ERP implementation

ERP implementation

This project will focus on simulating an actual organizational analysis for the main purpose of a possible ERP implementation. Step 1: You are the current Chief Information Officer from a big manufacturing company. You have been tasked to lead a team of technologist to develop the ERP project plan for the company. Step 2: After defining the team, you are tasked to answer these questions and embark on data gathering. Using APA standards and formatting, prepare a research paper outlining the answers to the above questions. Outline the business core competency – i.e. core product, services, industry position. Outline business impact both locally or globally. Breakdown business components What are the knowledge needed for each of the business component? What are some of the company’s business challenges and solutions implemented? You will need to provide at least two – three challenges and be able to provide solutions. What are some of the I.T. infrastructure components? Hardware – i.e. servers, multiple server location, backup Software – usage, strategy, project implementation i.e. ERP Database – usage, how, when, where Step 3: Include any design diagram that would illustrate the proposed ERP implementation. For example, illustrate the data integration between each of the major department in the organization.

What happened at Harpers Ferry, Virginia in October 1859? How was John Brown viewed in the North and South?

A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion, 1800-1860

1. Who are Louis and Clark and what are they exploring? Who helps them along the way?

2. What is the Missouri Compromise? How will the outcome shape the future of this country in the coming decades?

3. What was the greatest source of “discontent” with Mexico for the Americans who migrated to the Texas territory?

4. What happened at the Alamo? Were the Americans successful in their attempt to hold down the mission?

5. What were the three (3) main objectives for the American military in the war with Mexico? Were they successful in fulfilling these objectives? 6. What happens in 1849 in California? 7. Why did whites in California dislike the Chinese so much?

Health Care Workforce Shortages

Health Care Workforce Shortages

There were several different reasons for workforce shortages. You as a healthcare professional, need to identify these reasons for the workforce shortages. Please list the top three reasons you believe that there is a shortage and write a 1,500-1,750-word essay detailing your reasons. Remember to specifically address the following in your reasoning: Consider some short-term solutions. Consider some long-term solutions. Identify a special interest group or government agency that would help you write policy to solve the problem. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Psychotherapy vs. medication in treatment of mental illness

Take any modern psychological issue (e.g., psychotherapy vs. medication in treatment of mental illness) and look at it from the perspective of two theorists (mentioned below) The goal of this assignment is to learn about different sides of an argument from the perspectives of different theories or theorists, and then to apply that knowledge to a pertinent topic in psychology today. You may write your paper as an actual debate, or simply write a traditional paper comparing and contrasting the different perspectives. The main goal is to be able to take knowledge learned in this course and to apply it to some more recent idea or issue. Remember to make your topic and your debate as specific as possible since this is only a 5-page paper. Feel free to choose any two theorists or theories mentioned below. Just a few examples may be: Freud vs. Skinner on the causes and treatments of addiction Skinner vs. Rogers or any humanistic theorist on how to shape behavior and growth Any two theorists on whether emotions are helpful or harmful in decision making

The effect of climate change on the productivity and profitability of cod in the Barents Sea

The effect of climate change on the productivity and profitability of cod in the Barents Sea.
Software: Writers choice (Any)


Paper details:

Partly written masters thesis. I have written the introduction, literature review, the model and part of the data and parameters section but which still need to be updated if you think so. Requirement of about 45 pages, but 25 already written pages including outline to follow. There’s also data to be analyzed using surplus production model in excel. The climate change parameter used is temperature. Study focuses on cod stock in the Barents Sea the Norwegian share of the stock to be specific. Excel file with data is included which I can give more details if you don’t understand what formulas I used. Am comparing 2 scenarios one with climate change effect and one without. The temperature effect is measured through the carrying capacity parameter. I need to generate figures to include in my analysis. 1,5 spacing, 12 font size Times Roman. Am available to give more information in case you don’t understand anything.

Themes in Paradise Lost by John Milton and The Aeneid by Virgil Translated by Robert Fitzgerald

2 Texts, are Paradise Lost by John Milton and The Aeneid by Virgil Translated by Robert Fitzgerald “Your assignment is to write a Research Paper that contains the following elements: Title Page, Outline, Abstract, Body, and Works Cited Page. It is to be constructed in MLA format. The above guidelines give examples of that format. ” Your task is to write a paper that deals with any theme that we have discussed throughout this course. It can cover one or both texts. You can also think larger than this course, meaning you can write an interdisciplinary paper. Interdisciplinary means that it relates to more than one branch of knowledge. If you have a specific theme or idea that can marry well with something that has been covered in this course then find a creative way to purposefully write about it. Remember that your paper has to have a thesis. What can you persuade or prove? This is not to be an explanatory research paper like a book report, but rather it needs to have a purpose.

What is acceptable in a just society and what would make our world more just for all? Include in your argument the impact of injustice and what is worth fighting for and why.

In this unit we have read a variety of texts and discussed major issues that impact our society, including the wealth gap and two-tiered justice system, the prison industry and mass incarceration, child and slave labor, and racism and inequality—past and present. In “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula K. LeGuin we read about a so-called perfect utopia that relies on the misery of a child for its happiness and related that to our world today. We also read the masterpiece “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in which he argues against segregation and makes a powerful case for social justice and why it affects all of us. In this essay, you will discuss some of these issues and apply ideas from King and LeGuin as you contemplate the questions: Is it acceptable to destroy or sacrifice people or things in order for some to have comfort and happiness? And, if we witness injustice, do we have an obligation to fight against it? If so, what should people be willing to risk?

Application of Statistics in Health Care

 Application of Statistics in Health Care


Paper details:

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following: Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership. Consider your organization or specialty area and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making. Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Clinical or Management Problem or Issue


Now that you have completed your synthesis paper, you will need to present your findings. Required Presentation Content:

Clinical or Management Problem or Issue

Background/ significance of problem Clinical question—PICOT Search parameters, methods, sources, yield Summary of critical appraisal of evidence Clinical practice implications Define project as QI, EBP, or research Conclusions—Limitations—Recommendations References Please the paper you have done for this

Reducing Hospital Readmissions Among High Risk COPD Patient

 Please follow the rubric. my part is the Evidence-Based Intervention. the attached file that says 3120954920 is my part I had someone write for me. and the file that says COPD readmission was writing by everyone else in my group. please edit my part and add it to the file that says COPD readmission to make everything make sense. when you add my part, make sure it fills up page 4-5, please. please check the sources and make sure that it’s from 2014-2019 look at dates remember when using peer-reviewed articles.