Analysis of World Health Organization

Analysis of World Health Organization

The assignment is dedicated to a thorough analysis of World Health Organisation. It should include a legal analysis that is based on the interpretation of norms, treaties, and laws. It should include an economic analysis, citing the studies of economic exchanges and in/out flows of merchandises, assets and capital correlated to the organisation’s dynamics. It should include a political analysis, as a factor of the organization’s creation and as a consequence of it.

Identify the legal and normative sources, putting them in order of “hierarchy of norms” Analyse the content and the confrontation between the international norms and domestic laws Other requirements: Need a title page. table of contents Introduction As many body paragraphs needed to complete the assignment Conclusion giving the key findings

The bibliography The APPENDIX (does not count for the number of pages required to complete the assignment) Footnote Citation required MLA Format Notes from the Client: English is not my first language.

I do want my paper written in proper format and grammar, but please be sure the writing is not too advanced. I would like the English used to write my paper as simple and very easy to read and understand.

Health Advocacy

Health and Wellbeing: Advocacy and Practice Assignment 1 Weighting: 25% Due date: Tuesday (week 5) Suggested word limit: 1200 words Learning outcome This assignment assesses your understanding of the following learning outcome: • Identify how current factors shape the social health and wellbeing context, and impact the social health and wellbeing of people, familieswhānau, communities, and societies. Note: This assignment tests your knowledge of current factors only. Assessment instructions Part A – Social Health and Wellbeing Factors 15 marks (200 words) In Module 2, you watched a video titled, ‘Current challenges in the social health and wellbeing sector’, in which Marion Blake, CEO of Platform Trust, outlined some of the current complexities shaping social health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand today. You were invited to post a response, and to respond to other feedback in the online channel. This assignment re-visits and extends on this task. Choose two challenges from the video that are relevant to your personal or professional social health and wellbeing context. 1. Identify and describe both challenges. 5 marks 2. Explain why each challenge is relevant to your professional or personal social health and wellbeing context. 5 marks 3. Describe the impact of these challenges on people, families and/or whānau, communities and society. 5 marks Part B – Written Analysis 85 marks (1000 words) Explain three current factors that impact social health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand, at three different levels – individual, family and whanau, and communities or societal. 1. Identify and describe a current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of individuals. Explain how this factor is relevant to your professional or personal social health and wellbeing context. (300 words) 27 marks 2. Identify and describe a current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of whanau or families. Explain how this factor is relevant to your professional or personal social health and wellbeing context. (300 words) 27 marks 3. Identify and describe a current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of communities and society. Explain how this factor is relevant to your professional or personal social health and wellbeing context. (300 words) 27 marks Referencing • Use APA referencing to provide four citations from the course material. 4 marks Marking schedule Assessment criteria Marks Recommended word count Part A: Current Social Health and Wellbeing Factors Two current challenges have been identified and described. 5 200 words – Student has explained why both challenges are relevant to their professional context or to a health and wellbeing context they are familiar with. 5 Student has described the impact of these two challenges on people, families and/or whānau, communities and society. 5 Part B: Written Analysis One current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand has been identified and described. The student has demonstrated professional or personal relevance of the factor. 27 1000 words – One current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of whanau and families in Aotearoa New Zealand has been identified and described. The student has demonstrated professional or personal relevance of the factor. 27 One current factor that influences the social health and wellbeing of communities and society in Aotearoa New Zealand has been identified and described. The student has demonstrated professional or personal relevance of the factor.

Comprehensive sex education with coverage of content including self-identity, sex orientation, safe sex and contraception method.

Comprehensive sex education with coverage of content including self-identity sex orientation safe sex and contraception method

s 1. ____ Correct format: ID on first page, line spacing, margins, page numbers, stapled 2. ____ 6-8 pages in length 3. ____ At least 7 sources used; all sources provided and highlighted 4. ____ 4 scholarly sources used 5. ____ Arguable thesis that predicts paper organization 6. ____ Body supports thesis 7. ____ Counterargument/Alternative perspective 8. ____ Refutation/Response 9. ____ Sufficient evidence/support for each claim 10. ____ Citations for each piece of evidence; Reference page

Communicable diseases among IDUs

Communicable diseases among IDUs

Your paper must include the following sections, each with the major headings as noted in bold/underline below and in the order specified. You can include subheadings as you see fit.

Significance (Suggested 4 pages—9 points total) • Background (2 points) o This section should include a succinct yet clear description of the health issue, incorporating relevant epidemiologic data to identify the severity and susceptibility of the problem and establish the evidence for the behavioral risk factors to be addressed in the intervention. This question should answer the question “Why is this health issue important?” • Target Population Needs Assessment (3 points) o Describe the target population and discuss all important factors that influence the target population’s intention toward the behavioral and health objectives, including a thorough analysis of social influences, cultural values, and economic situations, considering the entire ecological model, essentially taking a systems thinking approach and considering the multiple levels of influence on individual behavior. This section should answer the questions “Why is this target population a priority for the health issue described above?”; “What are the roots of the social/behavioral issue, and how are cultural values considered in the problem and/or potential solutions?” and “What are the audiences’ needs, assets and capacities?” • Objectives (4 points) o Immediate (Theory-Based) Objectives (2 points)  Briefly state a minimum of two SMART short-term objectives and describe how they are related to the behavioral objective. Explicitly explain how these objectives could be quantitatively measured. o Intermediate (Behavioral) Objective (1 point)  Briefly state your one SMART behavioral objective and describe how it is related to the health objective. One objective is required, but with approval students may submit two if their program warrants. Explicitly explain how the behavioral objective could be quantitatively measured. o Long T erm (Health) Objective (1 point)  Briefly state your one SMART health objective and why this objective is important to individuals in your target population. Explicitly explain how the health objective could be quantitatively measured. Theoretical Approach (Suggested 5 pages—9 points total) In this section, you should describe the theoretical model of behavior you chose fully. Introduce and define the theory for the reader, discuss its utility, its assumptions, and its uses in various health contexts, including your health issue. Discuss its role in informing the development of your intervention, specifically how it informs the activities within your intervention: Describe the components of the assigned theory you used (as well as the components you did NOT use, if any) to develop your program and the rationale for incorporating (or not). The goal is to use your chosen theory as comprehensively as possible. (3 points) • Describe all the elements and activities of your health intervention program and discuss how your intervention incorporates into its design the elements of your chosen theory. What are the tailored programmatic activities and strategies you will utilize to engage your target audience effectively? (3 points) • Describe how this proposed program is innovative compared to other programs that have been previously implemented. Think about the following questions when developing this section (though not necessary to discuss each and every one). (3 points) “How is this program different/better than other programs in this health context or for your target population?” “What is it about your particular program and theoretical approach that will make it successful among your target population?” Discussion (Suggested 3 pages—4 points total) This section should include both Limitations and a Conclusions section.

• For the limitations portion, consider strengths of your theory and justify your choice. Alternatively, consider whether another theory, or an additional theory, might have improved your intervention and discuss how it/they would have been used. At least one additional theory should be discussed here. (2 points) • Bring to light overall limitations of your intervention/program in addressing the health issue in this population. (1 point) • For the conclusion, end on a positive and persuasive note with the anticipated policy and/or program implications resulting from your program, despite its limitations. (1 point)

Autism spectrum and public perception

 Autism spectrum and public perception


Paper details:

I am in a disability rights class and in which I need a ten page paper about the autism spectrum and the public perception. Also you can include the history behind the autism spectrum and how public perceptions have changed.

Health Law and Policy

Paper is for a health law and policy in canada course at the graduate level (master’s) Topic idea i had was about organ donation in canada and proposal of presumed consent and what that means for consent or how policies at hospitals will be impacted or how consent is determined with minors A different topic could be health law and policies and privacy laws something with maybe health data being transmitted and sometimes saved in US servers along with the PHIPA.

mindfulness or mindful meditation for health

mindfulness or mindful meditation for health

You will research mindfulness or mindful meditation for health using the google scholar, current media sources and historical information to develop a four page paper discussing the topic. All sources that you use should be cited in the reference page in APA format. You should have a title page, four double spaced content pages at least and a reference page. You need to organize your paper such that the introduction presents your issue and how you are going to cover it in the paper and it what order. Your main body of the paper will roll out in the same order that it was introduced in the introduction and your conclusion will once again present the issue, an overview of the main points that you made and some concluding thoughts and comments.

Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes Type 2

This is an APA thesis paper.

Please add the in-text citation and add the references that you used in APA.

Please follow the instruction below for the body of my thesis.

Options The Background and Landscape sections serve as the preamble to this policy analysis and puts the research problem in context.

The options section is the heart of your paper. It is the analysis and should be detailed.

Each option should be weighted equally. Be sure to use the factors in box 3.2 in analyzing each option (Tietelbaum & Wilensky, 2013, p. 260). Tietelbaum and Wilensky (2013) suggest “three to five alternatives for your client to consider” (p. 259). Your team should provide the positive and negative aspects (i.e., pros and cons) for each alternative.

This is what the authors deem “a balanced analysis”. They also suggest selecting between three and five criteria to run the pro vs. con analysis. Some criteria include: cost, Return-on Investment, political feasibility, etc. It is important to remember that your client’s values and his/her ability to make (or not make) decisions (i.e., power) must be kept in mind when making your final recommendation. Organizing your list of options logically is extremely important.

The first sentence in each “Option” subsection should clearly describe that option. When analyzing each option consider the following:

• Cost: How much does each option cost?

• Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost versus the value of each option

. • Political Feasibility: Are the options viable?

• Legal Implications: Are the options legal? What are the ramifications?

• Administrative Ease: How difficult would each option be to implement?

• Fairness: Does each option treat individuals affected fairly?

• Timeliness: Can each option be implemented in a timely reasonable fashion?

• Targeted Impact: Does each option actually target the problem/population involved (Tietelbaum & Wilensky, 2013, p. 260).

Option 1. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 2. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 3. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Option 4. Describe the option. What are the pros of this option? What are the cons of this option? Explain your argument briefly and concisely.

Your team may choose to insert brief tables in this section to illustrate how the team assessed each option. Make sure to keep the table content concise and brief, as tables are supposed to supplement your narrative. You might want to refer to the analytic side-by-side Table 13-2 appearing on page 261 of Tietelbaum and Wilensky’s textbook.

ICU COST in a 20 bed unit

ICU COST in a 20 bed unit

Dear Students: Attached is an Excel Spreadsheet of a “valid and reliable” data set of potential ICU costs in a 20 bed unit. The ICU director has goals that she must meet on an annual basis to keep her annual contract. You are the associate director in charge of research and she has asked you to answer the following based on the data of an average amount per day (each is worth 1 extra point for your overall grade – you must provide the correct answer within 10% of the exact number): 1. Will she meet her goal of $500,000 profit for the year – If yes, by how much – If no, by how much? [You can use the data as a monthly amount that can be extrapolated x 12 for an annual amount] 2. What are the percentage of days that DRGs are covering costs in the ICU [You can use the data as a monthly amount that represents the entire year] 3. What is the percent of variation explained by the process of care (part 1), and the structure of care (part 2). [You can use the data as a representation for the entire year. I suggest SPSS or SAS to complete the multiple regression – hint: you can use pearson MR] 4. What is the greatest single predictor of total costs and is it statistically significant at p<0.01? * Note: Please let me know if you would like me to scan the chapter on multiple regression from the book if you need it or can’t find how to do it.

A interview with a nurse

A interview with a nurse


Paper details:

Interview one nurse who is actively involved in advocating for health-care policy and collaborating with health-care policymakers. Some questions to consider include: What sparked your interest in health-care advocacy? How did you get started in health–care advocacy? What advice would you give to nurses who are not yet involved? What have you learned through your experience? Add any other question you would like