Type 2 Diabetes in Northern Ontario


The paper will be based on academic research and health organization data.

You may use graphs and charts to illustrate data.

The paper should be 6-8 pages excluding references in Times New Roman 12pt font.

Throughout the body of the paper, use in-text citation to indicate when you are using information or ideas from another source. All references used should be included with complete reference information under the References Cited section at the end of your paper.

Please use APA style references.

Your paper will highlight a real public health issue (type 2 diabetes) with a focus on your local context, Northern Ontario (if local data is unavailable, use data for all of Canada).

Paper Sections:

Introduction/Background: Provide a description of the health concern; what is its natural history, how is it caused, who is impacted and how? Local Impact: Present some local statistics (Northern Ontario). If there have been recent changes in these, discuss why.

Try to get as specific as possible. If local data is not available, discuss the national context (Canada).

The Role of Public Health: Describe past public health efforts and their impact (in northern Ontario, if not Canada). What worked, what didn’t? What are current social and public health programs aimed at addressing this concern? Conclusion: Summarize your findings. Provide some thoughts, advice, and recommendations for further progress.

References Cited: Complete bibliography in APA sty

Hand Hygiene and infections in hospital

Hand Hygiene and infections in hospital THE EASIEST APPROACH- Answer the questions directly, facts only. Please stick to the information from the articles. Articles CANNOT be more than 5 YEARS OLD (PLEASE). I will attach an example of the PICO table and the MATRIX TABLE. Please try to stick to no more than the 5 pages with the research information only. Please include the entire 7 articles with the final paper. Please address any questions as soon as they comes up. Thank you in advance. A. Write a summary of the significance and background of a healthcare problem by doing the following: Problem- HAND HYGIENE AND INFECTIONS IN HOSPITAL 1. Describe a healthcare problem that can be used to develop a PICO question 2. Explain the significance of the problem from part A1. 3. Describe the current healthcare practices related to the problem from part A1. 4. Discuss how the problem affects the organization and patients’ cultural background (i.e., values, health behavior, and preferences).. B. Complete a literature review by searching for a total of seven articles consisting of five research articles and two non-research articles related to the healthcare problem from part A1, and describe the search strategy you used to conduct the literature review by doing the following: B-1. Discuss TWO research evidence sources and TWO nonresearch evidence sources that you considered. Note: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SAME PRIMARY AUTHOR FOR MORE THAN TWO ARTICLES. ARTICLES MUST NOT BE MORE THAN FIVE YEARS OLD. C. Use your research articles to develop a PICO (patient/population, intervention/indicator, comparison/control, and outcome) question based on the topic (I WILL SEND EXAMPLE) D. Complete the attached “Evidence Matrix,” using the five research evidence sources from scholarly journal sources you located during the literature review in part B. For each article, address the following points:. (Note: Upload a copy of the full text of the articles with your submission.) • author, journal name, and year of publication • research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed design, systematic review) • sample size (e.g., numbers of study participants, number of articles, number of control group participants) • outcome variables measured (e.g., identify what the research is measuring) • quality (using the following scale: A, B, C) • results/author’s conclusions (e.g., briefly summarize the outcome) THE MATRIX IS A TABLE WITH ALL INFORMATION INCLUDED, I WILL SEND AN EXAMPLE. E. Recommend a practice change that addresses the PICO question, using the evidence collected in the attached “Evidence Matrix.” You must use all five research articles from the “Evidence Matrix” attachment to support this recommendation via in-text citations. F. Describe a process for implementing the practice change from part E in which you do the following: 1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in the decision to implement the recommendation from part E. 2. Describe two specific barriers you may encounter when implementing the practice change from part E in the nursing practice setting. 3. Identify two strategies that could be used to overcome the barriers described in part F2. 4. Identify one indicator to measure the outcome (the O in PICO question) of the recommended change practice from part E.

Health Services

Health Services

•Compose a Data Report on Health Services

1. Compose a 3-5 page analysis of a topic of your choice.

The topic must be based on a topic that we have discussed in class to date and the analysis must be in the format of a research paper. No Exceptions. Points will be deducted for assignments that do not meet the page requirement and/or that are not written in paragraph form. a. Describe your topic and the significance of your topic from a Public Health viewpoint b. Why is this topic relevant form a public health or public policy perspective? In other words, why should we care about this? c. Create an argument for or against your topic of choice and provide at least 3 -5 examples that support your argument

Critical Ethical Issues in Health Care

Description An Appalachian patient in your health care facility wishes to stop treatment for his stage 4 bone cancer. His family is adamant that he continue the treatments. There have been multiple incidents where the family has verbally abused the nursing staff for consenting to the patient’s wishes. You decide to convene the ethics committee. Discuss this in a paper of 3–4 pages, including the following: Using the ethical decision-making frameworks of your choice, how will you lead this committee? Who would you include in the committee?  American College of Healthcare Executives. (2017). About ACHE: Ethics toolkit. Retrieved from http://www.ache.org/abt_ache/EthicsToolkit/ethicsTOC.cfm Bonde, S., & Firenze. P. (2013, May). A framework for making ethical decisions. Retrieved from https://www.brown.edu/academics/science-andtechnology-studies/framework-making-ethical-decisions Santa Clara University. (2015, August 1). A framework for ethical decision making. Retrieved from https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethicsresources/ethical-decision-making/a-framework-for-ethical-decision-making/

Cross-functional Team Presentation And Evaluation Memo

Description There are 2 pieces to this project The First part: A Power Point presentation for 2 Dimensions of Healthcare : 1 Patient experience of Care dimension 2. Health populations They need to use the link that is shown in the instructions and get information on the Maimonides Hospital and Bayridge/Dyker Heights area. I am requesting the same writer that had written about this area before on another paper for me. I was also very satisfied with the writers PowerPoint slides. Only 3 slides for each dimension and the writer must have written in notes within the PowerPoint what each slide is about.

They must follow instructions about PowerPoint. Extremely important. The second part can be broad but must follow instructions in terms of it being in Memo form. No more than 1 page answering the questions on the section in the instruction. The writer can state within the memo that, On a personal note, I have had a wonderful experience and that my team communicated by email. All instructions on the instruction sheet must be followed, Recheck for proper grammar usage.

Advances and Disadvantages of Mobil Phones Contribution to Society


(THIS PAPER IS ON MOBIL PHONES!!!!!  Advances in technology have had a pervasive influence on society: the way we work, learn, interact with others and relax. Some of these advances have both benefitted our lives and engendered serious social and ethical problems.

Using the articles presented in class as well as lecture material, select a technological issue that exhibits the characteristics explained above.

Research the issue to determine different opinions and perspectives.

Then, take a stand on the issue and present your point of view, reflecting on how we can be responsible users of technology. Back up your position with concrete facts.

You must use a minimum of three references that should be submitted on a Reference page in any acceptable format such as MLA or APA. Note when you write your paper, use the following paragraph headings:

• Introduction of the Issue

• Description and Implications in Society of the Issue

• Position on the Issue Topic is on Mobil Phones

Asians affiliated with lung cancer

“to investigate a disease that runs in your family or ethnic group (colon cancer, type-2 diabetes, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, epilepsy, heart disease, alcoholism, arthritis, etc.) You may also choose a disease that interests you for some other reason. Gather reliable information about the disease, and present the information in an organized, logical, and well-written paper.” and also “List only those that you cited in your paper. References should include at least 2 scientific articles published after 2010, and 2 .gov websites. Format the references as described in the “Title and References” assignment. You may include new references not listed in your previous assignment.” Title: should be descriptive, but not more than 12 words long. Introduction: Briefly introduce your topic. What is the evidence that the disease is common in your family or ethnic group? You can include your personal interest in the topic. Body of paper: Describe the disease, including its prevalence, symptoms, general impacts on the body, and treatment In more detail, explain what is known about the causes of this disease Are there genetic causes or susceptibilities? Have specific genes been identified? Is it affected by lifestyle (e.g., diet, exercise, smoking)? Explain. Does the immune system influence the disease? (Certain conditions involve the immune system, like allergies or Type I diabetes.) Can the disease be prevented? If so, how? Conclusion/Analysis: What did you learn about this disease in relation to your family/ethnic group? How will the things you learned impact (or not) your lifestyle choices?

Euthanasia – medically assisted suicide

Description This is a PART 1 of a continuous QUALITATIVE research project. For this order, please follow ASSESSMENT 2 guidelines in the doc attached.Therefore, it must be the SAME WRITER for each order on this research paper. I will do the field work/research once ethical approval is obtained, and writer will help with all the written/paperwork accordingly. Writer must be committed for the next 9 months. Orders will be repeated and paid accordingly for the whole duration of the project. Writer must be willing to communicate and address feedback as Supervisor will guide and give feedback etc. FOR THIS ORDER: 1. I will need writer to help me with formulating the dissertation topic (on Euthanasia) and subsequently address it using the Dissertation Topic Choice Form. This should be done within the next few days. On the Dissertation Topic Choice Form: What is/are your research questions section, just briefly describe the data collection technique, i.e describe the Qualitative questionnaire such as author/literature and where you got it from. Actual questionnaire is not required yet at this point.  I will explain my research idea once a writer has been assigned. Generally, I would like to interview people or maybe university students about their views or experience regarding Euthanasia and legalising it in UK. Sample size will be around 10-12 people. The rest of it it’s best I discuss with writer, he/she will be able to guide me on this. 2. For the Assessment 2, I will inform writer once the dissertation topic choice form has been accepted and approved by Supervisor. It will probably take around 2 weeks to know this. 3. For this part, there is also a Presentation (please read the guideline doc attached). So I will place the order separately with payment. This will be a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic above. Further presentation criteria will be provided when I’m placing the order. I will confirm this order once Dissertation Topic Choice Form is approved by Supervisor. A FIRM REMINDER, DO NOT SUBMIT ANYTHING ON TURNITIN as I will be using that software for all uni submission. This is a post graduate taught program (MSc Nursing). For the number of references, it does matter. As many as you need, as long as all the statements are supported by literature and cited (in text) and referenced at the end as per HARVARD REFERENCING.

Scientific article on one of the following specific Neuroscience topics

Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on one of the following specific Neuroscience topics: Topics include
a) Spinal cord injury/recovery  b) Neuronal development; C) Rho GTPases in neurons; d) Nanomaterials in the nervous system.

Scientific article on one of the following specific Neuroscience topics

1. Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on one of the following specific Neuroscience topics: Topics include
a) Spinal cord injury/recovery
b) Neuronal development;
C) Rho GTPases in neurons;
d) Nanomaterials in the nervous system. 

To receive the points, the paper must be peer-review ed, from a scholarly journal and relate to some aspect of the special topics listed above. In addition, you must briefly explain the relevance of the paper and the findings, answering these questions:

Firstly, what aspect of neuroscience is addressed in the paper?

Secondly, what methods were use d to conduct the study?

Thirdly, what were the main results (what did they find in one sentence); and

Finally, what did they conclude from the results (what is the significance of the reported research)? Attach the file link.

2. Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on some aspect of Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology
To receive the points, the paper must be peer-review, from a scholarly journal and relate to some aspect of Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology.  In addition, you must briefly explain the relevance of the paper and the findings, answering these questions:

1) What aspect of neuroscience is addressed in the paper?
2) What methods were used to conduct the study?
3) What were the main results (what did they find in about one sentence)
4) What did they conclude from the results (what is the significance of the reported research)? Attach the file link.

3. Post a link to a study aid that you find useful for studying Neuroanatomy/ Neurophysiology. The link should be to resources other than those suggested by your book.
To receive the points, you must explain why you found the aid useful, the subject to which it pertains, and the link must be functional. Finally, provide the link and explanation in the message box.

Healthcare benefits changes in the age of COVID-19

This paper is on Healthcare benefits changes in the age of COVID-19. Introduction with sections on each of the subtopics is how I would approach this guidance document on covid-19 health plan changes.

Healthcare benefits changes in the age of COVID-19

Introduction with sections on each of the subtopics is how I would approach this guidance document on covid-19 health plan changes. You want to avoid technical jargon as much as possible, with the tone being more colloquial. Our goal would be to spur leader interest in making these kind of changes to their plans.

Subtopics –
Proof the increase in Telehealth services does not exceed the standard cost of healthcare utilization. Share the importance of Telehealth services with a chart to support the information of possible.

Proof of the decline in healthcare utilization (postponed) elective procedures, outpatients procedures. Additionally, provide any supporting charts if possible.

Increase Behavorial and mental health usage through virtual office visits and provide utilization. This supports the shift towards Telehealth and or virtual visits in this pandemic. Any proof decrease in this office visits?

Prescription drug usage decrease for chronic illness. Did mail order increase and provide an cost saving based on normal prescriptions utilization prior to pandemic?

Furthermore, how can we reallocate this cost saving to enhance the members plan?

Because the healthcare utilization decreased with elective procedures and routine medical care that have been postponed in light of the pandemic. We can also allocate those resources/funds to better benefit the members. For example, reducing future premiums, coinsurance, increased employer contribution to the HSA or HRA. Or employer paying for COVID-19 testing as the existing waivers are about to expire.

Here are links:

Analysis: Many Private Insurers Offer Financial Relief for COVID-19 Treatment, but Cost-Sharing Waivers Are Expiring


Five Things to Know about the Cost of COVID-19 Testing and Treatment

Analysis: Many Private Insurers Offer Financial Relief for COVID-19 Treatment, but Cost-Sharing Waivers Are Expiring

COVID-19 Test Prices and Payment Policy


How Have Health Care Utilization and Spending Changed So Far During the Coronavirus Pandemic?