
You will choose one of the BROAD topics below (1-4) and then develop a more specific theme within this topic and a concise thesis statement. Your paper should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages in length (no more than 5 pages), font Times New Roman 12, with page numbers. It must include between 4 – 5 scholarly references, properly referenced. Choose one of the topics listed below: 1. Refugee access to health care in Canada 2. Access to health care for Indigenous people in Canada (urban or rural) 3. Racism and access to health care in Canada 4. Access to health care for people with disabilities in Canada You need to then come up with an issue or challenge within one of the broad topics above to write your paper on. We will work in tutorial together to develop this. We will be delving into the topics above throughout the readings and lectures, so you can formulate an issue to write your paper on as we move through the semester. Critical Perspective: At all times, your writing should have a critical perspective. Do not simply describe an issue. You must examine reasons for the issue, try to explain how it has come to be, possible solutions or obstacles towards its resolution, other contributing factors that might have been overlooked, etc. When possible, provide contrasting viewpoints. Your paper draft must include the following: – Cover page which includes a working title, course details, due date, your information (name and student number), name of your tutorial leader, and tutorial group number. The cover page does not count in the page count for your paper draft. – Section 1: Introduction Indicate clearly what you intend to examine in your final paper. Your introduction will contain your thesis statement or organizing argument. This can be written as a question. Be as specific as possible. For example, a strong thesis statement / question is: “How do doctor attitudes create barriers to care for people with disabilities?” A weak one for the same topic is: “What are barriers to health for people with disabilities?” (this is too broad and big for a short paper). Make sure the problem or issue you explore is one that is looking at the system and not the individual, we are looking for ways to change the system to meet the needs of people and not fit people into a system that is not working for all. – Section 2: Background and context: The next section of your paper will contain background information for your topic and provide some context. What are some of the key historical moments or milestones for this area of concern? How did this issue develop? Etc. – Sections 3-5: Discussion: The body of your paper draft will consist of separate sections, with subtitles, each section covering a different point that supports your thesis statement or organizing argument. Use subtitles to indicate what you are going to discuss in the next section. Within each section, use complete sentences, and draw from the academic literature to support your arguments. – Conclusion: Draw conclusions and pull your paper’s main points together. Do not introduce new material at this point in your paper. – Reference List: Your paper draft must use 4- 5 academic references. These include articles from peer-reviewed academic journals, books, or government documents. You may use up to two course readings. Newspaper and magazine articles may be used but do not count as academic references. The list must be done in APA style. The reference list does not count in your page count. [I have written a similar paper and submitted it into turnitin before. So when writing this new paper, you NEED to make sure you only use necessary parts that are going to help with this new essay topic. I have attached a copy of this old paper with edits and comments from my professor so use it. So edit it, as much as you can.] Just a suggestion, you can do the second one on “Access to health care for Indigenous people in Canada (urban or rural) ‘ because my first paper talks a little bit about it.

Clinical Information & Health Information Exchange

Description Within 5-7 pages, please give your thoughts on the “Clinical Information & Health Information Exchange:

Two Technologies Come Together at the Moment of Need” article. Regardless of your position, please use research and data to support your thoughts on the topic. Please incorporate different research topics and information we have covered in class to date. Conclude with what your suggestion for how these technologies will play out over the years to come. Please support your research, data, and decisions. Consider things such as where the industry is today, security, interoperability issues, and lack of standards. The following questions must be answered in your paper:1. What type of strain or challenges does storing all of this data for processing pose to the organization. What are some of the solutions?2. We’ve talked about the explosion of HIS pertaining to healthcare. How has the HITECH Act and The Accountable Care Act contributed to this explosion?3. What are the potential positive impacts of clinical analytics on value based healthcare delivery?4. What are the barriers to successful implementation of the Health Information Exchange? How do we overcome them?5. What challenges does interoperability of systems pose on information sharing?6. In your own words, tell me about the outlook of these two technologies over the next three to five years.

Healthcare Policy Analysis

Legislative Issue Medicare for All  It is expected that the final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper will be 8-10 pages in length, with 6-8 sources identified. Your paper should be 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, with standard margins. You should have a thesis statement in your introduction identifying the legislation/policy that your paper will be addressing. Please download and review the Grading Rubric for the Final Paper. APA in-text citation is required in addition to listing all of your sources on a Works Cited Page at the end of the document. Your grade will be affected if you do not cite or identify your sources correctly. Below is a list of questions that should be addressed in the body of your paper. What is the legislation/policy that will be analyzed in this paper? What is the problem/issue that this legislation attempts to address? What is the history of the legislation? Has (or will) the legislation been effective in addressing the problem or issue? What group(s) of people have been the most affected by the problem? Is there any information on the future of this legislation? (Revision, obsolete, status of bill, etc.) Do you feel that there could have been a non-legislative or free market solution to the problem/issue addressed by this legislation? Please discuss. APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Type 2 Diabetes in Northern Ontario


The paper will be based on academic research and health organization data.

You may use graphs and charts to illustrate data.

The paper should be 6-8 pages excluding references in Times New Roman 12pt font.

Throughout the body of the paper, use in-text citation to indicate when you are using information or ideas from another source. All references used should be included with complete reference information under the References Cited section at the end of your paper.

Please use APA style references.

Your paper will highlight a real public health issue (type 2 diabetes) with a focus on your local context, Northern Ontario (if local data is unavailable, use data for all of Canada).

Paper Sections:

Introduction/Background: Provide a description of the health concern; what is its natural history, how is it caused, who is impacted and how? Local Impact: Present some local statistics (Northern Ontario). If there have been recent changes in these, discuss why.

Try to get as specific as possible. If local data is not available, discuss the national context (Canada).

The Role of Public Health: Describe past public health efforts and their impact (in northern Ontario, if not Canada). What worked, what didn’t? What are current social and public health programs aimed at addressing this concern? Conclusion: Summarize your findings. Provide some thoughts, advice, and recommendations for further progress.

References Cited: Complete bibliography in APA sty

Hand Hygiene and infections in hospital

Hand Hygiene and infections in hospital THE EASIEST APPROACH- Answer the questions directly, facts only. Please stick to the information from the articles. Articles CANNOT be more than 5 YEARS OLD (PLEASE). I will attach an example of the PICO table and the MATRIX TABLE. Please try to stick to no more than the 5 pages with the research information only. Please include the entire 7 articles with the final paper. Please address any questions as soon as they comes up. Thank you in advance. A. Write a summary of the significance and background of a healthcare problem by doing the following: Problem- HAND HYGIENE AND INFECTIONS IN HOSPITAL 1. Describe a healthcare problem that can be used to develop a PICO question 2. Explain the significance of the problem from part A1. 3. Describe the current healthcare practices related to the problem from part A1. 4. Discuss how the problem affects the organization and patients’ cultural background (i.e., values, health behavior, and preferences).. B. Complete a literature review by searching for a total of seven articles consisting of five research articles and two non-research articles related to the healthcare problem from part A1, and describe the search strategy you used to conduct the literature review by doing the following: B-1. Discuss TWO research evidence sources and TWO nonresearch evidence sources that you considered. Note: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SAME PRIMARY AUTHOR FOR MORE THAN TWO ARTICLES. ARTICLES MUST NOT BE MORE THAN FIVE YEARS OLD. C. Use your research articles to develop a PICO (patient/population, intervention/indicator, comparison/control, and outcome) question based on the topic (I WILL SEND EXAMPLE) D. Complete the attached “Evidence Matrix,” using the five research evidence sources from scholarly journal sources you located during the literature review in part B. For each article, address the following points:. (Note: Upload a copy of the full text of the articles with your submission.) • author, journal name, and year of publication • research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed design, systematic review) • sample size (e.g., numbers of study participants, number of articles, number of control group participants) • outcome variables measured (e.g., identify what the research is measuring) • quality (using the following scale: A, B, C) • results/author’s conclusions (e.g., briefly summarize the outcome) THE MATRIX IS A TABLE WITH ALL INFORMATION INCLUDED, I WILL SEND AN EXAMPLE. E. Recommend a practice change that addresses the PICO question, using the evidence collected in the attached “Evidence Matrix.” You must use all five research articles from the “Evidence Matrix” attachment to support this recommendation via in-text citations. F. Describe a process for implementing the practice change from part E in which you do the following: 1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in the decision to implement the recommendation from part E. 2. Describe two specific barriers you may encounter when implementing the practice change from part E in the nursing practice setting. 3. Identify two strategies that could be used to overcome the barriers described in part F2. 4. Identify one indicator to measure the outcome (the O in PICO question) of the recommended change practice from part E.

Health Services

Health Services

•Compose a Data Report on Health Services

1. Compose a 3-5 page analysis of a topic of your choice.

The topic must be based on a topic that we have discussed in class to date and the analysis must be in the format of a research paper. No Exceptions. Points will be deducted for assignments that do not meet the page requirement and/or that are not written in paragraph form. a. Describe your topic and the significance of your topic from a Public Health viewpoint b. Why is this topic relevant form a public health or public policy perspective? In other words, why should we care about this? c. Create an argument for or against your topic of choice and provide at least 3 -5 examples that support your argument

Critical Ethical Issues in Health Care

Description An Appalachian patient in your health care facility wishes to stop treatment for his stage 4 bone cancer. His family is adamant that he continue the treatments. There have been multiple incidents where the family has verbally abused the nursing staff for consenting to the patient’s wishes. You decide to convene the ethics committee. Discuss this in a paper of 3–4 pages, including the following: Using the ethical decision-making frameworks of your choice, how will you lead this committee? Who would you include in the committee?  American College of Healthcare Executives. (2017). About ACHE: Ethics toolkit. Retrieved from Bonde, S., & Firenze. P. (2013, May). A framework for making ethical decisions. Retrieved from Santa Clara University. (2015, August 1). A framework for ethical decision making. Retrieved from

Cross-functional Team Presentation And Evaluation Memo

Description There are 2 pieces to this project The First part: A Power Point presentation for 2 Dimensions of Healthcare : 1 Patient experience of Care dimension 2. Health populations They need to use the link that is shown in the instructions and get information on the Maimonides Hospital and Bayridge/Dyker Heights area. I am requesting the same writer that had written about this area before on another paper for me. I was also very satisfied with the writers PowerPoint slides. Only 3 slides for each dimension and the writer must have written in notes within the PowerPoint what each slide is about.

They must follow instructions about PowerPoint. Extremely important. The second part can be broad but must follow instructions in terms of it being in Memo form. No more than 1 page answering the questions on the section in the instruction. The writer can state within the memo that, On a personal note, I have had a wonderful experience and that my team communicated by email. All instructions on the instruction sheet must be followed, Recheck for proper grammar usage.

What is the fundamental research question or immunology problem

This is a paper that is focusing on the what is the fundamental research question or immunology problem. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

What is the fundamental research question or immunology problem

Article Analysis and News & Views:
In this assignment, you will read and analyse a journal article that covers a recent advance/investigation in immunology research (Part 1). Using the knowledge gained from this analysis and associated background reading, you will write a short ‘News and Views’ style article that explains the importance and broader context for your selected paper (Part 2). This should be aimed towards a general scientific audience.

Part 1:

With your selected research paper, answer the following questions:

1.     Firstly, what is the fundamental research question or immunology problem that this paper is trying to address? (200 words)

2.     Secondly, what data has been used to answer the research question? (200 words)

3.     Thirdly, describe one main immunology/laboratory technique used in this paper. How does this technique work, and how does it help the researchers answer their question? (200 words)

4.     Fourthly, describe the controls used in this study. Are these controls appropriate? Are there additional controls (or control experiments) you would use? (200 words)

5.     Also, what alternative immunology/assay technique could be used to tackle the question/problem addressed in this paper? Describe how the suggested technique helps address the research question/problem (200 words)

Part 2 :

Using your selected paper, write a short ‘News and Views’ style article that explains the importance and also broader context of your chosen paper to a general scientific audience. This article should be no more than 2 pages in length (800-1000 words, single-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, excluding reference list), and should cover:

• The relevant background to the chosen paper: In what context has this work been done? What knowledge are they building on? What important concepts does the reader need to understand in order to understand the chosen paper?

• Major results/conclusions/contributions for the chosen paper: What new knowledge has this paper added to the field? Have they introduced a new tool or analysis technique? Also, have they used existing immunology/assay techniques to answer a fundamental biological question?

• Future directions for this research: What impact is this research likely to have on future work? Also, are there obvious follow-up studies that lead on from this research? Are there additional studies that need to be done to validate this research? This is a chance for you to express your scientific opinion.

To help guide you in this task, we have provided an example original research paper (Peng et al. 2020) and also associated ‘News and Views’ article (Swadling & Maini, 2013), as well as some hints for writing a News and Views article below.

As a medical professional or counselor, there are times when you might encounter adolescents who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia

As a medical professional or counselor, there are times when you might encounter adolescents who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia. Come up with a patient profile including the following:

As a medical professional or counselor there are times when you might encounter adolescents who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia

Nursing Life span and development dp 4
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 11, 12
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions

As a medical professional or counselor, there are times when you might encounter adolescents who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia. Come up with a patient profile including the following:

Patient’s age, weight, BMI
Daily eating behaviors
Possible causes of their anorexia or bulimia
As a follow-up to your initial post, your response post can propose a treatment plan.

Individual therapy
Biological therapies (medications)
Family therapy

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references