Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the content learned in the course to the incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest.

Incremental development of a plan research relevant to your area of interest

Firstly, The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the content learned in the course to the incremental development of a plan to answer a research question relevant to your area of interest.


Produce a 3-5 page paper that applies elements from the topic “Formulating a research problem” to your area of research. Utilize APA standards where appropriate.

Secondly, This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

Advanced Competency

Furthermore, Organization of paper as a whole is logical and quickly apparent. Connections among paragraphs are clearly articulated with smooth transitions between paragraphs. Every paragraph makes one distinct and coherent point.


Thirdly, Organization of paper as a whole is logical and apparent but transitions between paragraphs are not consistently smooth. Every paragraph makes one distinct and coherent point. The parts of each paragraph connect logically and effectively

Minimally Competency

Fourthly, Organization of the paper as a whole can only be discerned with effort. Not all parts of the paper fit the organizational structure or are not effectively integrated. There is not a distinct or coherent point in paragraphs or the parts do not connect logically.

No Competency

Organization of the paper as a whole is not logical or discernible.

Besides, This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clarity

Advanced Competency

Throughout the paper, wording is precise and unambiguous. Sentence structure is consistently clear and lucid.


Additionally, Paper is for the most part precisely worded and unambiguous. Sentence structure is mostly clear.

Minimally Competency

Also, Wording is imprecise or ambiguous fairly often throughout the paper. Sentence structure is often confusing.

No Competency

Besides, Throughout the paper, wording is imprecise or ambiguous. Sentence structure is consistently confusing.

This criterion is link to a Learning Outcome Mechanics.

Advanced Competency

Moreover, Paper is clean and appropriately formatted. There are no incomplete or run-on sentences. There are virtually no spelling or grammatical errors.


Paper is clean but there are some formatting errors. There are a few incomplete or run-on sentences. There are a few minor spellings or grammatical errors.

Minimally Competency

Paper is clean but there are many formatting errors. There are a number of incomplete or run-on sentences. There are a number of spelling and grammatical errors.

No Competency

Firstly,Paper is not formatted. There are many incomplete or run-on sentences. There are many spelling and grammatical errors.

Secondly, This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEthical application

Advanced Competency
Also, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is clear and thoroughly addresses all of the required discussion points.

Further, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is clear and adequately addresses all of the required discussion points.

Minimally Competency
Moreover, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is minimally clear and/or minimally addresses all of the required discussion points.

No Competency
Additionally, Discussion of ethical risk for the proposed research is unclear and does not adequately address all of the required discussion points.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Professional literature usage.

Advanced Competency

Firstly, Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant professional literature sources. Exceeds the minimum numbers of required sources of which all are from peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Secondly, Demonstrates use of high-quality, credible, relevant professional literature sources. Meets the minimum number of required sources of peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Minimally Competency
Further, Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant professional literature sources. Meets the minimum required number of professional literature sources but not all are from peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Web sites utilized are not all from an authoritative source.

No Competency
Also, Demonstrates minimal to no attempt to use credible and/or relevant professional literature sources. Does not meet the minimum number of required sources. Web sites utilized are mostly not from an authoritative source.


Lastly, Total Points: 24.0

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