Apply the concepts on groups and teams to a real life situation

The goal of this assignment is to apply the concepts on groups and teams to a real life situation that you have experienced. Use a team that you are currently a part of or have previously been a part of.

Apply the concepts on groups and teams to a real life situation

The goal of this assignment is to apply the concepts on groups and teams to a real life situation that you have experienced. Use a team that you are currently a part of or have previously been a part of.

Be sure to apply the weekly materials in your answers.
Be specific in your answers. For example, don’t just say your task performance was good. Explain why it was good.
Number each response and respond to each of the following:

First, use the text and course content to determine the team type and analyze the team’s composition (e.g., member roles, member ability, member personality, team diversity, and team size).

Please include enough information for us to understand whether you believe the team size is appropriate for the team type.

Please briefly summarize the team task roles, team building roles, and individualistic roles that are present on the team.

Explain team diversity in terms of both surface and deep level diversity. Are any important abilities or personality types missing that would help make the team more effective? Explain why your team was a team rather than a group.

Second, analyze the same team’s states (cohesion, group think, potency, mental models, and trans active memory).

Did your team experience any decision making failures (e.g., groupthink, social loafing, and polarization? Explain your answer.

Third, critique the team interdependence for the team (task interdependence, goal interdependence and outcome interdependence).

Provide enough context to fully understand whether you believe the interdependence is appropriate for the team.

Fourth, determine whether your team tends to have process loss or process gain. Why do you believe the team experienced either process loss or process gain?

Fifth, self-assess your own effectiveness as a team member. Did you engage in social loafing? Which team roles did you assume?

Finally, if your team has process loss, develop a plan that includes at least two ideas to improve team effectiveness OR if your team has process gain, develop a plan that includes as least two ideas to maintain or further improve team effectiveness. Support your ideas with peer reviewed studies.

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