Officer of this large healthcare system has requested that you prepare a high-level briefing for the system’s Board of Directors in which you describe:

You are the Chief Operating Officer of a large healthcare system

You are the Chief Operating Officer of a large healthcare system, composed of acute, long-term care, and community-based organizations in addition to long-term care managed care plans.

Given your current studies in health policy and management, the Chief Executive Officer of this large healthcare system has requested that you prepare a high-level briefing for the system’s Board of Directors in which you describe:

(a) Firstly, Factors that have contributed to dramatic growth in health care spending over the past 50 years; and
(b) Secondly, How health care payment and delivery models are transforming to promote greater accountability for cost and quality in the health care system.

Please conclude your memo with your analysis of the most promising approaches. This is for constraining cost growth while maintaining or improving quality. As well as the limitations or open questions that accompany new reimbursement. Also, delivery models that are intended to promote “accountable care.”

The memo must be four pages in length. Please include references to course readings as well as any relevant outside sources that support your analysis. Citations and a references page (not included in page length) are required.

You must use a recognizable memorandum format for this exercise. It is recommended that subject areas be segmented using sub headers. Include your institution’s logo on the first page of the memo (fictitious). Be creative.