Coronavirus pandemic-Reflect on something that you have observed 

This paper focuses on Coronavirus pandemic. Reflect on something that you have observed or experienced about the Coronavirus pandemic that demonstrates one of the lessons of critical thinking you have learned this semester.

Coronavirus pandemic-Reflect on something that you have observed

Firstly, Reflect on something that you have observed or experienced about the Coronavirus pandemic that demonstrates one of the lessons of critical thinking you have learned this semester.

Secondly, Explain (in some detail) how it does this.

*Do not make up an example, but rather find one in a reputable online, video or paper news source, and cite the source.

Further, If you come across a claim or set of claims (in an online, video or paper news source) that demonstrates one of the psychological or philosophical obstacles to CT from Chapter 2, you can identify which obstacle you find present in the claim(s) and explain how it is operating.


If you come across an enumerative induction (in an online, video or paper news source) about the Pandemic, you can identify the sample, target, and relevant property and explain why you would evaluate it as weak or strong (based on the nature of the sample).
You can draw from the material from any chapter we’ve covered thus far.

Chapter 1

Identifying premises + conclusion in arguments; Also, distinguishing arguments from explanations.

Chapter 2

Psychological and philosophical obstacles to critical thinking

Chapter 3

Additionally, Distinguishing between deductive and inductive arguments.

Chapter 4

Identifying and evaluating deductive arguments as valid/invalid, sound/unsound.

Chapter 5

Identifying and evaluating inductive arguments (enumerative inductions and opinion polls) as strong/weak, reliable/unreliable.

More details;

Coronavirus pandemic

There’s still so much we don’t know about the virus… how contagious is it? How severe is it? Will warm weather end the pandemic? How long will a vaccine take? Upon surviving the virus, how long will immunity last?

So take what I’m about to say here with a roll of toilet paper, but what I believe thus far is that the pandemic will go through four main stages.

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